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Posts posted by Jwfortune

  1. 4 hours ago, nclarke said:

    I saw a recent announcement about another campaign for 2017.

    An organised play campaign (for CoC) works by releasing a campaign in segments to Cult of Chaos members for play either in their own home or at Organised Play sessions at a game store (with the permission of the store as it presumably want's to sell material for CoC to people and OP encourages that).

    There is a forum here for discussing the campaign. It is behind a password wall which you get access to on joining the Cult of Chaos.

    Cool.  So how do I join Cult of Chaos?

  2. There actually is a music collection in spotify called RPG - Call of Cthulhu / Horror.  There is also one called The Call of Cthulhu Music for the HP Lovecraft  Lit... and I can't read the rest.  I used both of those and some of the suggestions above and the music worked out pretty well.  Although I am now seriously considering subscribing for spotify to remove the ads and have more control over the music.  I can't decide.





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  3. I ended up getting a list of locations from the 1920s book and editing it a bit to suit my needs.  I removed some things that a person would not be able to look up and added in the stuff missing from the adventure.  But there is a better solution, please let me know!



  4. I am getting ready to run Crimson Letters from the 7E rule book and I need a list of Arkham locations to use as red herrings. Where can I get a map and list of locations that would match the scenario in the 7e rule book?  There are some locations listed in the scenario and I am hoping the map I get has these locations identified.

  5. So has anyone run this?  I would like to hear about someone's experience with this scenario and maybe learn some tips.  I have never run a scenario that is setup quite like this one.  I think I could do it, but I am worried that I would not be able to make it exciting enough on the fly.  This scenario is actually a good exercise in Keepering I believe - I am fascinating but would like to hear some advice and experiences if anyone has anything.


    I think I am most worried about the story making sense.  There may be some flaws in logic if I just play it on the fly.  Has anyone else found this to be a problem?

  6. 6 hours ago, Subversive said:

    I am a new gamemaster and after running The Haunting with two players, Amidst The Ancient Trees with three players, and Blackwater Creek with three-and-a-half players, I am now making final preparations for Horror On The Orient Express with four players (we are doing full character creation for this one and my players are more than half way through creating their first set--I'll have them create additional characters before they are needed as well).  What I have been doing to prepare for this campaign is, in addition to reading through the scenarios in advance, is (afterwards or during) listen to some others run though it.  They'll typically be some minor differences to be spotted and everyone handles the unique way in which players break scenarios differently.  Here's the one I will probably continue to follow along with when I get to Paris.


    Thanks for sharing this Subversive.  I may try to listen to, but sometimes listening to RPGs is not very exciting.   Let us know if you get any good tips from this.

  7. As a long time Pathfinder player who uses lots of miniatures, maps and actual 3D buildings, I played my first intro scenario last night with NO miniatures and NO handouts.  It was an awesome experience.  We had two small combat encounters that went very well.  The Players were really using their imagination when making their actions.  I could see if we had a really big encounter for some reason, that we might need miniatures to keep things straight, but without them, the game runs so much more smoothly.  No pausing the game for map drawing or miniature movement.  I loved it.


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  8. OK - so I got my very first COC game in last night as I lead my group through our version of Amidst the Ancient Trees.  It was super fun and such a good feeling NOT using minis as we do in PF.  The game flowed so much better.


    One question - How do players avoid violence.  For example, my group faced a bear in the woods after failing a pushed Tracking skill roll.  Three of them had a gun, two of them had no weapon.  They also failed to spot the bear, so they were not able to sneak past it.  They ended up surviving - just barely - but I was wondering when faced with an enemy that wants to kill you and who is stronger than you - are there ways to get out of the situation without dying - or is that pretty much just how it goes in this game?  

    Will other scenarios provide a way to get through the entire adventure without fighting at all? How often does this happen?



  9. I plan on attempting to run the first scenario in the 7E Keeper's guide for my friends soon.  Any advice on how to kick this game off successfully?  They are big CoC fans, but don't know much about the RPG.

    Are there some pre-generated characters I could print out for them anywhere?  


  10. Thanks for the reply.  It is good to hear the players stayed interested in Paris even with the cryptic messages they find.  Also nice to hear they were not put off by the rail road nature of it.  We are actually playing Jade Regent, a Pathfinder campaign which is rather railroad, and my group is OK with that.

    I just found the adventure hard to read and to figure out what action was supposed to happen.  I am used to things being written a little different - I guess I am accustomed to Pathfinder.  

    Did you create any outlines for the chapters to ensure you kept the encounters straight in your head?  I haven't had to do this with other material I have used for RPG, but this one seems a lot more confusing to me....Maybe I just need a couple more read throughs.



  11. I am new to Call of Cthulhu RPG and have read through the Keepers rule book and am just now trying to read Book 2 of the Horror on the Orient express.  

    I found the first sample mystery in the keepers guide to be well written and providing good explanation on how to run players through the scenario.  It explained how the events would play out and what consequences were for missed roles.  I was pretty happy with this.

    This is not the case with the much applauded Horror on the Orient Express.  I am having trouble following the story when reading book 2, which is the first adventure book.  There is a lot of background description of how things were back in 1923 and how buildings looked, but I am having a really hard time figuring out how the campaign should go for the investigators.  The first speech and events kicking off the story is OK.  But once in Paris, it just seems to be boring visits to libraries where cryptic journal entries are discovered.  Not only this, but there is a huge optional scenario that takes place in 1893.

    So far, I am dissapointed with my expensive purchase here.  Any advice on how I should wade through this cryptic adventure?  It seems I will have to read it a few times to get a feel for the timeline and then workout what happens if investigators don't make their roles.  If they don't find clues, it seems the story will just stall.

    Thanks for any advice.


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