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Everything posted by Anlúan

  1. What's this when it's at home?
  2. Those darn players, I'm doing so much homework! 😒 Seriously, though, where are these handouts?
  3. And 👆this👆, too ! 😁 I consider these books mandatory for a Nochet and/or Esrolia campaign (unless you have a very-clear YGWV vision of your own); and at least very-strongly-recommended even if you are Varying. Oh I do intend to get these if my group is coming down from Alda-Chur to Esrolia! But at the moment I am just trying to get my bearings on the basics those characters will know.
  4. Thank you for the advice! I'm reading through Arcane Lore at the moment and me and a friend are thoroughly interested in it. I've been reading around to make some little write-ups for my players, and as I started reading up on Esrolia I became curious about the Red Earth, Warm Earth and Old Earth Alliances. It's only mentioned briefly in R:RiG, and I've read the sections in both the Glorantha Sourcebook and the Lands of RuneQuest: Dragon Pass books. From what I gather, the Red Earth were pro-lunarisation? I assume this is the idea that Ernalda will wed the Red Moon, which they call Sedenya (at least, that is how someone in my other topic about favourite Cults put it)? And are they utterly gone now, or still a presence? Or, is this a YGMV/YGWV situation? (I suppose every situation is one, but you get what I mean!) I guess from the name that the Warm Earth Alliance are Caladralanders, and the Old Earth Alliance are Esrolians who refuse lunarisation. But then why the difference? Do these two come into conflict as well?
  5. As I mentioned, I've been thinking about writing a short selection of adventures for people to do in Alda-Chur / Alone. I really like the social dynamics I can build in The Far Point, and I have so many ideas! Of course, this is only a jumping-off point. I'll check the guidelines, but from this (and WF15) I'd only want to take the list of tribes names and general vibe, the population figures, and the list of shrines. And thanks for pointing this out. I hadn't really considered if I'd get help. At the moment it only feels like it'd be a short write-up, but I suppose these things can grow! This is a problem for way later, but I may need to find people for that. I'm the local RQ fan in my friend group and they're yet to play. Thank you both for your help! I'll get cracking on an outline after I read the guidelindes, and then check out those groups.
  6. The title says it all really. I've been tempted to write something for CoC for a long time, and as I'm planning my campaign (see the Starting my First game thread) I've been curious about maybe taking that creativity to the Jonstown Compedium instead. I'm only thinking small for the time being, and I'd probably have it centered around Alda-Chur.
  7. Noted! I picked up: - The Glorious Reascent of Yelm - Arcane Lore (I know very little of Heroquests, only what King of Dragon Pass and Six Ages goes into. - The Middle Sea Empire (Curiousity) - Esrolia, The Land of Ten Thousand Goddesses (as two of my players are Esrolian and know little of it)
  8. I understood they were pretty powerful, I just didn't understand what tied them to be loyal to Sartar. I suppose the 1625ST situation is that Kallyr needs to prove her legitimacy to them to reinstate the old allegiance? Ooh I'll look into that. I was mostly going cult-by-cult but I didn't really thumb through the bestiary. Thank you. On another note, I now have some rough plans for my story moving forwards, so I'm turning to read the King of Sartar. Would folks recommend any of the other 9 books in the Stafford Library?
  9. Are all Hsunchen chaotic, or just Telmori? Either way, why? And why aren't Telmori targetted more often?
  10. Do all of these tribes transform from human to animal form, or is that just Telmori? Also, do they have a hybrid form?
  11. I love this.
  12. This is not something I'd ever really want to run, more just a thought experiment. What would Glorantha be like in 5600ST, if we were to assume they progressed at a similar rate to Earth? What would Cults be like? How would Runes fit into a modern world? Would they progress differently to Earth due to these factors?
  13. Still working away on the first few bits-and-peices and a thought arises. Is there a god of Badgers? Or is that just Flanar(?) God of Carnivores? Because I think badgers are adorable and may make a spirit cult.
  14. I’m still working on the details of those Wyters for each military wing in the Lunar Barracks, and as a bit of a side-project whilst I mull that over I was designing a villain. What Cult would be best for a mesmerist villain?
