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Bill Mize

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Posts posted by Bill Mize

  1. 9 hours ago, Mark Mohrfield said:

    Being an extremely stingy person I ask the following question; will it be on sale at this price at Chaosium Con? I notice the last day of the sale is the same as the first day the Vendor’s hall is open and thought I might save on postage if that is the case.

    This is a great question, as I'll be at ChaosiumCon as well.

    I'd love to pick up some Pendragon in advance, too.  Just sayin' :)

  2. I think that you could put something in the discovery section of the scenario that mentions people going missing, as opposed to directly calling out the slaves and their handlers.  Instead of the slaves, it could be just various and sundry folks. Hunters, trappers, folks who live on the outskirts of town, homeless people, etc. It's an easy fix, I'm thinking.


    - Bill

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  3. New video alert!

    I'm still learning and growing and trying to become a better creator, so I'm going big and I'm taking you through, step by step, "Heinrich's Guide to Call of Cthulhu Character Creation"!

    This is a wonderful collection of random tables that serves to give your two dimensional character THREE dimensions (but not more, because Tindalos, that's why) and create a backstory that you can use for better RP and your Keeper can use to make your life difficult or at least interesting, especially when it comes to the longer campaigns.

    I do hope you enjoy it and please do feel free to comment, share and subscribe!

    - Bill


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  4. Yes, I got bored after shuttering my podcast, so I decided to jump on another bandwagon, a day late and a dollar short, and start a YouTube channel where I ramble as old duffers are wont to do, about Call of Cthulhu and other horror based role playing games.

    It's new - ridiculously new - I've posted my first long form video today - but I'd still like to share it with my fellow Keepers and Gamers.

    I've got a lot of plans for it, in ways that I can give back to this hobby that I love so much.

    If you're a publisher, artist, writer, reviewer, or even a website owner, I want to interview you and do some deep dives into your work, creative process, love of the hobby, and so on.

    If you are one of those, look out for an invite to get on a Zoom call in the future, or feel free to reach out to me.

    I'll probably stay way from Actual Play, as that seems to be quite the crowded arena, but reserve the right to change my mind in the future.

    I hope you enjoy my inagural video, and hope you'll subscribe and share, should you feel so inclined.

    And yes, I do call out @Mike M in the final minutes.

    Thank you all so much!

    - Bill


    • Like 9
  5. Chaosium didn't invent The Starter Set, but they sure as heck have brought it back into vogue with their 7th Edition boxed set.

    I always, always recommend it as the perfect gateway drug into the game.

    Hope you get it, hope you love it!

    - Bill

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  6. 8 hours ago, Joe Kenobi said:

    My suggestion would be to discuss with the other players and see how they feel about having a blind party member. See whether they think it would be a fun party dynamic to manage or an investigative constraint on the rest of them. Their level of appetite for it might be as important as anything else.

    This, this, this.

    Too often, I find that when someone new to the game wants to do something ridiculous ("I want to be a cult member!" "I want to be a Deep One!" or possibly in this case, "I want to be blind!") after a bit more private discussion with the player, it tends to be a bit of "Look at MEEEEEE!"ism happening.

    They don't want to be a member of a team, they want to be the point of focus at the table and have a starring role, showing off their smarts, their wit, or their dramatic skills.

    Me, personally, I nip it in the bud!


    - Bill


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  7. 7 hours ago, MandilarasM said:

    many people used this feature to turn off the page background image for printing and note taking during sessions.

    This is an eye saver, as well as an ink saver, for those of us who still print out PDF's, put them in a binder, and then scribble the hell all over them.

    As far as electronic versions are concerned, I am always grateful when Chaosium, or others, create ePub versions to go along with the fancy schmancy PDF version.


    - Bill, an old Grognard who pines for the day of black letters on a white page and black and white illustrations. Emphasis on old.

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  8. On 3/8/2023 at 4:18 PM, g33k said:

    A man after my own heart!
    This is my gaming-shopping, entirely.

    This is definitely the way.

    I'm eagerly looking forward to getting the Starter Kit!

    As Chaoisum, with one fell swoop, seemed to reinvigorate and bring back the Starter Kit (I'm looking at you, Free League), I'm glad they are being consistent with bringing out one for Pendragon.

    Well done, sirs!

    - Bill

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