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  • RPG Biography
    I've been playing RPGs since my college days; almost 4 decades now!
  • Current games
    Runequest: Glorantha
  • Blurb
    Just an old RPG player.

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Newbie (1/4)



  1. Like everyone else here, I immediately put Hippogriffs into my campaign. However I was unhappy they didn't include the raptor's most devastating attack: the stoop. Being a geek, I went the physics route (giving it a terminal velocity) and based the stoop attack on a peregrine falcon. I also threw in some extra rolls and a limitation to make this devastating attack (it does ~500 points of damage) a bit more difficult. Here's what I came up with: Stoop 55% 1D6+2D6+"Falling Damage" 1/2R on SR 9 The terminal velocity of a stooping hippogriff is 90M/S, reached in 9.18S after a distance of 413.25M giving a maximum “falling” damage of 138D6. Given the climb rate of a Hippogriff is 36M/S, it takes 1 mêlée round to climb to that distance, so a stoop attack can be done every other round on strike rank 9. If the hippogriff has a rider, to successfully use the stoop attack the rider must make a successful Fly/Ride (Hippogriff) roll and the Hippogriff must make a successful Fly roll, before rolling the stoop attack roll. The damage bonus for a stoop attack with rider should add in the SIZ of the rider when calculated. Lastly, in order to avoid crashing into the ground, a stoop attack can only be used on a target of SIZ 10 or larger.
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