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Posts posted by daddystabz

  1. But only being able to damage someone when you use magic or when you roll a crit is pretty limiting, don't you think? What if a PC wants to join the Knights of the North cult and gains 10 AP armor right off? This armor is way better than any in the OpenQuest core rulebook. The best armor there, plate mail, is only like 6 AP.

    A couple options:

    Magic: Speedart or Firearrow

    Roll a critical. From what I read in the OpenQuest dev kit, "critical hits also ignore armour"

  2. I purchased The Savage North the other night to use with OpenQuest but I am a bit worried about armor. On pg 16 it states the Imperial Knights of the North have armor that is 10 AP. How could a player hope to injure one with such powerful armor, especially if the player is a bowman? In OpenQuest you do not get to add your Damage Bonus to damage from bows. So the most you could ever do in damage with a bow is a d8 or a d10, bouncing right off the Knight of the North.

    I just worry that 10 AP is far too overpowered. What are your thoughts on it please?

  3. Am looking to grab some people to form a gaming group to play OpenQuest online over Skype either weekly or bi-weekly. I am thinking of playing in the excellent Age of Shadow high fantasy setting. I am willing to GM if no one else wants to. I love to play but am open to GM'ing if need be.

    Any interest out there from anyone? Please also feel free to PM me and/or e-mail me directly.

  4. To be clear, I never said I was going to paste MRQII's levels of success and 10% crits on top of BRP. What I actually advocated is ENTIRELY replacing BRP's combat system with my preferred MRQII combat system. Doing so avoids completely all the potential problems Rosen described above. When taking into account firearms and the specials associated with things like impale, etc. you then only need to do a bit of tweaking.

    To make things even clearer, I am fine with BRP's core system as per RAW. I do enjoy 10% crits and no special successes when playing in my MRQII group but if my group for my upcoming BRP game is ok with RAW I certainly am too.

  5. Who would've thought BRP was the game for the mathematical elitists?

    Get real people. No one is saying the devs need to necessarily dumb down the game or that they are asses for not putting out a simply mechanic. I AM saying though I vastly prefer MRQ II's 10% crit and no special success model. It is easier and more intuitive. Quicker too.

  6. Has anyone ever worked on or seen anywhere a conversion of Middle Earth Roleplaying (esp 2e) into BRP or MRQ or RuneQuest?

    MERP uses a D100 system as well so the conversion probably wouldn't be that tough. I just like BRP more-so than Rolemaster.

  7. As I'm sure many of you have read on here in my previous posts I am trying to get a BRP urban fantasy game going soon probably set in the modern world with vampires, werewolves, mages, sorcerors, etc. I am reading VERY thoroughly through the BGB right now and trying to get a list together of what options I will go with and what ones I will pass on.

    If you all were planning a game like this which options would you choose and/or leave out and why?

    I plan on going with Dex/Int ranks for initiative either with or without statement of intents phase (up to my players), reg hit points (no hit locations), probably not rolling for armor but may decide to do so, etc.

    Also, I noticed in the Fate Points section of the book under the optional rules it did not recommend having this system at all for a horror game. I kind of wanted to use at least some of the Fate Points options at first but maybe the book is wise in leaving them out completely for an urban fantasy/horror game. I want my action in the game to be streamlined but cinematic. What do you all think?

    Lastly, what powers/magic types would you allow for? Mages will be part of the setting so I'm trying to decide which would be more appropriate between magic or sorcery in the book. I'm thinking magic will not be so much vancian but more ritualized in nature instead. I might not need much from superpowers but since werewolves, vampires, etc. will be in the game I may allow a tad of it but most of it would be chalked up to making one from the monster examples...simply rolling one as if you were rolling a race other than human in RuneQuest. Psychic abilities will be allowed too I think.

  8. I'm really kind of new to BRP, having experience with MRQ II previously. I am an old school RPG'er though, having played various games for decades now. I am looking to get some games under my belt and to test myself a bit with the system.

    Would any of you be interested in GM'ing some one-shots and/or a mini-campaign for myself and a few others on this board that might be interested? Maybe something urban fantasy or pirates or old west would be awesome but I'm open to others as well. I'd greatly appreciate this. We could try it out over Skype and/or OpenRPG or MapTools or whatever really.

    Any thoughts/opinions on this? Any interest for a GM or players alike?

  9. I'm perfectly willing to try initiative exactly as written in the default rules with Dex/Int ranks, penalties for movement in excess of 5m, statement of intents, etc. if my players are up for it. I'll know soon. I have the default system down so well now it doesn't really bother me anymore.

  10. This makes my point better than I could as to why I love 10% crits outright, lol.

    75-10 = 65. 6.5/2 = 3.75 => 4%. We don't use 5% crits, so its not an issue. For us 71-79% is 7 and 61-69% is 6. Extra easy.

