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Posts posted by StevenGEmsley

  1. As regards numbers of "neutral" angels, I figure the number of conscientious objectors was quite small to begin with, and some have since either sought (and received) forgiveness and returned to Heaven or thrown in their lot with Lucifer, resenting being cast out in the first place.

    As far as the offspring is concerned, there are enough of them that they aren't stoned in the street, but rare enough that they turn heads. No greenskin hordes, but I love the image of Landksnecht orcs!

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  2. So dug out the first scenario, Mistaken Identity. Seems the motivation for the baddies is to stir up the Sigmarite Heresy to bring about chaos and war.

    My campaign is set in the Holy Roman Empire, starting in 1520.

    Just after the publication of Luther's 95 Theses*. 

    This could work!!

    * Luther is absolutely not part of the demonic plan (or is he...?) but the cults will certainly seize on the opportunities presented by a schism in the Catholic Church!!

    • Like 1
  3. So, demons then.  Pretty much a "change the names and hope no-one notices" approach!

    • Slaanesh becomes Demoriel, the Twice-Exiled 
    • Tzeentch becomes Coronzom, the Dweller in the Abyss
    • Khorne becomes Abaddon, the Destroyer
    • Nurgle becomes Resheph, the White Rider

    I envision a host of demons under Satan, all with their own plots and schemes, but these are the ones which easily map to WFRP's Big Four.

    Guess I need to write up some factions now!


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  4. Genesis 6:2 is perfect!

    Moorcock's Mittelmarch is a different approach, and I'm mainly stealing the name, as in War Hound the Mittelmarch is a borderland between Earth and Hell where only the damned can enter. However it does have some faerie-like qualities. The seasons are reversed, familiar objects in the same location are different there, time passes differently and it is home to fantastical creatures, so as I'm not cleaving too closely to Moorcock's version I can yoink ideas that sound cool!

    I've not read any Anderson, but I'm starting to believe I should...

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  5. So how, in a Judeo-Christian context, do we justify these fantasy PC races? Well, they're all linked to the Mittelmarch (a term stolen from Michael Moorcock's excellent The War Hound and the World's Pain), which in this campaign will be an analogue to faerie.

    The origin of the fae is that when Lucifer led His rebellion against God, there were some angels who would not side with Lucifer but who refused to raise arms against their fellow angels. In His wrath, God cast these down to earth, where they bred with mortal men and women, giving us the elves, dwarves, trolls and goblins who are our PC race choices (as well as humans, of course!)

  6. Obviously the old WFRP was heavily based on the Holy Roman Empire; in the aesthetic, the political structure, the technological level. I've been very impressed with A R Kavli's Renaissance : 1520 supplement, and my players are enthused, but want a fantasy game.

    I have all the Enemy Within books for 1st Edition WFRP, but have never run it.

    For anyone familiar with it (I'm yet to reread it), would it suffer overly much from replacing the machinations of Chaos with Satanic cults and setting it in the Holy Roman Empire instead of the Old World, with the place names changed and the serial numbers filed off?

    Cthulhu cults are also an option...

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  7. The Old Way

    ·         We are all children of the land – the land is the Land. The land has always been and always shall be. The seasons come and the seasons go.

    ·         Gods come and gods go – Magna Mater, Woden, Christ Jesus. The power of the land knows no name and needs no temples.

    ·         The Church is our enemy – The Nazarene is a jealous God and will not tolerate others. Pretend to His worship if you must, but keep your true beliefs secret.

    ·         Nothing comes without sacrifice – For a good harvest, blood must be spilled. For fine weather, blood must be spilled. For strong children, blood must be spilled. What you take, you must repay,

    Allies: Wise Women and Cunning Men, some unaligned Witches. Country folk.

    Enemies: The Church.

    Zeal: 25

    Bonus Skills: Beliefs (The Old Way) +25%, Lore (Country Wisdom) +15%

    The Old Way is earth worship in its purest form. This is not worship of pre-Christian gods, this is worship of the land itself. Followers of the Old Way believe in blood sacrifice in thanks for the land’s bounty.

    This cult can be used for all kinds of folk-horror antagonists (a la The Wicker Man or Midsommer). There are as many variations in cult practices as there are communities which follow the Old Faith.

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  8. I response to the discussion on random hit locations, I always read it as "here's where the opponent has let slip an opening."

    I've also been in fights (real, and on the mats) and I might want to go for a headshot, but if he presents his knee I'll absolutely take it!

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