  15. Thanks for all the links there!
  16. So far we have, by number of mentions: Elmal/Yelmalio (4) Orlanth (4) Eurmal (3) Humakt (3) The Red Goddess / Sedenya (3) Argan Argar (2) Maran Gor (2) Thanatar (2) Zorak Zoran (2) Arachne Solara (1) Babeester Gor (1) Ernalda (1) Foundchild (1) Hwarin Dalthippa (1) Kyger Litor (1) Mastakos (1) Nysalor/Gbaji (1) Storm Bull (1) Valind (1) Vivamort (1) Yinkin (1) Anything in itallics are ones that aren't playable. Included them anyway because why not. Also counted Sedenya as The Red Goddess as they were a Moon goddess prior to her. I was really curious which cults were the most popular, and Yelmalio, Orlanth, Eurmal and Humakt make a lot of sense. I'm just surprised that Storm Bull hasn't got more mentions yet! (Edit: Also when people mentioned multiple I counted each mention, since I wasn't sure how to list that - just to simplify it down. If you've already posted and got other favourites, feel free to share!)
  17. I'm just writing up what my players will be getting up to in 1625, and I was wondering. Is there a definite 'canon' timeline? I've read somewhere that Kallyr has
  18. I see. How would Green Bow expand upon Red Moon and White Bear sorry? White Boar, I know who that is. But White Bear?
  19. Why is Green Bow a regimental hero cult? Also, one thing I don't quite understand is why Green Bow, if they are some sort of ancient warrior, isn't an ancestor or spirit cult. I do really like the concept of Green Bow, I just want to make sure I understand it when I explain it to my players.
  20. Aah, so Humakti cultusts within the Lunar areas would be more like... Lunar-loyal mercenaries and warriors who don't want to enlist for one reason or another, and the Lunars of other faiths may worship Humakt in the hope of sating him.
  21. We'll only be covering playable cults that are already in the most recent edition, listed below. So no Cult of the Bloody Tusk, nor Crimson Bat. Feel free to be as descriptive as you like, and if you prefer a subcult that is in the edition, feel free to list that. I just didn't list subcults beyond the most notable below as the list would rapidly become enormous! Rune Cults Aldrya Argan Argar Asrelia Babeester Gor Barntar Caladra & Aurelion Chalana Arroy Daka Fal Donandar Eiritha Engizi Ernalda (and which Husband-Protector?) Etyries Eurmal Flamal Foundchild Gagarth The Grain Goddesses Green Bow Heler Hon-eel the Artess Humakt Hwarin Dalthippa Issaries Lanbril Lhankor Mhy Mastakos Maran Gor Mostal Nysalor/Gbaji Odayla Orlanth (Adventurous, Thunderous, Rex, Vinga) Pamalt The Red Emperor The Red Goddess The Seven Mothers Danfive Xaron Deezola Irrippi Ontor Jakaleel the Witch Teelo Nori Yanafal Tarnils Storm Bull Ty Kora Tek Uleria Valind Voria Waha the Butcher Yara Aranis Yelm Yelmalio Ygg Yinkin Spirit Cults Black Fang Brotherhood Damal Oakfed If I have missed any, please let me know!
  22. My confusion stems from the fact that Humakt and Yanafal Tarnils seem opposed. I thought there'd be a stronger split between the two.
  23. To be honest I was just going off of numbers. Alda-Chur has 4000 Lunar Soldiers in that barracks. I was uncertain if a single Wyter could cover as wide an array of Cults as Polaris/Humakt/Yanafal Tarnils, honestly. Also, why is there a Huamkti place of worship in a Lunar Barracks? I assume there is some sort of Humakti schism, as there is a place to workship Humakt both within the city and the barracks.
