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Everything posted by imd

  1. Everywhere I see people talk about Elric or Stormbringer (the games), they mention how "dark" or "gloomy" it is, like this RPG.net review. I just got Magic World, and it doesn't strike me as particularly so. Was part of the process of adapting Elric to MW a shift to a more neutral tone? What made the old game so gloomy?
  2. Or there's the in the downloads section. Edit: which reports an error when you try to actually download it. Anyone know what the deal is?
  3. The quick start guide says magic is a kind of power, and that powers aren't included in it.
  4. With Call of Cthulhu 5.6.1 and the free BRP Quick Start guide, would I have enough to run Classic Fantasy on top of, or if not, what parts of BRP in particular, rather than BRP games in general, does CF rely on?
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