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General Kong

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Posts posted by General Kong

  1. According to Thomas Poggel, Verschossene Bleikugeln - Historische Facetten einer archäologischen Fundgattung, in:  Concilium medii aevi 19 (2016), pp. 87-100 the weight of shots differs according to the time period (and weapon used) (the pounds here are metric pounds = 500 g):

    before 1618:

    Harquebus ca. 8 shots/ pound; ca 58-63 g/ shot

    Arquebus:  ca 17 shots/ pound; 27-29 g/ shot

    Musket: ca 11 shots/ pound; ca. 42-45 g/ shot

    after 1618:

    Musket: ca 17 shots/ pound, 27-29 g/ shot (a French musket used shots in the range of 23-25 g/ shot or 20 shots/ pound in 1666).

    Wilhelm Dilich (1571-1650) calculated 100 pounds/ 50 kg of lead per musketeer per year, That would mean around 2000 rounds per soldier and year.

    Regarding powder:

    It seems that, depending on the used shot the powder in a prepared bandoleer was bewteen 15-20 gr. Multiply that with the shots and you need between 30  to 40 kg (or 132 to 176 Imperial pounds).

    Unfortunately, I cannot find any prices for powder or shot.

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  2. Holy Cow, Batman! I only said that I LIKE THE SETTING!  And the system (Elric! more than Stormbringer) is also not half bad (hope that is not misunderstood again).

    But please ya'll: Calm down. Sturmbringer and Melniboneèan society has as much to do with British Imperialism, the War on Drugs and Nazi ideology as Uncle Scrooge has with capitalism, D&D dungeon adventures with real world spelunking and Queen (the band) with monarchy.

    And just to make sure that I leave no misunderstanding whatsoever: I am NOT really a baron! My hair is red though ...😎

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  3. What is there not to love about a Sword & Sorcery-Setting sporting depraved slave-holding drug-abusing über-humanoids who lost their empire, a world at the very brink of doom and damnation and heroes summoning demons and binding them into wepons and armor to lay waste to their enmies?

    Hark! I think I hear the lamentation of someone's better half! 😈

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  4. It is actually the same difference because "Drumpf" probably means the same as "Trumpf" = trump. Spelling differs and the area his ancestor's family came from is not really good at pronouncing the "d" and the "t" all that differently.

    BTW, I don't really care for the John Oliver campaign at all - his pounding on the the oh-so-funny-sounding originally name of the Trump-family had for this German a rather unpleasant connotations: "Hey, look, what a stupid sounding name. Like all German names! Sounds like a cow passing wind! Hahahaha!"

    Not his exact words, mind you, but it was basically the hit-the-Krauts-hit-em-harder-stupid-Jerries-and-their-names-BS. He should try that with any other ethnic background in the US and we could see Mr Oliver running for the hills.

    No, my Chaosknight is Tonald Trumpf, Khorne's Krimson Karnage Killer from the Northern Wastes with his battle-cry: "Make Chaos Great Again!"

    Join him and his confederacy of flag.waving beastmen at their tea party in the forest surrounding Nuln near the old statue of General Ro Bertili, the infamous Tilean Renegade!


    BTW: "Donald" is a Celtic name meaning "ruler of the world" or "mighty ruler" - makes you think, eh ...?

  5. Warhammer 1st edition Rulebook has a very good section on the world - Empire and beyond. You also find some generic maps of temples, villages etc. If you don't want to spend a lot of money that is the book to buy. And you get The Oldenhaller Contract, a nice introductory adventure set in Nuln.

    Sigmar's Heirs for 2nd Edition is the sourcebook for the Empire. So if you want to game within the Empire that is the book to go.

    I found all the other setting books (MIddenheim, Marieenburg and the guide to Bretonnia) also worth my while.

    If you need mare information about religion and chaos Realms of Chaos and Realms of Religion (hope that's the title, only have the German translation of that book) are helpful.

    The Liber Chaotica is a terrific read of the book of the same name that is actually part of the world - like the Warhammer's Necronomicon. If you really want to understand Chaos that is the (very expensive) way to do it (fetched TOP-€uros, I paid aover 200 for my used edition; may get it now for 70-90 with a little luck).

