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Posts posted by Blackfoot

  1. I also like the concept of the various games all playing to an over all metaplot. What's the game system like?

    The system is somewhat D&Dish but really geared for Con play. There's a copy of the rulebook on the website.

    4 Classes... Hero, Mage, Cleric, Guardian (Fighter/Mage) ... Heros have a lot of 'Feat' options to make them into pretty much any sort of non-magic dude. A nice variety of racial types with specific benefits... The options carry over into all the classes though allowing each class to be rather customizable. Clerics are of 4 specific 'cult-like' religions... each getting special powers and restrictions...

    The spell system is point based like RQ... but with level based progression... spells cost less to cast as you become more proficient... a level 1 spell costs much less to cast than a level 5... but the costs change as you progress in levels... becoming less and less costly as you become an ALL POWERFUL WIZARD!!!

    ok.. got a little carried away there.

    Anyway there are lots of manipulation options for spells that are really cool... as you become more powerful the easy spells can have all sorts of tricky little things done to them... you can extend them or increase the damage or area... it's a bit complex but great for the player who is into that sort of thing... while still being streamlined to run in a Con environment.

    I'm still trying to decide what I'm going to play this year... maybe a Guardian or Hero.. I usually play a Cleric or Mage.

  2. That's neat!

    Yeah.. it really is. It's great to be able to take a character from novice to master and play a focused game for a couple of days straight.

    It really gives you the opportunity to get into the character if you want to.

    I've been to ... umm well ... 6-8 of these over the years I guess ... with various groups of folks. I've always had a great time.

  3. If you guys are interested in Cons in New Jersey you might want to run down to Princeton next weekend (March 11-13, 2011)...

    There is a great game convention at Princeton University that has been running there during spring break for the last .. well 36 years.

    The con is really unique because of the continuity. It uses a single system and you play 1 character (hopefully.. assuming you live) throughout the con. You advance from low level to high level over the course of 4-8 individual game 'runs'. The con has a unified 'theme' that all the GMs have worked together to build pieces of. It is a really great time and definitely worth the trip if you can manage it.

    Again.. It runs from March 11-13th this year.

    For more info check out :


  4. That would work fine for me. You mean Saturday September 25 correct ?

    I have a function to go to right after the session, so if we could start at 19:00 BST ( 2:00pm for BF and FP ) or earlier that would give me at least 3 hours before I would have to quit.

    I think this works for us as well... would it be better for us to start a little earlier for you WBC? Would that be out for you Murph? I don't imagine we'd be doing too much that morning. I need to check in with FP. I think we'll be at her house so I need to DL the program again but she'll be on a more stable machine.

    OK. So the time is 7pm BST. 2pm Eastern. 11am Pacific.

    How about starting at 6pm BST instead? (1pm Eastern, 10am Pacific)

    I checked with FP and we should be good to go for either time.

  5. For me I think unless we play in the evening my time ( which is unrealistic for everyone else ) the Saturday or Sunday, every couple of weeks would be doable. The time works well for me.

    I know I would be pushing it to ask for 4 hours every weekend. With a wife and two small kids it just won't fly.

    This works well for us probably. Our kids are with alternate parents every other weekend so we generally have the most time available when they are away. A 4 hour session seems the most realistic. More time gets a bit excessive (especially considering the time zone issues) and much less is somewhat of a waste after taking the time to coordinate the thing. I'm sure somewhere in the 3-5 range is fairly acceptable depending on energy levels and how things go.
  6. The program had crashed overnight not sure what you did! ;)

    He did it! He did it! *looking innocent*

    The portraits can only be loaded from the clients machine once you have placed them in the portraits folder, the hosed image is eaily rectified :) I can easily release ownership of PCs as well, so no problem.
    Cool. The images actually loaded, eventually, but I didn't wait long enough first time round to actually see them load... and by the time they did I was already hosed up.

    You mentioned that I didn't have everything filled in on the sheets, what was missing?

    Just some of the basic stat stuff, race, height & so forth... the program also defaulted in some basic brawl skills but it didn't include his attack bonus.

    You also mentioned the vitruvian man, did you want to play with hit locations? I believe I had it turned off.
    This is completely up to you. We were just trying to check out all the features of the program and noticed a preference button for turning this on and off, since it seemed to have no effect we wondered about it.
  7. That's not what happened to me.. everything loaded fine... I ran all the updates last week... but I screwed up my image because the 'real' image was slow to load.. and I managed to load in one of the standard images in it's place somehow... Ooof.

    BTW... Seems like WBC checked out all the character sheets (cept the one I created and the Dural one I'd already taken) So we are 'bad players'. Help!

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