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Posts posted by Pentallion

  1. On 11/27/2023 at 7:56 AM, Numtini said:

    I'd add that what's there is kind of a mess. Needing to add the skills to the character sheet may make adapting different versions of CoC easier, but it's really cumbersome.

    It's hard to do combat without a full on "tactical" thing with the targeting and all that which is an odd choice for a game that is more of the investigative type. What I mean here is things like getting a popup if you try to roll an attack without selecting a target and it refusing to roll damage unless you have a targe specified. The people on the Discord channel are great, but I don't think I'd ever have figured out any of the combat without their help. I just went in and I know there's something I'm supposed to do to define how many shots I'm taking when I'm doing multiple shots from a handgun, but damned if I can remember where it is.

    These types of stories about Foundry is why I stick with Roll20. 

  2. You can code if you want to in Roll20 as well.  You just have to pay extra for the privilege of improving their property.

    The only way I'd do that is if I was able to sell mods.  But Chaosium doesn't seem interested in being on the same level  as DnD on Roll20 except for some CoC. 

    Players like simple interfaces AND cool looking.  Sucks we evidently have to choose only one or the other.  But Roll20 is getting there. I don't know where Foundry currently stands as I was put off by it not being simpler.

    • Like 1
  3. On 6/24/2022 at 4:18 AM, JRE said:

    NPCs do not need to follow the same rules as PCs, and I would expect the YT cult to be somewhat different from the Seven Mothers provincial cult. I still would prefer, for plot reasons, if Julan is loyal to the Empire and the Lunar way, and not to the current emperor. But that is probably just me. We will see when we get the GoG. It is easier to be loyal to an idealized ruler fae away than a real and fallible one. 

    I always thought it was the other way around. PCs need not follow the same rules as NPCs. That's what made them Pretty Cool as compared to Not Pretty Cool.

    • Like 2
  4. I loved Alan's writing and even tossed in an Easter egg in Pirates of the East Isles. In the Family History, there are two possible sorn encounters, one has virdigris eyes and viridian skin and the other the opposite. One is good, one is bad. In the random encounters table, all you ever meet are green sorn with green eyes.

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  5. https://www.enworld.org/threads/pirates-of-the-east-isles-a-runequest-review.690616/


    This laser focused small scale is my favorite kind of supplement. A GM can pick this up and get going quickly without having to learn about the entire setting of Glorantha. PCs will have homelands, family history, rune affinities, cultural skill bonuses, occupations, cults, and family heirlooms tied directly to the islands.


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  6. 2 hours ago, jajagappa said:

    Not sure if the Andin picture/stats are from a particular page, but the Andin appears to have lost its right leg?

    Artwork is looking good!

    ? I see both legs.

    Oh snap.

    Those Andins just won't sit still. This one was obviously doing the hokey pokey "you put your right leg in, you take your right leg out..."

    The Arandinni are much easier to work with. They evidently don't know the hokey pokey.



    • Like 1
  7. Simon Bray kindly offered to add his wonderful artwork to Pirates of the East Isles Vol I. Some of this art is never before seen fully colorized versions. I've elicited the help of a professional layout design artist to fully upgrade this labor of love and make it more presentable. But that's not all! We've added portrait tokens for every NPC for VTT use and with the help of the AI at Artflow, I've created several landscapes that are, well, you'll have to see for yourself.

    If you've already purchased Pirates of the East Isles Vol I, then all you need to do is download the free update, 1.3.

    Everyone else, here's your chance to get some amazing artwork and play kung fu pirates too. And what group of players wouldn't jump at the chance to play kung fu pirates?

    Here's a sample of what the new version looks like:


    Beautiful fully colorized art by Simon Bray.



    Portrait tokens of every NPC


    The Pirate King


    Pan Lun


    Mirivarea, Pearl of Mokato

    And new layout by Tania Rodriguez:



    Available at DriveThruRPG:  https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/399681/Pirates-of-the-East-Isles-Vol-I



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  8. No, you're right. I made a math error. However, speed in Pirates of the East Isles is not expressed in knots, it is expressed in mph because the Argan Argar Atlas is printed at 5 miles per hex and converting to knots is math.

    And as you can see by how easily I screwed up the math, math is Bad. Very Bad.

    So Magic World be damned, if the map uses miles, the speed uses mph.

    Recalculating. How far a ship traveling at speed 1 moves in a round would be 5280/5 (rounds per minute)*60 (minutes)=17.6 feet per round., since Math is Bad, we can round up to 20 feet per round and it's a game, not a physics simulation so good to go.  And hey, since a nautical mile equals 1.15 miles, and 17.6 * 1.15 = 20.24 everybody is happy.

    Thanks for pointing that out. My calculator is being reprimanded as we speak. Bad calculator, bad.

    • Like 3
  9. On 6/18/2022 at 11:32 PM, JRE said:

    That may be nitpicking, but I would have Loyalty Lunar Empire rather than the Red Emperor (I do not see Argenteus as the focus of loyalty for a man like Julan, and I do not think they have met), and higher loyalty to the Coders than to the Empire. I also would have a higher Love Anderida than love Johana, as I assume his love for Johana is just a sublimation of his love for her mother. I would add loyalty Appius Luxus, as his commanding officer.