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Raleel said:

    If one was to put together a warhammer fantasy game, but use a different system like the aforementioned Mythras, what materials would you recommend for setting education? I have a copy of 1e in surprisingly good condition and would like some other things to read up on. Any recommended campaigns? I know there are a couple, but forget their names. 

    What do you mean with "setting education"? Background of the world?

    For campaigns nothing beats the classic: The Enemy within. For that you'll need Shadows over Bögenhafen, Death on the Reik, Power Behind the Throne,Something Rotten in Kiselev and Empire in Flames or an internet alternative: The Empire at War. I can only comment on Bögenhafen and Death because that is as far as I got gming the campaign (we we at it for two years or so). It all starts with a curious conspiracy, continues with a (in feel, not tentacles) Cthuloesc adventure in Bögenhafen (the adventure might end with the whole city in flames!) and goes on with Reik, one of the best sandboxes I have ever gmed. After that I ran out of steam but Power behind teh Throne is also very good. Kislev is - so I have heard - more of a sidetrack and may not be necessary to really finish the campaign. Empire in Flames is a little railroady - the reason why some WH-authors came up with The Empire At War.

    Don't buy the Doomstones-campaign if you don't want to play basically an AD&D-dungeon romp.

    The Restless Dead is a very linear "go from A to B and see what happens in between"-adventure. But not bad.

    2nd Edition I have only played as a .. well .. player. So I can only tell you about the adventures from a limited perspective.

    The Paths of the Damned is a very linear trilogy. Our gm wasn't always prepared to the best of his capabilities, so I guess I got a limited "best of"-encounters treatment but it was just "follow the red line and do stuff when you are supposed to do it". Probably not a total loss but not something you will have glowing memories of.

    The Thousand Thrones is quite epic - about the second coming of Sigmar himself. Our gm (a different one) said that he had a hard time to handle all the names and personas and plot-twists - and he is a real-life judge presiding over quite complicated economic cases and knows his files! We did not finish it (because we think we killed Sigmar ...) but it sure wasn't bad at all. But seems like a lot of work.

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  7. Just saw the thread about Mythras at Gen Con and the question popped to my mind:

    Will Cakebread & Walton be present on this year's SPIEL in Essen? Or do you plan to "team up" with another company from Mighty Blighty? If so I'd love to drop by for a little chit-chat.

    (Okay, that might be an incentive for NOT coming but I ask nonetheless. Promise to buy stuff, too.)

  8. Sounds interesting, my good man, alas! - the links are working not!

    If thou fix't the links one may behold and cherish thy effort. Such would enlighten the mind and may a good Christian gamer's spirit jump with glee.

    (That's the best kinda-sorta 16th century English I can muster.)

  9. I don't know. I found it a little bit too much of this and that and "Oh ... look what I found in this book!" - not very consistent.

    Yes, I know: You can take and leave whatever you want but to some degree it boils down to t two people who play BRP playing almost two different (yes, basically similar) games.

    Good for reference and ideas though. But for someone looking for a game system to start with the rules are too much all over the place for my taste.

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  10. I enjoyed WHFRP 1st Edition immensely.

    WHFRP 2nd Edition did Magis better than 1st and was all in all more balanced - but they neutered in some point by making more "political correct" (What was wrong mit "von Krieglitz-Untermensch"?) and generelly a more streamlined background and rules system came with a notion of taking things to seriously. I liked the gritty and tacky feel of the 1st Edition.

    WHFRP 3rd Edition was not my system at all (though I bought quite a lot of it anyways), being to fidgety and boardgamy with all the tokens and funny special dice that were quite expensive, too.

    So, I am hoping that I can withstand the urge to by this edition (FAT chance at that!) but if WHEN I buy it I hope for something that simply leaves out 3rd and goes back to the gritty, wacky feel of the simpler 1st edition - with working magic rules and a kiss on the cheek and kick in the behind to game balance, PC and all the rest that made 2nd such a "serious" game but maintaining the deeper background 2nd provided.

    Oh yes, and nix the "Storm of Chaos" and give me my Empire back that is threatenend from the outside but really rotting from within! And make it whacky: Make the Imperial Chancelor Gerhard Merkel, name the mayor of Betonnia's capital Macronne, give me a bombastic ass-headed Chaos-Knight Tonhald von Trumpf as a villain etc. THAT is MY Warhammer!

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