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Everything posted by Anlúan

  1. Rather than wade into rather outdated distinctions, I'd recommend getting the new Dragon Pass book if you haven't already and reviewing the backgrounds for Sartar, Old Tarsh, Tarsh, and the Far Place there. You can always elaborate if needed for your game, but those are really the distinctions now, not something from migrations happening 300 years prior (after all which migrations were your ancestors part of 300 years ago?). Thank you for this! I didn’t realise those were particularly outdated. I hope I don’t bore you guys with my floundering about if I’m honest. There is so much to take in! I’ve been reading the new book, and that made me come across the new Spirit Cults, which gave me a few questions in regards to them. 1) Can someone join a Spirit Cult and a Rune Cult? 2) Why would someone join a Spirit Cult rather than a Rune Cult? 3) Is it plausible to make a Chaos Spirit Cult, or are they all Rune Cults? As I was considering having a Homebrew Chaos… entity (spirit? demigod?) called Asgrela. Beyond Spirit Cults, I was curious on a few other things: 4) Who are the Western Barbarians mentioned in the family history portion of character creation? 5) What do the Orlanthi (generally) think of Annilla? Is she just another Lunar thing to hate, or is there more nuance there than with The Red Goddess? I imagine Dormal / Engizi / Choralinthor Followers have different feelings about her? 6) If Yelm Initiate status can only pass from Pure Horse Person, in a patrilineal fashion, doesn’t that suggest his faith is suffering greatly?
  2. I find this fascinating, and it's definitely something I'll keep in mind as I plan my upcoming game. I've read the part about Tribes in WF#15 now, and I have a question. Old Hendriki, Telmori, Yelmalions/Yelmalians, Dark Orlanthi, Prax Orlanthi Tarshite, Old Tarshite and Kerofini all make sense as distinct cultural groups, but what of Sword/Axe/Light(weaponry) Orlanthi? It feels a meek distinction compared to the rest? Are they refered to like that anywhere else? Also I did list "Tarshite, Old Tarshite and Kerofini" instead of "Tarshite and Earth Tarsh" as in the WF#15, just for clarity, as "Tarshite" in the text in question seems to be refering to what is called "Old Tarshite" in the R:RiG books, and Earth Tarsh is refering explictly to tribes that originated in Old Tarsh, not the Tarshite refugees Old Tarsh is mostly known for - so I've called them Kerofini. This leads into another question. Tarshite is split by Lunar (then by Wideread vs Pharandros), Old (then split by refugee or kerofini), Sartar has the Tribes with many angles, Prax has its tribes. Grazelanders have the Vendref and Pure Horse Person split, as well as if they follow the Feathered Horse Queen "Reaches All" or Luminous Stallion King. But what of Esrolia? I know very little of the place comparatively.
  3. Thank you! I'm just going to pick up #15 right now and give it a read!
  4. The new book is very helpful, especially in fleshing out the Far Place in the R:RiG books! But it doesn't tell me much about who the other 3 Tribes of Alda-Chur are. Where could I learn more about the culture of the Dinacoli, Princeros and Tovtaros Tribes?
  5. Thank you so much for this summary. I'm very excited to learn about more Sea, Solar and Darkness Gods as the books release. For my Odaylan Noble NPC (Called "Sondr" as I finally gave him a name), I'm going to give him some allies that the players can meet. Just two, I think. A Chalana Arroy healer and a Lorion-worshipping boatman/messenger/scout? I'm pretty set on the Lorion-worshipper, but the Chalana Arroy character might get swapped out for Asrelia? I've thought that this Noble, Sondr, will be an interesting NPC contact as the Orlanthi sends him to keep the Lunar Politicians in Alda-Chur in check, as he'd be more acceptable to the Lunars as an Odaylan, but they also want to make sure Sondr doesn't turn the same way as the Sylila (Sylilan? I'm not sure what the adjective form is!) and submit to those nobles. As one of the players is playing a Sartarite Noble that rolled to be present at the crowning of Kallyr Starbrow, would it be reasonable to say they've been asked to make sure that Sondr doesn't convert in such a manner? As if the Sartarites are hedging their bets. Thank you for the write-up. That helps a bit. Still confusing, but I guess it's always confusion! Not sure exactly where I'll put them politically. Maybe tomorrow's book will give me ideas and answers! Hi there! Thank you for joining the thread! And I'll take that into account, for sure! --- I also picked up King of Dragon Pass and Six Ages on Steam to immerse myself some more. After a little play of KoDP, I've noticed some Gods that aren't in the Prosopaedia? Why's that?
  6. And, for today, one last post; two more questions! What's the difference between Engizi and Lorion? If Engizi is the god of just the main river in Dragon Pass, what about all the other rivers? I ask this both in terms of lore (are they all other gods?) and mechanics (do you just use the Engizi cult?)
  7. As for this: thank you, I think I will as soon as I start the game in a month or two! I'm sure my Lunar Tarsh Philosopher will want to start crafting right away!
  8. I must say after reading all this... I... what? I don't get it at all. I think I see why people are in debate about it!
  9. Thanks for the explanation jajagappa! Does the “Why I Ruined Your Glorantha” article still exist? And rolling back to Odayla, I was just reading about him in the Lightbringer book. Why isn’t Hwarin Dalthippa one of the associated cults? If it were, what spell would you think she’d grant?
  10. I didn’t realise the Vantaros were pro-Lunar! How come? As for Elmal / Yelmalio, dare I ask why it is a point of contention in the real world?
