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Lurking Grue

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Posts posted by Lurking Grue

  1. These are most excellent and well written books. Two thumbs up! And this coming from someone who isn't that fond of them ducks (boo hiss!). Also the illustrations are (for the most part) very good, avoiding the Donald Duck syndrome (RQ3 Apple Lane cover), which is a big plus for me. I'm eagerly waiting for the last book and hoping we get POD versions of the whole lot.

    P.S. For extra bonus points, couple of the pre-made PCs in Book 2 have Finnish names. Ollako ankka vai eikö olla, kas siinäpä pulma. Kääk!

  2. There was some errata back in the day regarding the Metals of Acos (p. 13), as far as I know. However, at least the v1.01 (Jan 2022) PDF I downloaded yesterday still has some errors, IMHO. In the illustrations, "lo-metal" is mentioned twice and there is no "ur-metal" at all. I suspect, the metals I've circled in the attached image, the orange-brown ones, are in fact bronze, i.e. hu-metal, and the sword isn't bronze/hu-metal but iron/ur-metal instead. At least that's how I'm interpreting the illustrations. If this is in fact a correct interpretation, then note this for future errata.


  3. Ah, a topic close to my heart! I too have been doing my own translations since the late 80's. As I didn't have the then-published Finnish versions (only English ones), I had to forge my own path, so to speak. Some of them I've later changed to the published Finnish ones, but others, like "Kotkanpesä" for Boldhome, I have not. I really don't like that translation, because of its connotations to the real world and because what does Boldhome have to do with eagles anyway? I've used "Urhola" for it and am sticking to it.

    Don't be too harsh on yourself, Hannu, there are very good translations in there. Curious that you used the names of Jonstown and Swenstown as is, not translating then at all. I just went with "Joninkylä" and "Sweninkylä". Also, I didn't usually translate any of the names ending in -ford as "kahlaamo", even if it is the literal meaning. Mostly because it doesn't really flow, pardon the pun. I just changed them to use the common place name suffix in Finnish, "-la". For example, Dangerford is "Vaarala". But it is a matter of taste if it is better or not, for sure.

    Reading my old notes, I seem to have considered somewhat whimsical translations for e.g. Paps as "Ryntäät", Bagnot as "Laukuton" (I didn't know that the name has a different meaning and was not what it seemed in English), and the best of all Talfort as "Tallinna" (it *is* the literal translation, but would look really out of place in Glorantha, heh). Oh well, whimsy isn't exactly out of place in Glorantha, though. 😉

    What have you guys used as a translation for Cragspider? That's something that's been bothering me for years (literally). So far, I've settled on "Rosolukki", but would like to hear your versions.

    EDIT: Just to add two, that I just found that I have to share. I quite like Beatpot Aelwrin as "Patakattila Aelwrin". And for something really out there in whimsyland, Gemborg as "Juvelinpori" or "Juvelipori". Must have been drunk when I came up with that. 😄 (Alternatively, it could be "Timanttila" or "Timanttilinna", as well, but where's the fun in that. 😉)

    • Like 2
  4. These are very nice and come in a very opportune time for me, as I am currently running the Colymar campaign from Sartar - Kingdom of Heroes. The PCs, just 2 days ago in our last session, had the fight in the temple of Humakt and we ended the session right when the Lunars burst in and come to arrest the party (my attempt of a cliffhanger ending). The next session, they are going to be escorted to Temertain's Palace and I'm going to make good use of your maps of the place. Many thanks for these maps!

    One question about the palace, is the area with the air rune one big open area all the way to the top (some five floors up)?

  5. I already have the PDF of Elevation, but wouldn't mind a hard copy if I manage to win the 1st prize.

    I'll use this opportunity to ask how the M-Space Companion is shaping up? I, for one, am eagerly waiting that book. I really would like some examples of future weapons and armor, plus some sci-fi drugs (medical and combat ones, not recreational ones), like the ubiquitous medhypo. Sure, I can make something up (and have done so), but it would be nice to have pre-designed ones as well. I know those vary a lot according to the setting, but a few common examples from which to extrapolate wouldn't go amiss.

    Oh, and I agree, November really is the dreariest month of the year (at least where I live).

    • Like 2
  6. 14 hours ago, Joerg said:

    Me, I want me a form of space opera setting that makes a couple of unobtainium assumptions in a sufficiently logical form, much like I accept similar assumptions for magic, deities, or even an improbable universe like Glorantha.

    Same here. As long as the assumptions and explanations are sufficiently logical and the universe abides by them (and not changing them on a whim with technobabble), and as long as the whole package is internally consistent, it's Good Enough (tm) for me. I basically want space opera with aspirations of hard SF without being utterly slaved to hard science.

  7. 7 hours ago, MOB said:

    Print versions are still in the works for all the RQ Classic PDFs. It's only a matter of how they get printed. Something we are still best figuring out.

    Excellent news! A follow-up question: Would you consider having a similar offer with these like with RQG, where if you ordered the PDFs from the Chaosium store, you got a discount on the printed versions (of the same) from Chaosium store. Not likely, but it doesn't hurt to ask (Ouch! Look where you're pointing that dagger!). That was a splendid offer and most likely only for RQG.

  8. I love playing the KoDP soundtrack while I'm brainstorming ideas for adventures and writing down scenarios (and other happenings) for my Glorantha campaign. The game is very good, I love it to bits, but the music is fantastic and deserves a separate mention!

    (EDIT: I have the GOG version which comes with the soundtrack, don't know if the Steam version does.)

    • Like 1
  9. Very nice map, indeed! Kudos!

    Maybe it's my monitor, but IMHO the colors for elevation lines and roads are way too similar. Maybe use a dashed or dotted line for roads or change the color to be less red (maybe even make it black).

    • Thanks 1
  10. Absolutely gorgeous! Love the maps, especially.

    What's the news on the printed Bestiary? The PDF for it was released before this GM pack, but now it seems the GM pack gets printed before the Bestiary. Or have I missed something (wouldn't be the first time)? Hopefully the printed Bestiary is hot on the heels of the GM Pack.

  11. What excellent news, that the new RQ will have new published adventures as a priority of sorts. Yay! Big campaign books are awesome, of course, but sometimes I just want to run a smaller adventure taking a session or two, instead of a months long campaign. Also, for beginners and starting new player groups, a shorter introductory adventure is the way to go - to ease them into the game, rather than have everyone commit from the get go to the "long haul".

    I've been out of the loop a bit, so apologies, but I'd like to know what the current release plan is for the new RQ edition? I take it, the finished manuscript was at GenCon and is being edited(?) at the moment. However, I read somewhere that Chaosium would possibly run a Kickstarter to fund the printing, commission extra art, etc. Is this true?

    If there will be a KS for the new edition, that most likely means there's no way the books (which there are three) are coming out this year. Well regardless, I'm hopeful we'll see at least the 1st book released before the end of this year. One can always hope.

    EDIT: Gah! I just read that there will be a Kickstarter, from one of Jeff's design blog threads. Okay, so when is this going to be? September, perhaps? You aren't probably going to release the books until all of them are done; so no chance of getting the 1st book early (as it is likely the most finished one)? Is there any chance that the books would be out this year? (I doubt it, but hey, one can ask.)

  12. What is the status of The Coming Storm (Red Cow vol 1)? I haven't heard anything concrete about it since a blog post on Moon Design's site (about its cover being ready) way back when. I sure hope it hasn't been put on a long hold (because of all the RQ2 reprints) - or worse yet, abandoned (suffering the fate of Adventures in Glorantha, *sad panda*). Please tell me it's still being released and preferably soonish (like in 3-4 months).

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