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Posts posted by ChrisJ

  1. One of the PC's in my game is a sable rider 7 Mother's worshiper but follower of Whitebull - I'm interested to see how his conflicted loyalties transpire into actions at the upcoming Battle of Dangerford.  His mission is to help his clan chief understand whether their undecided clan should commit to Whitebull 100% or if they should continue playing the fence between Lunar and Argrath loyalty.

  2. We just started using roll20 last week and fint the in game character sheets very useful - this guide is excellent and a good help to learning the features.  One thing we've not yet had to navigate is exp checks - I'm not seeing any functionality in game and expect that will be some "/roll d100+mod" on the side.

  3. Sounds reasonable - I'll just be a little more inventive when it comes to interpreting fumble rolls :)

    Plus for my Size 4 Drulz NPC - I have added a bearer/squire responsible for carrying said Greatsword - should add some humorous interactions - after all that's the point of Drulz :)

  4. Currently the rules only list minimum STR and Dex to use a weapon - but surely the size of the wielder has some bearing.


    I was creating a Humakti Drulz the other day and while the character had the minimum STR and DEX to use a greatsword it didn't seam reasonable that a 1m tall creature would be able to walk around let alone use a 1.5m long sword.  But currently RQG has no minimum size to use a weapon.


    Should a Size 4 Drulz be able to wield a greatsword?



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