  11. One other question. I read that the Red Goddess tamed the Sky Bear? How does that play out considering Odayla?
  12. I'm leaning towards Odayla, I think. An Odaylan Nobleman in Alda-Chur trying to keep the city somewhat under the boot of Sartar whilst the military of Sartar recovers from the post-Dragonrise battles. He'll be opposed by Yelmalio (Elmal? Not sure on the difference) cultists of the Vantaros Tribe, and Lunar Nobles who are well-aware they can't start throwing down without having their relative idependance as a "neutral" trading hub thrown into question. This nobleman is aided by the party, and local Lightbringer-leaning folks, including a Lorion-Worshipping messenger who will act as a point for travel via rivers when the party progress beyond the local area. Those of Earth Pantheons are somewhat split, with Red Earth leaning to the nobility (if they should be here?), and the rest split between the Yelmalians and Orlanthi. That gives a good skeleton of a political layout to build stories on! I might add some Polaris followers? Though, similar to by Yelmalio/Elmal questions, that may be answered when Sky Gods comes out.
  13. I'm fascinated by the idea of an Odalya / Yinkin Nobleman. How would you think that would work, as I would feel very "typecast" into hunter/survivalist/scout types?
  14. Thank you very much for the offer, but I'm using a Foundry module at the moment. ^^
  15. Thanks for the updates! Has anyone built new sorcery spells a lot? My Lunar Tarsh Philosopher really wants to lean into learning to craft new Sorcery spells. The core rulebook has some rules, but as I am new the R:RiG system I am concerned with balancing. Any suggestions? On an unrelated note, what Cult would a Sartarite Noble in Alda-Chur probably lean to? I don't want him to lean Lunar nor Yelmalio as they'll be their own factions, nor Humakti as I want him to be a foil to the Humakti that's honourbound to him, rather than a out-and-out superior. So instead I have a few options: Orlanth Rex, Ernalda (Husband-Protector being Orlanth), or maybe Asrelia? Any other suggestions?
  16. Oh that'll be wonderful! Thanks for letting me know.
  17. Continuing from those links, who are the Vantaros tribe?
  18. Thank you for these links. In the Alda-Chur one, it mentions Polaris? What's that? Also I may not use all this as I have something different in mind for Alda-Chur, but I this is all very useful information. I'll mull on it and post where I place Alda-Chur when I've settled on something - and after the Dragon Pass book drops next week!
  19. Oooh where does it explain that? Because the husband-protector the Esrolian farmer picked for Ernalda was Yelmalio.
  20. A few people have pointed out the possible pitfalls with a new party, so I thought it may be an idea to write out who I am running for! An Old Tarsh Humakti Warrior, who is honourbound to serve a (yet unnamed) nobleman from Alda-Chur.* This nobleman and the Humakti found a Lunar Tarsh Philosopher (and Seven Mothers Cultist) evading assassination attempts, as she had thrown her lot in with Wideread and was being targetted during the retreat of Wideread's forces by Pharandros loyalists. The nobleman and Humakti saved her, and took her in, on the conditions that they don't do any damn Chaos magic. The Humakti is tasked with making sure she doesn't break that oath. The Seven Mothers player wanted to play a "Shadow-Weaver from She-Ra type of character", and the Humakti wanted to play her "jailer or something similar", so this seemed like a good way to fit it in. It's also a test of character for the Old Tarshite, as Humakti are meant to cut themselves from their old lives, so he's in a bit of a "I hate this Lunar Tarshite, but I'm now Humakti" situation. A Lhankor Mhy scribe from Esrolia who is terrified of Dragons due to the Dragonrise, and turns that fear into a desire to know everything about them. He's going to end up tangled in it due to travelling to the Alda-Chur library as they have Dragonewt Lore in scrolls and tomes from past researchers who looked into the adjacent Dragonewt Wilds. A Ernalda farmer from Esrolia (yet to bind this character to the group, but the player is happy that they go off and travel to help wherever they can. Simple. A Sartarite Nobleman (Vingan) who worships Valind. I've had it that they are a chief of a village near Old Wind, the temple to Orlanth in the south of Sartar. Their village is a pit-stop for pilgrims to Old Wind. They're going to be related to the Alda-Chur noble (by blood, honour or friendship, yet undecided). * - The nobleman is going to be Sartarite, and the primary questgiver to begin with. I'm running Alda-Chur as having mostly Lunar nobles, but the Lunar nobles are in a position where if they tried to promote the Lunar Way they'd be crushed by Sartar and Old Tarsh, or at least be a target. In the past, these Alda-Churi Lunar nobles were killed and 'trimmed down' due to their attempts to become independant from Sartar, so they're focusing more on being a trading hub at the moment. Due to this, Lunar religions are present (Etyries, Irrippi Ontor and the rest of the Seven Mothers), but the military training of Seven Mothers cultists has been harshly restricted (which I'll use as the motive for an inciting incident later). The reason I want to know about Holay is that the Lunar Tarsh Philosopher had their Grandmother killed by 'a neighbouring homeland', and we picked Holay to explain why she distanced herself from the Empire and ended up on the assassin kill-list. [Edit: So I wanted to know what might have caused a skirmish between Lunar Tarsh and Holay]
  21. Anlúan

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  22. Thank you for all your responses! Especially the explanations on the axes, that was confusing me somewhat. I've got 4 follow-up questions on where to find specific lore / rules at the moment. is there a good R:RiG book that covers the Elder Wilds? Same question for Holay. Did a follow-up book for Sorcery come out as the core rulebook notes? As my Pfp suggests, I love Minotaurs (which you may find me refering to as Moocows), so I was wondering which Gods they follow in canon.
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