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Posts posted by 1970

  1. On 5/1/2016 at 11:24 AM, styopa said:

    99% chance that if you're a reasonably competent DM you can use most of the adventure stuff just winging the changes.

    What if I'm not reasonably competent ;)?

    Thanks for the replies.  I think I've got it.

  2. I just found and bought a bunch of Mongoose RuneQuest books at a pretty good price.  How similar is it to Classic RuneQuest?  Aside from the different setting, which I know about, what are the main differences?  Can I use both of them with a reasonable amount of work?


    ETA:  The Mongoose books I bought were the 1st edition as far as I know.

  3. 4 hours ago, styopa said:

    As I understand it, the new RQ coming out will be largely based on the RQ2 system, but with more stuff (ie with Sorcery, for example).  So if you were running a game today, starting it with the RQ2 system would *probably* mean a smaller speed-bump to switch into the new game and materials when it comes out.

    I thought that the new RuneQuest was RQ2.  Yeah, I preordered the Classic RuneQuest coming out this year.

    35 minutes ago, MOB said:

    We will be printing hard back versions of Cults of Terror and Cults of Prax later this year (along with the rest of the RQ2 product line). If you buy any PDFs now through Backerkit, we'll give you a credit on the book release.

    That would be great, but after preordering the new RuneQuest and the 7th Edition Call of Cthulhu I'm tapped.  I'll just have to take the hit later when they release to the general public.

    Thanks again!

  4. Thanks for your replies!

    ETA: I know about some of the differences between editions, I just didn't know how pronounced they were.  Mostly I'm looking for old reprints of Chaosium material.  Thanks for the lead on the Gloranthan Bestiary!  I loves me some monsters!

  5. How hard would it be to use the Avalon Hill books or modules with RuneQuest 2?  I've glanced at the RQ1&2 books, but have never laid eyes on RQ3.  Is it worth getting cheaper AV books or should I bite the bullet and look for the older Chaosium ones?

  6. Oh I wouldn't advise using the advancement scheme system in Warhammer for Magic World at all.  Differentiating between careers is one thing, but that's where I'd stop it.  I think more than the mechanics of Warhammer, the feeling should be carried through.  I think there are Chaos mutations in Stormbringer 4th Edition you could use, or just mess a few things up occasionally, like giving someone an eye on their cheek or a tongue for a middle finger for example.  I don't have a lot of Warhammer, but my Hogshead Shadows Over Bogenhoffen has some nice mutations for mutants and generally a lot of miscellaneous stuff for The Empire.

    7 hours ago, Baulderstone said:

    The XP cost is 100, but you still need a master to become an apprentice. The epic The Enemy Within campaign presented a grand total of one master willing to take on an apprentice in its whole run that I can recall.

    I've never played the Enemy Within, and only have the first part of it in any case.  Aren't there like four levels of mastery for wizards?  My books are elsewhere and I don't want to leave the house to go get them but I am curious.

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  7. This is great!  I've never owned a copy of Runequest in any edition and for the most part Lulu does a pretty good job of binding for my needs, so there's a lot to look forward to :D.

  8. Occasionally I protect my player's characters when I've led them into a hideously unbalanced encounter because I either feel guilty or I just don't want to kill off the campaign and start over again.  I've never really bothered with overarching plots, because I don't know how to pull them off successfully, so that's never a problem.  In a lot of the games I've run character creation is so involved that I don't want to bother going through it all again; I'm a really lazy GM that way.  For the most part I never let the PCs find out I've fudged and I do kill off entire parties who get themselves over their heads often enough that it keeps them honest, so really for me plot armor is entirely situational.

    After writing that I realize that I'm a pretty capricious GM.  The more you learn, right?

  9. I agree with adding something to the occupations.  In the 1920s Investigator's Handbook for CoC they gave bonuses to every occupation, be it an attribute bonus, a skill bonus, or immunity to certain types of Sanity loss.  I think this would be a good way to emulate the different advancement schemes in Warhammer. You could also give free equipment for any occupation, like the infamous small but vicious dog.

    As for Sanity/Madness, the basic system is in the BGB and is easy to import.

    I don't have my copy of Magic World in my hands yet, but from what I understand characters without a POW of 16 or higher can't even cast spells.  If you need magic to be more rare, then you could up that to a 17 or 18, though from my read through of Warhammer magic isn't exceedingly rare, especially if you can career jump to the apprentice for a mere 100XP (if I remember my Warhammer correctly).

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