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Gamesmeister last won the day on July 24

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  • RPG Biography
    Played since the late 70's, starting with Traveller, then moving to RQ, CoC, Stormbringer, Deadlands, D&D 3.5, HeroQuest, and now plummeting back into the world of RQ again
  • Current games
    No RPGs , currently playing Arkham Horror
  • Location
    Chertsey, Surrey, UK
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    Also a fan of Crystal Palace FC for my sins...

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  1. Yes, thanks for the heads up, this is a known bug and will be fixed in the next patch at the weekend
  2. Will be fixed in the next patch It's not listed under the Heavy Infantry cults It's not currently part of the builder process, but you're right in that it's trivial to do once you've completed character generation RAW they're not eligible for the bonuses. Every sibling, male or female, is currently showing as a sister - this will be fixed in the next patch Familiars are coming soon In retrospect the toolbar buttons should be blue rather than white, to keep with the theme, I'll change that shortly. The red on the edit button is just to make it stand out, so I agree...it's you 😁 Thanks for all the great feedback
  3. I've updated the code that manages this, please give it another try if you've not managed to sign up yet
  4. Yes, although not sure of timescales yet
  5. If you enter edit mode on the character sheet, and go to the Magic & Magic Items tab, you'll see a + next to cults - you can use that to add yourself as a lay member to any existing cult.
  6. Again, not yet, but it's certainly something that I'll look at in the future
  7. The ideal location is via the Discord server as it's easier for me to keep track of them there. However, I understand not everyone wants to use that, so here is also fine. The feedback option is more for people who don't tend to frequent this forum (which for now will likely be zero)
  8. Not at the moment, no. That's not to say it won't happen in the future, but for now the focus will be on bringing all the Chaosium content to the application.
  9. Final patch released for this week. From now on, unless there is an urgent bug that needs fixing, I'll be making updates once per week at the weekend. The updates present in this one are as follows: Updated panels to appear correctly on smaller screen resolutions Help text that appears when importing a character is no longer partially hidden on smaller screen resolutions Added capability to re-roll 1's during character generation. Fixed bug where certain combinations of occupation and cult caused the builder to freeze Added Eurmal subcult rune spells to options when choosing spells Fixed issue where siblings were always listed as Sister, regardless of gender Fixed issue where armor didn't always reduce incoming damage Corrected Sleep to be a 3 point spirit spell. Added Rune Priest to the cult rank when importing a character On the skill information panel, hide the category modifier from the skill calculation where the base value of the skill is 0% Added breakdown of skill value on Spirit Combat information panel when in edit mode Fixed bug where adding a new rune without entering details would cause a crash Fixed bug where selecting 'other' on a weapon spell could result in a crash Fixed bug where bonus from Speedart was applied to all weapons rather than the selected weapon
  10. Very much so. The initial effort was to get the contents of the core rulebook out, but now that's done the plan is very much to start adding content from other RuneQuest publications
  11. Can you give any examples of where it's available when it shouldn't be, thanks
  12. The side panel has obviously caused quite a few problems on smaller screens, so I've done some work to resolve that. If you found you were previously unable to interact with it, please try again as that will hopefully now be fixed for you
  13. Yes, that option has come and gone over the various design iterations, it will be returning at some point
  14. Again, not being able to make the box disappear sounds like a resolution issue as above, i'll take a look at that. Are you sure you've selected Sartar? Do you have the description at the bottom of the screen? The current build dialog box will only show your character sheet up to the point where options are confirmed i.e. you've clicked Next. Once you move to the next step you will then see your Homeland showing
  15. Do you know what screen resolution you're using? This sounds like it's too small to display the whole panel, and so you can't see the close button. I'll take a look at that as it will effect your use of the character sheet as well (all panels are the same size)
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