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Posts posted by Aprewett

  1. Do Runes impart some form of innate power in the setting? So does a tattoo or carving help in any way? 
    Very green to the setting so sorry if I missed something, juggling a few balls to get a handle on the setting.

    But if Runes do more than aesthetic, could you shape your settlement in a Runic shape? For an example a Rune of healing and health. Or defence.

    Reading between the line and maps it appears like there is no benefit. But was just wondering.

  2. Awesome, grist to chew on, thanks. I am going to search for Fetch in the core book, and get a better understanding.

    I was trying to keep my first toe dip in Glorantha, as basic as possible. 
    We are both beginners, so we discussed going easy, but with two characters; male warrior and female healer. Orlanth and Ernalda.

    I am looking to run the adventure sequence similar to the authors blog posts. So the first adventure is pre-initiation. When they first encounter the Wyrm.

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  3. Hello. Beginner question. And spoilers for Six Seasons.










    The RAW state that this rune is not available at game start.

    My question is can I make this so?

    Context. So close to starting Six Seasons, but with only one character. I want to create a drive or connection to the temple and the Rainbow Wyrm choosing the player. Via the spirit rune. There is next to no information on the rune in the core book. But I was thinking it worked differently for the living. Something like strength of the soul or even destiny. Just spitballing.

    Further to this if it does not break canon too much to allow it, and the official meaning meshes.

    I am mashing up Valley of Plenty with SSs to work through some younger years (and just riffing of Questworlds for keywords while young). But I need a greater understanding of the Spirit Rune to plant the seed, in game of how it could manifest in the characters personality. Situations that would have it fire up.

    I understand it’s my game and all but willing to stay in the spirit of the canon if possible.


  4. A passage from the Adventuring Guide pg 88.

    Of these, some 100 cattle belong to the tribal Orlanth temple (whose high priest is the tribal king) and are sacred to the local Orlanth cult. 

    I see the Tribe ruled by Queen Leika.

    Should it say ‘clan king’?

  5. In the Harn community, when fanon is being produced and the writer wants to add some top art, usually from the main setting artist, they put out a call for art sponsorship to help with the burden. We get a thank you on the credits page. Its all done via paypal to the artist direct.

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  6. Noob here, so I may have missed something.

    I am reading two conflicting locations for (I think it’s called) The Battle of Queens. The rule book and others has it at the Runegate area. The Starter box has it at Dangerford. What am I missing?


  7. Hi, looking for some pre-generated PC characters for Pulp. I know there are some in Two Headed, but looking for some laid out on a character sheet. I was looking at running an adventure from the book and just want to dive in without making characters.


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  8. I have not read all the answers, so sorry if already mentioned.

    But something I do in my Harn games, is to have non-repetitive dodge/parry option. 
    Eg, shield block once only in a round, then you have to use a different option. 
    The same for attacks. As Harn has a tactical advantage mechanic, for multiple actions.

    Weapon attack once, then pummel strike or kick or headbut etc.

  9. Hi Bill, I get the impression you read my post as opposed. Just in case wire’s are crossed. It was the same roll. Ref rolls the players perception, the same as player. Could be used for any roll where some element of doubt is possible. If the player failed and the refs secret roll failed, the ref can give false info. Ref failed but player succeeded, some version of the truth. Etc. The player only has half the idea if it is good or bad info.

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  10. On the observation roll mechanism, I always liked the MegaTraveller way. Both roll, ref and player. There is a comparison system to both rolls. But for example if the player rolled a success, they have a vague idea they might be getting good info.

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  11. Book one says or implies to not make rolls for narrative important events. And then pg 6 example, has the ref asking for a listen roll. For an event that is obviously important and part of his adventure design. The roll is superfluous and a beginner ref would be getting conflicting advice.

    My 2d

    • Thanks 1
  12. Hi, my player (yes, small town blues, not many gamers and those that do - do D&D) has just asked if our next game can be Runequest. Currently doing a short Harn game, and as we have never gamed RQ before, he thought the transition from one crunchy game to the other would work better. So I have the QuickStart, but would we be better of waiting for the Starter set (not sure how long a wait)? We can wait, as I have also been looking at Trudvang Chronicles.

    Other question; with the QS, and only one player, he is going to have to play a core character and a couple of sidekicks. What characters would be the best choices?

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