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Posts posted by Blackfoot

  1. I've got a Savage Worlds session Thursday night (until midnight BST), after that I'll leave the server up for this adventure, also Friday night. You can then download everything required, I may not be around, however feel free to have a play! :)

    Hey. Are you still planning on putting up the server sometime so we can check it out? How do we connect up?

  2. I new that question was coming, however i didn't have them to hand before! :)
    Well... I'm glad I didn't disappoint then! :)

    Heveron Male Human Wizard

    Dural Male Dwarven Warrior

    Merek Male Human Warrior

    I'm interested in any of these 3.

    I think either the Dwarf or the Wizard are first preference.

    WBC, can you send me the PDFs for these 3?

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