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  • RPG Biography
    Drakar och Demoner, Mutant, CoC,D&D(classic+3,5), WoD, ToC, Götterdämerung, Mutant Chronicles,
  • Current games
    Drakar och Demoner Trudvang (Dragons and Demons:Trudvang)

    Mutant:Undergångens Arvtagare (Mutant:Heirs of the Apocalypse)

    Call of Cthulhu

    D&D classic(Mentzer)
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  1. Nope Drakar och Demoner Trudvang (aka 7th edition) use the d20(hit lower or equal of skillvalue). One thing what really made a quite big different from orignal BRP rules i D0D were the class system of the 1991 DoD edition. Charatcers got more tied to their classes/occupations by either classabilitys and that skills outside the PC´s class was caped and more expenisive to buy. DoD:T(7) changed this wich is great.
  2. I really look forward to the day when a Conan/Hyborian game would be released that was based in BRP-ish system. I sold my Conan 2ed stuff since I never had any will to play it with d20 (regret it now though since I miss the campaign material). Sure one could always run an houserule campagin but it´s still not the same...maybe I´ve grown to dependant on the industri than my own creativity ;( , but non the less it is really sad that Mongoose did not make an RQ version of Conan. As I understand it was Paradox Entertainment that pulled the plugg.
  3. I don´t have alot to ad to the thread but it´s quite interesting how the rpg hobby looks internationaly. I mean´since the market is dominated by D&D and later on d20. Here (Sweden) the rpg hobby was established through BRP based games like Drakar och Demoner(Dragons&Demons) and Mutant in the early 80´s. So thats the system gamecreators rarly use today use since the trend is to say "it´s just same dull simulationist thing it always been!". Still most systems have emerged from the BRP paradigm. To get BRP more popular there is one critical element: fourcolor books and illustrations of high standard.
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