    For me Anderida is the linchpin of the Coders, as all male characters love her, and she loves them back. Estal is the weak point as she has unreciprocated love for Julan.

    I would also add a moderately high Honor, 75 or 80, as he sometimes has to break it. High devotion YT and the Lunar Way are a given.

    He has to have loyalty to Red Emperor to be a runelord per RQG.

    • Like 1
  10. 7 hours ago, Nick Brooke said:

    As an alternative, you could certainly post "just the new bits" -- your best guess at Julan's Passions and Runes, as per RQG. But we don't want to see regurgitated, ever-so-slightly tweaked Chaosium statblocks on these forums ("delete Fatigue Points and missile hit locations; for APP read CHA throughout"), or indeed in community content.

    okay, well, Julan's runes are 80% Moon, 60% Fire, 60% Water (based on his high dex), 75% Death and 75% Truth.

    His passions are Loyalty Red Emperor 90%, Loyalty to Coders 80%, Love Johana 60%

    I was surprised to see Julan had the Battle skill though I don't remember it existing in RQ3.

    his hit points went up to 25. His spells remained the same. I swapped his ceremony with Worship, his enchant with Cult Lore and his summons with spirit combat.

    His allied spirit gained a 16 CHA.

    His skills remained the same, but his modifiers all changed.

    It was very easy and done in less than an hour.

    • Like 4
  11. I just had a thought for an introductory if you're playing Borderlands. The players are playing youngsters just initiated who have come with Duke Raus to the Grantlands. You all live in a small group of homesteads not far from where the Duke plans to build his fort. the adventure begins with smoke from a nearby homestead - the sign for help needed. Your group lights the fire so that the Duke will know to send aid. Meanwhile, one parent of each players character goes off to see if they can help. They run smack dab into a broo raid. the players get to play one of their PCs parents and find out how combat works without risking their own character but still having a big stake in the outcome.

    • Like 1
  12. 2 hours ago, soltakss said:

    You would probably be surprised about how many GMs have absolutely no interest in HeroQuesting in their games.

    They think of HeroQuesting as being too powerful for their games, or not having the right feel, or just being too alien.

    Hopefully, the official rules will change their minds.

    I know I would be because I've run tons of heroquests in my games and that's the payday adventures. That's what my players live for.

    • Like 2
  13. 16 hours ago, Rick Meints said:

    In 1998 a frustrated fan from France accused me of not sharing gloranthan info with younger fans. He said i was like one of those Magic the Gathering Players who went around to events with a suitcase full of rare and powerful cards with the express purpose of beating other players. He thought I was some really old dude who just hoarded info and lorded it over others who desperately couldn't get a hold of that info. A bunch of my friends and I found the term "Mr. Suitcase" rather funny and I embraced it. Because the original "accuser" was French we also translated it to Monsieur Valise. While I did take a comic book box full of RQ stuff to RQ Con 1 in Baltimore in 1994, I have never travelled around with my collection, especially in suitcases. If I did travel with it that way I would need a set of luggage like in Joe Versus the Volcano...

    I haven't spoken to or heard from that French fan for over two decades now, but I take some comfort in the thought that publishing the Gloranthan Classics went a long way towards filling some of that gap he was venting about.

    I wondered about that, because I'm from the Seattle area and played MtG from the beginning. I knew the actual "Tim" (from the counterspell alpha art), and I'd met the original Mr. Suitcase. btw, I can attest to two supposed urban myths: Yes, he did tear up the Chaos Orb and yes, the little four year old girl who couldn't read sent teenagers home in tears after beating them at magic - with an all commons deck (she was and is my daughter).

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  14. 9 hours ago, Godlearner said:

    Are you saying that they consist of pirate clans which raid each other? Doesn't there have to be wide scale trading going on to support piracy? Who is their main target?

    Not "clans", that's a social norm found in Dragon Pass. Islanders participate in piracy when the opportunity arises. Not all islanders, but many. Haragala is described as the largest nation in the East Isles "primarily financed by a widespread network of voluntary tribute" - GtG. A page later that same source describes how the larger islands keep navies to protect themselves from "Raiding Vormaini, Teleono and Haragalan pirates."

    The Haragalans are considered not only the protectors of the East Isles but the preeminent pirates as well. the GtG describes how Trader Jadilulo's fleet, responsible for defending against foreign aggression, usually operate more as pirates within the East Isles rather than invading Vormain or Teleos.

    The Vormaini have Tsankth worshipping pirates. The Ratuki are pirates.

    Then there's the Haragalan's main rival, the Pirate King who rules out of Pirate Town.

    I'm not making a direct one to one equivalence between piracy and cattleraiding, I'm saying it's as prevalent and as much a way of life. Don't think clans, however, think islands.

    Trade is actually quite vibrant in the East Isles. It was more so before the Mockery Conquests. the GtG lists it as a minor trade route, meaning not so many large fleets, meaning more opportunity for piracy.

    Oh, and Haragala is the terminus of more trade routes than anywhere else in Glorantha. Both Haragala and Mokato being listed as Major Trade Centers. A third major trade center has fallen to Andin demons in the Mockery Conquest just a year before the campaign begins.

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