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Posts posted by dieselpunk

  1. 8 hours ago, soltakss said:

    Most people don't really care about Encumbrance, to be honest. Or, if they do care, they have their own preferred way of doing it.

    You're probably right.

    But that doesn't mean it's not a bit sloppy to have gone through the work of talking about it in a dedicated Optional Rule panel, mention it in relation to Fatigue Points, and have included Enc values with the weapons tables only to drop the ball on what it all means. If the BGB authors subscribed to the sentiment that no one would/should bother with Encumbrance then why not just do what CoC7 did and not have any mention of it at all?

    As someone new to running BRP it's also not easy for me to find a preferred way based on digging around old BRP-based games. Thankfully I have you folks. :)

    • Like 2
  2. Thanks for the replies.

    The encumbrance rules seem like a big omission from BGB since it also effectively makes the Fatigue Point system only half implemented as well. It's also harder to come up with some rule because there's no real benchmark for how STR maps to lifting capacity except for some muddy translation to real world weights through SIZ or by comparing it to relatively few equipment examples.

    Anyway, I took a look at the above and also took a look at how GURPS 4e handles this. I like the basis on strength as shown above so I'll go with something like the Outpost 19 rules as a basis.

    Most of the time I just ignore details like this, but I was considering making an adventure where survival and hauling stuff became a factor and became interested in this topic. 

  3. In the Bgb, there's a discussion about how encumbrance can affect movement (p. 180), but there don't seem to be any actual rules about it. The closest thing seems to be penalties on dodge. There's also mention of how much encumbrance someone could lift. But strangely no mention of then how carrying bulky or heavy things could slow you down. Am I missing something?

  4. On ‎4‎/‎6‎/‎2018 at 7:36 PM, g33k said:

    Only updated info (that I have) is negative (and tangential to the OP / thread-title):  the "BRP Essentials project" mentioned a few times upthread is no longer actively planned, per Chaosium.

    BRP remains the (crunchy/simulationist) "house system" but every BRP book is planned to be a specific world + rules, each likely having slightly-tweaked rules; each will be complete and ready-to-play, with no "generic" rulebook.  RQG, "RuneQuest: Adventuring in Glorantha" will likely be the first to see print, then "Mythic Iceland" 2e.

    No "new edition" of BRP is planned as a standalone document.


    Out of curiosity, where did you hear this? I'd love to get more news on BRP game developments in general.

  5. To me, the rule on p. 16 about characteristic point redistribution that reads, "If you wish, redistribute up to 3 points between your characteristics." might have different interpretations. Assuming a hypothetical character with 10 in all characteristics, which of the following is true:

    1. I can have an INT 13 character by taking 2 points from STR and 1 point from CON. No more redistribution can happen because 3 points have been transferred.
    2. I can make a STR 19 character by taking 3 points each from INT, APP, DEX. As long as I'm not shifting more than 3 points out of any characteristic it's fine.
    3. Multiple characteristics can be higher than 10 but no characteristic can be greater than 13 nor lower than 7.
  6. After having a chance to try grappling in a game I have some more questions:

    It seems like there's no real way for defenders to escape grappling. The rules seem to imply that the grappler maintains their hold as long as they can keep making their grappling rolls. True?

    It seems like those with a decent skill in grappling can be really effective while having average or passing skill makes it almost pointless to use since it takes 2 rounds to (maybe) do anything and there's a good chance you're not going to make 2+ rolls consecutively.

    Also, if the defender is wielding a gun and is grappled in round 1 (say by a higher initiative foe), would they be attacking at difficult penalty and benefiting from point blank range bonus for a net chance of their base attack?

  7. Hey folks.

    I have a few questions about combat:

    1. How might I go about handling a charge attack where someone is just running in and slamming into an opponent?
    2. If a weapon allows multiple attacks per round (e.g. Light Pistol), does the attacker have to have a skill >100% to take advantage of the multiple attack capability of the weapon?
    3. It seems if Grappling is used you more/less have to use hit locations. I know it says on p. 61 that the GM should "reinterpret them for a game not using hit locations, or disallow the effects", but that seems to defeat almost all purposes of grappling and is just more work. I'm not currently using hit locations, but like to mix things up in combat to keep things fresh. Any suggestions for non-hit location grapple effects?


  8. Hey folks.

    I just recently started running some games with Basic Roleplaying and I'm enjoying the system so far. One thing that came up in my last game is what to use for a willpower check? I get that Power is the characteristic that embodies willpower, but it's characteristic roll is Luck which is described as just that. Do I just rebadge it willpower in those cases where it's need and roll Pow X5 or am I missing something obvious?

    One practical application is the morale check for enemies. Sometimes I want to leave it to chance to see if an enemy carries on a fight and willpower seems to be the right check. 

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