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Everything posted by Anlúan

  1. Aaah that makes more sense. And then weapons with 1 characteristic similar get half skill if they don’t have higher? So if they picked up a weapon they don’t know, for example a 2hr sword, they could roll 1/2 2hr Axe (battle axe) or just the base statistic?
  2. Thank you for the big response! First off, I’m not really a forums guy usually - but I’ve been struggling to keep up with Discord servers so I thought this may be a better medium. However that does mean I don’t understand a few abbreviations here! Cf, IOW GM fiat, specifically. Then in regards to the axe, Old Tarsh’s cultural bonus.
  3. Recently, I have left 5e (with only a few sessions left in my last game) due to a multitude of factions. AI art, WotC/Hasbro, etc. So! I'm a new DM to this world. I have been reading through the lore in each R:RIG book + the Guide to Glorantha, so this doesn't really going to be a topic regarding lore questions for the most part. Instead I'd like to ask: What resources would people point me to? My players have picked out their Homelands, Occupations and Cults, but their biggest irk at the moment is that they don't have access to the knowledge I do, as they're used to having a deep wiki to trawl through. Are there any good resources they can view? What safety tool would be best to have in place? I use the X-card, but does anyone else have suggestions? Are there any 'usually slipped up' mechanics that people may want to point out? And most importantly: Oh by Orlanth, how do weapon skills work? For example, if a character gets +15 to Battleaxe, Battleaxe is a weapon that can be used in 1 or 2 hands. Do they get: a) +15 to "1h Axe" & "2h Axe" b) +15 to "1h Axe (Battleaxe)" & "2h Axe (Battleaxe)" c) +15 to "1h Axe" or "2h Axe" d) +15 to "1h Axe (Battleaxe)" or "2h Axe (Battleaxe)" e) Or something else entirely?! Thanks for the help!
  4. 😄 I look forwards to it! Thank you for letting me know.
  5. Do we know if Annilla will be in any future Cults of Runequest books? I really, really hope she is in Darkness or Sea. 🤞
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