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Everything posted by Moonface

  1. I would be interested in hearing what other people think. My gut instinct is that it doesn’t work, the reason being is that the spirit combat skill is both attack and defense (as an opposed roll) and the Demoralize Spell says that you may still defend fully (as normal). Just my two Clacks.
  2. Thanks Cwitten, that’s what I was looking for! It’s funny that the info is in the same section that I had been looking at. I guess I failed my Search roll.
  3. I agree, I’m just trying to see if there’s an official ruling that someone could point to that would confirm the rune swap.
  4. I’m considering creating a baboon shaman for our group’s upcoming RQG campaign. After reading through creating a baboon, it mentions that baboons worship Grandfather Baboon (Daka Fal) and that they start with a Beast Rune of 80%. So the question that popped up is, does worshiping Grandfather Baboon change the Man rune for the cult’s rune spells to the Beast rune when determining which rune to use when casting cult rune spells. Does anyone have any insight or suggestions? Thanks!
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