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Posts posted by kaddawang

  1. If I'm gonna be brutally honest, then no, I don't really care much about vehicle-stats;)

    But the work here is rock solid and should be in the downloads under resources. I'll probably use this if I get another Delta Green game going.

    And that comparative STR/HP/kW-thingy was brilliant. Not really sure what I might use it for, but there is something strangely compelling about it.

  2. Ok, I finally got the package from the Chaosium-sale(thrice damned norwegian customs!), with a lot of good stuff. One of which were Corum - a supplement for Stormbringer. This book, apart from being overall awesome, also had a brilliant, freeform magic-system. The system works as it stands, and it is also very tinker-friendly.

    If you can, get one while they still have any left. Now.

  3. Inspired by a discussion on The Elder Scrolls-forums, I put this up: A place for my stuff! - Home

    Startet to tinker with it last summer, but it didn't go anywhere, so it just sat on my computer. But hoping it could serve as some inspiration, I typed it up somewhat and put it on a free website.

    This is far from complete, and probably riddled with both grammatical and lore errors, but feedback would be great:)

  4. I too played with this idea. But couldn't get it to work within the BRP-framework.

    ArsMagica is a great game, and as Jarulf said, you can download 4.ed for free from Atlas Games. Use it as inspiration. if you want to BRPyfi the magic system, you'd better be prepared for some work, though.

    The easiest route would probably be to not convert the system, but instead use the Ars-magics as a separate add-on.

  5. I'm not asking you to get rid of anything.

    If you clean it up, clarify it, and put it in a relatively readable format, I might spurt a meaningful comment. Then again, I'm not promising anything;) Better men than me might step in though.

    As of now, all those words and numbers only hurt my head.

  6. I read your earlier posts, as well as a thread of yours on RPG.net.

    And I'm still not sure I understand what you're talking about:)

    Seems alot crunchier than CoC/BRP. Interesting to read, even if I barely recognize the BRP-skeleton.

    But keep it up. Will be interesting when you're able to directly compare your changes to the canon.

  7. I don't think seppuku was the primary idea when they did this. We'll probably see WotC's own PDF-central in a short time.

    The way they shut down the downloads however is, in lack of a better word, moronic.

    Potensial D&D-buyers might be tempted to check out other games instead. BRP will not be chief among those. Primarily because Chaosium only sells through their own web-site.

  8. Cthulhu Invictus - 3 monographs set in ancient Rome. I hear there is a third party product in the works that would complement them..

    Cthulhu Dark Ages and the monographs are nice also.

    And of course Cthulhu Rising.

  9. Just to be annoying; if a Sneak-roll succeeds, you manage to move from A to B without attracting undue attention to yourself, yes? Then why would the Sneak be trumped by a Listen-roll, when there is nothing to hear?

    If you try "normal" sneaking, observers don't get to roll for perception. If you make the roll, no-one notices. If you fail, you attract attention. If observers then make their perception-rolls, they home right unto you. If they fail, you'll have some time before they figure it out.

    If you however try some more macho sneaking; sneaking up on a guard to knock him out, trying to sneak past a PC that states "I'm being alert" or highly competent guards, tiptoeing past some one who just turned their back, when there are observers within close distance(it's easier to avoid notice from someone who is more than 5 meters away, than if that someone was 4' away), then they can roll for counter-perception.

    And then I've ruled that in contested rolls of this kind, the one that rolls highest, but still under their skill is the winner(barring specials etc). Although, A.I.'s suggestion that highest skill wins is even better, I think.

  10. ... or, when the Serious Roleplayer's character is reduced to a nasty red stain by an unlucky die roll shortly after the Power Gamer used-up the last three Fate Dice to bargain a better price for his armour without a second thought, they might exchange something else - like blows!

    That's where "throwing the book" comes in:D

    But these dice would be reserved for when things get hairy. The players are not quick to use them, and realize what they do-allowing them to survive when the dice go wild.

  11. BRP in it's base form does not lend itself to cinematics. Unless the cinema is showing Saving Private Ryan;)

    BRP can be more loose and heroic, though. Using the fate point-mechanic is one thing. Using one- or two-hit mooks is another. Allowing PC's extremely high skills will toughen 'em up significantly. If running a supers-game, the characters will be above-average from the start.

    In my own, humble, opinion the best option is to allow the players to be descriptive and creative with their character's actions, and not penalize them for doing so.

    Player: "I slam my shield into the creature, trying to knock it back from the distressed damsel!"

    GM: "What's your shield skill?"

    Player: "..er.. 28. Can I bodyslam it instead, using my shield to try to protect my face?"

    GM: "Sure. Roll your agility to connect. Now where did I put that resistance-table..?"

    If an action makes sense, do it. If an action is cool, do it. If an action is good for the story, do it. And if the players start to get abusive, throw the book at them.

    Another genious little thing is the fate-dice(or something like that-it was an old post on these very forums that mentioned them). At the beginning of the session, put out a handful of d10 on the table. How big a' handful depends on how hard the session will be, and how well-behaved your players have been lately;).

