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Everything posted by D.Athair

  1. I'd like to have a Quickstart for Clockwork & Chivary ... In my opinion it's the best way to advertise the game. To spread the word about it at conventions, ... For Dark Streets und Clockwork & Chivalry and Pirates & Dragons: It would be great if there were adventure collections like the ones WFRP 2 (Plundred Vaults) or Dark Heresy (Purge the Unclean) had. The Adventures should be dealing with themes that are strongly connected to what the games are about. Dark Streets: A classic Bow Street Runners adventue in the poor, dirty and vicious areas of London [without any mythos]; A mythos adventure in which the goals of the cultists may be exactly the "right" ones [meaning: if accomplished, it would do a great good to the city]. An adventure like the proverb: "the road to hell is paved with best intentions"; An adventure that revolves around the runners themselves - dealings and conflicts about their involvement with the criminal milieu and their dealings with the "lords of the city", who want law to be brought to the streets but consider themselves rather to be above the law and are involved in intruige and shemes themselves. Clockwork & Chivalry: Adventures concerning the different factions and/or social classes. Maybe an adventure about "Horseman's Word" in the highlands, one about the struggles at the university of Oxford and another about the poor & rural people rising with ideas, that are threatening both royalist and parlamentarian interests, ... Plus: The final parts of the Kingdom & Commonwealth Campaign. Pirates & Dragons ... [I don't own it yet, so this is just guessing]: A calssic adventure about a "knight rescuing the princess from an evil dragon" while the "princess" is a savage and mean Pirate-Girl, that better shouldn't be released; something about old curses and the exploration of islands; a "road story" travelling from isle to isle ... To sum it up: Adventure collections that showcase the strenghts, the vastness and specialties the games have to offer. [... in general I can say that I - and some others discussing the games by C&W @ the german forum Tanelorn - would prefer more adventures for existing games to writing the next three or four iterations of OneDice games.]
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