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Posts posted by jps

  1. I was reading about "The Dragon of Thunder Hills" from the RuneQuest screen pack. And I wonder: Yerezum has several attacks at her disposal: breath (SR 3), Claws, Bite and Tail (SR 7) and enthrall (SR 12). There is no mention of her being able to attack several times per round but won't she would be able to poison breath  on SR3 then attack (claw or bite) on SR 7 and attack again a foe coming from behind with her tail and, last but not least, enthrall a victim on SR 12 ?

    I know it's very powerful but she is a Dream Dragon. How did you guys play that out? Did you give her only one attack?

  2. On average a dagger would deal ((1+2+3+4)/4)+2= 4.5 damage. A shortsword would deal ((1+2+3+4+5+6)/6)+1=4.5 damage. Exactly the same but, a shortsword can deal maximum damage of 7 compared to 6 for a dagger. As for the rationale I suspect the difference between a (combat) dagger and a shortsword is minimal.

  3. On 2/18/2019 at 7:51 PM, blackyinkin said:

    Sadly Tarsh Liberated is a project long gone and forgotten.

    In relation to the two covers, it was cheaper to do the reprint with a monochrome cover, Tarsh in Flames sold out so quickly we had to do a rapid turn around reprint.

    Tarsh in Flames was always a project I loved - especially working with Greg. Note that the map of furthest was done in direct contact with Greg - he provided the original drawings and the majority of the street names (the position of the temples to the streets was vital to him).


    Is it still possible to get Tarsh in flames? I looked on Chaosium, Amazon, eBay and it's nowhere to be seen :(

  4. On 4/25/2019 at 2:20 AM, Nevun said:

    That said, I won't let a lack of herding ability be a show stopper.

    Of course not, I believe it wasn't designed to be. I agree that failure should mean they have some problems (a cow stray away, a loud sound make them panic and they scatter threatening to trample the PCs, etc.). You could narrate it or play it (might be a lot of fun).

    This being said the Herd skill can be augmented (Earth rune, Loyalty Clan), cows could be taken care of (first aid or simply speaking to them to calm them down); possibly doubling (or giving a sizable rise in) the chance of success.

    But anyway, even if it fails it's not a disaster. Sure they'll bring the cattle home eventually.

  5. 3 hours ago, Shiningbrow said:

    Attract Magic should actually require the Magic Rune, and having mastered any other Rune doesn't make sense for this spell! Now, if you had Attract Magic with the Air Rune, I'd think that the spell would only attract Air Rune spells.... Castback the same.

    I didn't originally read it this way but it makes sense, I like it.


    On 4/26/2019 at 12:24 PM, Crel said:

    Can sorcerers master the Magic Rune in the same sense that they master the Beast or Darkness Runes? Does it have associated Runes? Is mastery of this Rune necessary for casting the above spells? etc. is what's wandering through my head.

    Malkioni are especially powerful sorcerers we'll have to wait for a supplement to be sure in the meantime, I'd say that what Malkioni sorcerers can achieve doesn't mean that any other sorcerers can do the same.

  6. 4 hours ago, Shiningbrow said:

    OTOH, I'd say that by definition, all sorcery spells are variable...

    Strictly speaking: spiritual magic can be variable, runic magic can be stackable and sorcery spells can have different intensities (strength, duration, range).

  7. I don't think the reason for breaking your oath matters: you promised your god you broke your oath. That's it. Now, if you want to atone for it, it's a different matter: if it' was for convenience you can forget about it otherwise, it might be attempted. Anyway, an oathbreaking is a serious offense and atoning for it should probably demand a heroquest.

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  8. I would say most powered crystals should work for sorcery spells nonetheless, under the Power Enhancing crystals entries it is specifically stated that it only works for variable spells (therefore only for variable spiritual magic).

  9. It's a big spell, demanding the mastery of many Runes: Moon and Fire (so it's not for beginning characters who can pick only one none Technique Rune); it demands Combine and Summon.

    I'm not yet well versed into the new sorcery rules but page 384 stipulates  "Unless otherwise specified in the spell description, it costs 1 additional magic point to increase the intensity of a spell by one level; or double the amount of magic points if it uses a Rune or Technique that the sorcerer has not mastered".

    Let's suppose I have mastered the Moon and Earth Rune, plus I have the command Technique. What happens?

    1. I'm lacking both a Rune and two Techniques so I cannot cast the spell
    2. The Earth is minor to the Fire Rune and the Command Technique is minor to all Techniques thus I can cast the spell. So I have three minors (both Runes and Techniques) for a cost of x2 (first minor), x4 (second minor), x8 third minor. Therefore the strength of my spell with only 15 Free INT would considerably be diminished.


  10. No there is not. It came to me when the players wanted to lay some hindrances and traps to have the higher ground, that the Battle skill would be appropriate. I agree that the skill was mostly designed to simulate larger conflicts but it can do much more than this and Mechshef provided us with a couple of extra examples.

  11. I used the skill when I GMed "Defending Apple Lane": my players came up with a number of traps to gain advantages over the raiding Tusk Riders. I let them describe what and how they set their traps and we rolled under the Battle skill. 

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  12. And if by chance, you must use both you have three options, depending on how hard you want the check to be:

    1) Tell your players to pick the highest skill

    2) Tell your players to pick the lowest skill

    3) Tell your players to succeed at both skills

  13. I would say, it depends on what you want to achieve.

    If you want to travel unnoticed at night, being silent may prove more useful than being hidden. If you make some noise and your enemies are looking for you, standing still and hiding (thus requiring a Hide check) would be the obvious way to go. Generally, you won't need both.

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