    The players can use these die, roll them and replace any other die. But once a die has been used, it's removed.

    Very fun, in a slightly disturbing way, to see the players exchange worried looks over the table when there's only one die left:innocent:

  12. By using PP vs PP, magic will be more taxing. The more spells you cast, the less able you'll be to enforce your will upon your environment. Which is fine in a low-magic like CoC.

    In a fantasy setting where spells are flung left and right, using PP for the resistance table will quickly gimp the wizards. Going for POW fits the bill better.

    That my angle on it.

    POW-gains could be awarded for using PP. I see no problem with that. After all, it is up to the GM to determine when and for what experience checks are dealt out.

    The way the spells and their resistance-mechanics is mixed in BRP doesn't make perfect sense, me thinks. But it is a toolset. Your're supposed to do some work on your own:)

  13. Finally, Disarmed is not a condition. It's just an object that fell off your hand. And in Chuck Norris movies, it usually means that the real fight is about to start.

    If something fell off your hand, I'd say Chuck just finished whatever he was doing:D

  14. I don't know the WoW-druid, and it's capabilities, but I reckon this would be a good opportunity for any edition of RuneQuest, and it's cults to shine.

    If you go searching the web for the quite excellent Warhammer Fantasy-game, you'll find that the druid, as a career(WFRPsk for class) was cut from the new 2.edition. Strike to Stun have a couple of neat fan-made druid-downloads, made to rectify this oversight. These could be used as inspiration.

    Hope it helps

  15. I don't remember where, but I read on some forum this weekend, in a relatively recent post, that it was still alive.

    Apart from that, I've got nothing.

    I realize this is not helping at all

  16. Ummm - but if the boxer came up against the samurai, who would your money be on?

    For successful Martial Arts with whatever weapon, rather than extra (double) damage, I give an extra attack. How's that?

    A boxer vs a samurai in a fistfight.. I'll bet on the boxer:D

    An extra attack is rather neat. But the nightstick(dmg 1d6)-wielding martial artist isnt going to do that much against a opponent in riotarmor that can soak up the extra attack. But is is a nice way of representing a style focusing on speed, for instance.

    If we look at it another way; a character with, say a brawl-skill of 90%. That's a 18% chance of a special(more damage + stun). The additional 1d3 damage gained from the martialarts-skill on a special hit would be ..well, not that cool. The Special-result alone would probably finish the fight.

    The one advantage gained from martial arts would be a bit more damage done, if the special was parried, reducing it to a normal hit. Which is a good thing.

    But applying double damage to weapons will be messy. Literally:)

    I'm nitpicking and not offering solutions here, but i want to see what people might think about this.

  17. If martial arts are only used in conjuction with unarmed attacks, in a setting that doesn't emphasize it, it works fine. A good roll grants you extra damage. Quick and easy.

    If you want details... The japanese art of Kukishin Ryu is a battlefield art, focusing on polearms, spears, swords, staffs and truncheon. all while wearing full body armor(quite heavy). Compare it with the animal Kung Fu-styles, most of which focuses on movement;leaping, rolling and flurry of attacks. Very different in the choice of weapons, movement and tactics. Throw in the western boxer, and the armored medieval knight(both as much martial artists as the easterners), and things become more difficult to represent with a single generic skill.

    If you use different skills, representing different techniques, the boxer will be superior, as he only needs 2 skills: "bob and weave" and "hit really hard". The samurai needs to master 6 different weapons, and then pick up the specific martial arts skills for each. Hardly seems fair.

  18. From a non-mechanic point of view: If a character gains access to training and can afford it, (s)he can gain, for instance, 2 ranks of the defencepower. It would not be represented by a skill, it would be a full-flegded special ability. The character may be required to sacrifice a POW-point or two, maybe get a facial tattoo, identifying him as a member of the cult of Tekelili-Meep, or whatever.

    It would not really be that much different than the same character getting a magic item, granting the same powers.

  19. If we disregard the shoes for a moment, the MA-skill doesn't work very well. If you want some lethal Kung-Fu in the game, why not allow characters with special background and training access to some of the superpowers - specifically the defence and unarmed combat-power? The bonuses from the unarmed combat power could easily be carried over to different weapon masteries.

  20. I hope to see Chaosium take the monographs seriously. The published monographs for BRP, and many of the CoC-ones are pretty good.

    They need to get a quality-stamp on them. As of now, even if the products are good, the only way someone hears about them is through word of not-too-many-mouths.

    Imagine Ashes, to Ashes professionally edited? (no offence to the author:))

    Interplanetary is in the works, and there's another official setting buzzing around. A "BRP-companion" monograph(s), with magic, rules variants, campaigning, setting specifics, illustrated equipment etc would round it off nicely.

    If they manage to get the official books, along with some nice monographs, out within reasonable time, things don't look that bleak, I think.

    Then they only need someone else but us to buy them:p

    But yey to more stuff. Does anyone know if Fantastical Baroque is still on? I'd really like to see that one.

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