  24. So, after a bit of brainstorming, I have the following: Within Alda-Chur: Earth Temple Complex: (Great Temple to Ernalda, plus others listed below) Form: A large, golden snake Idol: A golden snake statuette with one topaz and one sapphire eye Bonded Person: Rune Priestess of Asrelia Stats: POW 38, CHA 20 Role: Guardian of children and the granary Unique Abilities: Asrelia's Cavern, Command (Snake), Repair Other Notes: Also covers the Shrines to Asrelia (obviously), Babeester Gor, Ty Kora Tek and Voria, as well as the Minor Temple to Maran Gor. It also covers Chalana Arroy's Temple, as it is part of the Earth Temple Complex. Great Temple of the Seven Mothers: (Great Temple) Form: A floating tiara of stars Idol: A locket with a strand of red hair within, supposedly a hair of the Goddess Bonded Person: Witch of Jakaleel Stats: POW 37, CHA 20 Role: To protect those of the Lunar Way from Storm-worshipping barbarians. Unique Abilities: Can be worn by people of its own choosing, allowing them to cast Rune Spells that use the Moon Rune with +20% Sun Dome Temple: (Major Temple) Form: A gryphon formed of light Idol: A lantern made of white gold that never needs fuel Bonded Person: The Yelmalion High Priest (who is on the Ring) Stats: POW 34, CHA 19 Role: To fend off creatures of Darkness. Trolls do not want to go close to the temple due to a vague unease. Unique Abilities: If the gryphon encompasses a Troll, another creature of Darkness or a being with a Darkness Rune of 80% or more, they suffer Fearshock as if under attack from a Darkness Elemental. Thunderer Temple: (Major Temple) This once had a spirit bonded to holy, winged sandals, which took the form of a Wind Child with blue skin, but they are gone as the temple is closed. Humakti Temple: (Minor Temple) Form: a recently-past warrior of Alda-Chur who was slain for not buckling under the rule of Harvar Ironfist and submitting to Lunar rule, all to maintain an honourbound oath to Orlanthi nobles. She was and is called Hakrothta the Stern. Idol: Hakrothta's own sword, which had to be kept hidden during Harvar's reign. Bonded Person: The highest ranking Sword of Humakt. Stats: POW 27, CHA 19 Role: To protect the Humakti Temple from looting, and to protect it on a social level so that it is not subsumed into the larger military outside the city. Unique Abilities: None, but Hakrothta's Sword is made of a black materal that will not break nor bend, and does not take any damage. Only her spirit, or someone she allows to, may weild it. Issaries Temple: (Minor Temple) Form: A spirit that takes the form of many herd animals - bison, goat, cow - though distinguishable due to having circular patterns on its hide. Idol: A crude idol of a goat made from a wheel, lunar, clack and bolg melted together Bonded Person: The local market priest. Stats: POW 35, CHA 15 Role: To maintain the peace between the four Alda-Churi tribes and any other people who come here. To shelter peaceful Trolls from the Light of Yelmalio whilst in the market (Trolls who trick this Wyter into believing they are innocent are also under this protection, it is not a lie detector when paired with the Yelmalion Wyter). Unique Abilities: None, aside from protecting Uz from the feeling of unease whilst in the market and surrounding areas, including the Argan Argar shrine. Other Notes: This Wyter also covers the Argan Argar Shrine. Knowledge Temple (Lhankor Mhy): (Minor Temple) Form: A living inkblot. Idol: An inkwell which must not be used. Bonded Person: Sage Stats: POW 25, CHA 16 Role: To guide people throughout the library and to be a living record of the most important works Unique Abilities: It has 50% in all Lore skills (except Homeland and Cult Lore, which are specific to Alda-Chur and Lhankor Mhy). It only shares this knowledge with those who appease it Weaver's Guild (Gorakiki): (Shrine) Form: A red insect Idol: A ruby crudely carved into the form of an insect Bonded Person: The eldest weaver in the guild Stats: POW 14, CHA 7 Role: To aid in the cultivation of insects for dyes, and to buzz a warning if there is a fire Unique Abilities: None. Within the Lunar Garrison: Temple to the Seven Mothers, Yanafal Tarnils, Polaris and Humakt: (Major Temple) Form: A swirl of red feathers, which takes the form of a face. Idol: A single red feather from the plume of the first Alda-Churi Lunar soldier to die during Starbrow's Rebellion Bonded Person: Highest ranking Scimitar of Yanafal Tarnils. Stats: POW 36, CHA 12 Role: A record of history, so that the soldiers do not become complacent and swayed to settle under Orlanthi rule. Unique Abilities: Morale, Oath. Thoughts on each of these? They're my first attempts so I'm not sure what is viable and what isn't.
  25. Okay. So can Wyters be more vibrant than animals? The rulebook specifically says they’re not ghosts, but does that mean ancestral spirits are a no-go too? For example, could the Knowledge Temple have a spirit that’s a living inkblot?
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