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Everything posted by Athanor

  1. Hahem... tell him I said he should have a 150 % skill at bow since he has 3 attacks...
  2. Reading the character sheets I wonder why the elven ranger gets 3 attacks with his bow. If it's the split attack option for skills over 100 %, shouldn't he have only 2 attacks since each attack must be at least 50 % ?
  3. The problem with BRP "saves" is that they are based on characteristics, so do not increase with "experience" (skill increase). In Moongoose RQ II you have the new skills "Evade" (begin at dex x2), "Persistence" (pow x2) and "Resilience" (conx2) which are quite similar to the DD3 saves.
  4. Can someone explain me how it works ? Do you add a certain value to your Aura total if the command roll is successful? How much ?
  5. You don' have ENC and armor penalties with parry. For the shield, I used the "slung shield" option which is in my opinion the reason why shields are generally ways superior to weapons for parrying (even if the parry is unsuccessful, it still protects some areas).
  6. To get the feel of ADD you could base those "combat fate points" on character class, for example barbarians get 12, fighter types 10, clerics 8, rogues 6 and mages 4.
  7. Well in the Avallon Hill RQ3 Deluxe I never saw that both conditions applied...
  8. BRP, page 28: BRP, page 186 and and Clearly the description on how to increase POW limits it to 21 (for humans). Isn't it a bit contradictory ?
  9. Good point. Maybe as an option for those like me who have the nostalgia of fun and stupid things like rangers killing orcs with a toothpick and thieves slicing in two unaware opponents. Idea was to have martial art : unarmed (monk only), martial art : back-stab (thieves only) and martial art : giants slaying (rangers only) based on the same damage bonus increasing with skill range. Of course you have ! Oh and something I didn't find is the starting status for multi-class characters...
  10. Was it intended that your Monk doesn't have a bonus to their move score (unlike their ADD counterpart) ? Also, I think to increase the damage done by the Thief's Backstab and Ranger's Giant slayer abilities the same way martial arts damage increase, by skill levels. Did you tested this and rejected the idea as too powerful ?
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