    And for B, no, of course not, 66 = 6.6/2 = 3.3 => 3%.

    To calculate CRITS "the BRP WAY":

    1- Divide your skill by 2 (add 1 if you got an even number, is "easier" -i would even say way easier- for math challenged people and wields the same result)

    2- Discard your units if they are 0-4. Discard the units and add 1 to the result if they are 5-9

    3- THERE YOU HAVE!!! Your crit rate!!! Now go amaze your players!!!



    66 = 66/2 = 33. Discard units. 3 crit!!!

    123 = 124/2 = 62. Discard units. CRIT IS 6!

    421 = 422/2 = 211, Discard units. CRIT IS 21!

    77 = 78/2 = 37. Units are over 5! Add 1!!! CRIT IS 4!

    32 = 16 = 2%

    Easy as pie huh? For specials do the same; just multiply by 2!

  11. It does not surprise me at all that some of you might have around as much experience as me in gaming in general. I am really amazed that supposed BRP enthusiasts would have this much trouble with tinkering with a toolbox game that is DESIGNED from the floor up to be tinkered with. I have explained repeatedly that I fully comprehend what my changes will do to MY game. I am only talking about dropping statement of intents right now and that is one of the options in the BGB. I never said the original rule is bad I SAID IT IS NOT FOR ME AND THAT MY PLAYERS DESPISE IT. That honestly should be enough for you. I do not like some parts of the initiative system in this game. MRQII frankly does it a whole heck of a lot better imo. I'm not the only one that thinks this. I've tried to be respectful and honestly hate that this thread has been this hostile but honestly how many times can I state how aware I am of how this will change the game. Any experienced gamer can read how a simple change such as this will affect the game and understand it inherently because it is such a simple tweak. I really respect you all as gamers and I appreciate you feel strongly enough to try to warn me. I am willing to play the game Dex/Int ranks intact and with statement of intents as well and it will not bog me down personally as a GM. I just have a very educated feeling that my players will not enjoy statement of intents based on past experience and will not like the altered initiative hit to Dex ranks when moving any more than what equates to 1 sqaure of movement, since we use a battlemat.

    Again, watch the review here:

    and listen how he TWEAKED the system to fit his style and to fit his players. Notice I asked him on his YouTube page how he handled initiative and you will see he made similar tweaks as to what I'm describing. Is he misguided because he didn't use/like initiative as written in the BGB? He used Dex ranks not strike ranks but I believe he didn't use penalties for movement to Dex rank. He also made custom skills for his campaign and encouraged me to tweak away on his thread, saying it is in the spirit of the toolbox nature of the game to do so.

    I honestly appreciate the advice you all tried to give, along with the warning of how it may impact the game. I'm aware of how it may impact the game and I'm cool with it. I'm TOTALLY willing to allow the players to play with statement of intents and Dex/Int ranks if they want but I'm pretty sure they won't want to based on my experience with them. I want to consider you all as friends and I don't want you all to see me as some kind of troublemaker. I'm just honestly trying to accommodate what my players like as a GM.

  12. I'm going to try to break this down a bit further. I've been playing these games for literally decades. I have tons of experience. I have played variations of BRP in games like RuneQuest, which BRP was derived from. The math challenged player in my group I mentioned previously is an old school Call of Cthulu player and fan, knowing BRP very, very well. Like KingSkin, I'm experienced enough to read a rule or set of rules and understand how it/they will play, especially with my players. I am not speaking here without having any experience or idea. I have multiple bookshelves of these games and I've played/GM'ed more of these games than anyone I know personally. I have other players in my group that are familiar with BRP as well and the guy running our MRQII group right now played RuneQuest back in the day. I also have a lot of experience with having a phase of declarations/statement of intents in initiative. We used the by the book method in Legend of the 5 Rings 1e, for instance. The reason that was built into the initiative system in that game is exactly the same reason it exists in this game....to give tactical depth and allow for things to change somewhat after a player has already declared his/her actions, etc. My players did not like it in L5R 1e and found it slowed things down more than what they liked, not enough bang for the buck. This is how I know they will not want it in their BRP. Throwing out the statement of intents phase is one of the options on pg 188 I think of the BRP BGB. I am not looking for tactical depth for the particular campaign I'm gearing up to run. It will be an urban fantasy campaign and I'm trying to keep it rules lite. I know what to expect with throwing out statement of intents and I plan on using dex/int ranks at this point for the rest of initiative. My players would despise Strike Ranks as detailed in the BGB. The reason I posted about this on this board and on RPG.net is because I wanted to gather a diverse set of opinions from BRP players and non-BRP players alike that might have tinkered with different initiative systems in the past.

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