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Andy Evans

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Posts posted by Andy Evans

  1. Shipping between the UK and EU is a mess at the moment.  Several carriers have suspended deliveries between the two. This should be resolved in the next week or so.  

    As I'm not a Chaosium employee, I'm not 100% sure that is what's caused it, but I'd put money on that being the issue. 

    • Thanks 1
  2. My group tends to put on background music on in our games.  For Call of Cthulhu, this is pretty easy, but for Glorantha games less so.

    Does anyone have any suitable background music suggestions, or even something like a Spotify or YouTube playlist?

  3. Out of interest how are vouchers sent out?  Do they come from a specific email address?

    Just wondering as they've never got to me in the past.  Dustin's always been great in sending them when requested, but just wanted to see if I could pre-empt that by white-listing a particular email address.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 17 minutes ago, PhilHibbs said:

    That's not reliable, Mol Tribute said it was heading to Scarnish. That would have been a surprise for the fishermen in a small Scottish island bay.

    GPS position is 10 hours ago... hopefully it will give us an update soon, and we will know...

    I dunno, 100 miles West of the Coast perpendicular to your destination is not exactly the most direct route.  

  5. 15 hours ago, Aprewett said:

    Thanks for all the help, we brainstormed a possible system for the corruption and just need to see how it works.

    My follow up question is about flaws. 

    Is the value as suggested on page 47, after char gen and all points have been spent?

    All contests in HQ are rolled against a difficulty/resistance,  so what ability do you use if there is no obvious one. Compulsive for example or blindness? There are no attributes to roll against. 

    I really wish the HQ book line had more examples throughout,  its a real turnoff having to interpret even what sound like basic rules. Please please please put more in the srd.

    Ps; one of our characters has something similar to compulsive as a flaw.

    Regarding suggested values, yes that is after chargen and points have been spent (AFAIK), but there's no reason you can't just call it 13 to start off with, and have it rise over time with failure as @Oracle suggests above. 

    Regards what ability you use that's entirely up to you and character dependent.  If you take your example of Compulsive, the GM would try to roll equal or under to that flaws value and you would roll appropriate to overcome it, e.g. if you're trying to resist doing something you could use your discipline as a 'Warrior Prist of ....'  - anything you can up with that's narratively appropriate. 

    In regards to overcoming the Corruption flaw, the character could perhaps use his magic ability - masters of the art are more likely to understand the risks and mitigate them perhaps? Or some other ability that suggests mental  fortitude.


  6. 1 minute ago, David Scott said:

    What have you purchased, rather than straight off recommending you buy something.

    Most of it! 😀 (that was available in recent years)

    I have:

    • HeroQuest Glorantha
    • Sartar Companion
    • Sartar Kingdom of Heroes
    • Pavis gateway to Adventure
    • The Gloranthan classics books
    • Coming Storm
    • Eleven Lights

    Now if you were to ask me what I've read, the answer would be very different 😔

  7. Hi, the way my regular group works is that we often play a one-shot (usually 1 to 2 sessions), and if we like that play a longer campaign. 

    I'm fairly new to both HeroQuest and Glorantha, and have enjoyed it so far  - but if I'm going to get the group , who are pretty much newbies to both HeroQuest and Glorantha ,to buy into playing a HeroQuest Glorantha campaign, I'm going to have to come up with a decent one-shot.

    Does anyone have any good suggestions?

  8. 19 hours ago, Aprewett said:

    Yes, dont mind the setting but over fighting the system. So many problems for our group.

    I felt exactly the same way about the system.  Would love to hear how you get on playing the setting using HeroQuest.

  9. 9 hours ago, Aprewett said:

    Thought to ask here as it may circumvent some time, so ask the experts.

    If you had a setting that its magic system, generates corruption in the caster/user, how would you do that in HQ. I have HQG and 2. This corruption occurs all the time not just with a failure. 

    The corruption could be minor and fades over time or major and lingers longer.

    If it eventually overpowers the user they start mutating. Stigmas.

    The setting seems to assume the corruption is evil or something, but its a bit unclear. I dont care to stick to that my gut feel is to make it more like radiation poisoning, but magical.


    That setting sounds exactly like Symbaroum....

  10. I have some questions around Combat, principally using the Group Simple Contest.  I sorta get it but have difficulty when the situation needs a more definitive result.

    Let’s say the party has snuck in somewhere and is then confronted by some guards.

    The guards want to prove their mettle and kill the intruders, and the party wants to permanently silence the guards by means of Force.   It’s a not fight the players are emotionally invested in, so a simple contest seems the way forward.

    So, let’s say the result is a marginal victory for the party.  What does that mean exactly?

    Would you have something like a Costly Success?  I.e. the party defeats the guards, but say is impaired or hurt in the process, or another complication for example?

    Or would you leave the situation without a definitive result? I.e. the party has got the better of the guards but they’re still in the fight.  And if so how to proceed from there?

    I've seen other posts (from @Ian Cooper) talk about 'bringing the pain' and turning the contest into an Extended Contest from there if the players wish to do so.  How does that work exactly?  Do you start the extended contest with resolution points already scored depending on the results of the Group Simple Contest?

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