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Paul Fricker

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Everything posted by Paul Fricker

  1. https://blasphemoustomes.com/2023/02/14/michael-sheas-fat-face/ This episode is our discussion of Michael Shea’s Mythos tale, “Fat Face”. Originally published as a chapbook in 1987, this nasty little novelette has since been collected in countless anthologies. It’s probably sitting in one of those Mythos books on your shelf right now, waiting patiently for you. As well as being a great story in its own right, “Fat Face” is the inspiration for shoggoth lords, as seen in the Call of Cthulhu RPG. We take a little detour into their presentation in the game and some of the ways they’ve been used. The protagonist of the story is a sex worker, and while the story isn’t at all prurient, it also doesn’t shy away from some of the more dangerous aspects of Patti’s profession. Be warned that our discussion mentions the story’s depictions of violence against women, threats of sexual violence, drug use, body horror and animal cruelty. News Blasphemous Tome 3 reissue Matt has finished converting issue 3 of The Blasphemous Tome to PDF format. This means that backers can now download it from our Patreon page. Those backing us at the $3 level or higher before the end of the month will also have access to a discount code for a print-on-demand version from DriveThruRPG. The Blasphemous Tome is the fully licenced Call of Cthulhu fanzine we produce for backers of the podcast. As well as all the usual features, issue 3 includes Scott’s Pulp Cthulhu scenario, “A New Age of Wonders!” This weird little adventure follows a notoriously self-aggrandising inventor as he throws a New Year’s Eve party to unveil his latest creation to the world. Of course, nothing good can come of this and deadly peril awaits. If you want to hear how it plays, Scott ran it for our good friends at Pretending to be People last year.
  2. I would agree - no to pushing HTD rolls, but yes to spending Luck on them. 🙂
  3. https://blasphemoustomes.com/2023/01/31/media-catch-up-tv-2/ Once again, we are perched open mouthed before the small screen, gobbling down televisual delights and regurgitating opinions. This is the latest in our ongoing series of media reviews, sharing our thoughts on the TV programmes we’ve been watching lately. There’s more horror than usual in our selections, making this episode dangerously on-topic. We’ll do better next time.
  4. https://blasphemoustomes.com/2023/01/17/kill-baby-kill/ Building on last episode’s exploration of Gothic horror, we thought we’d follow up with a look at a film that typifies the genre. There are a great many films ostensibly linked to the Gothic, but far fewer that really embody both the tropes and the aesthetic. And, when you narrow things down in those terms, one director stands out: Mario Bava. Kill, Baby… Kill! may not be particularly well known, but it turns up regularly on critics’ lists of the best horror films. It’s a strange affair, made on a ludicrously tight budget and largely improvised. As our hosts’ reactions demonstrate, it is not a film for everyone, Still, if you are a fan of classic Italian horror or just dreamlike atmosphere with flashes of weirdness, you’re in for a treat. News Matt at Con-Tingency Matt will be attending the Con-Tingency convention in Hunstanton later this month. The convention officially runs between the 18th and 22nd of January, but unofficial games start whenever people arrive. Matt is probably there right now. While he is excited to be going, he has promised to take things easier than usual, given his ongoing convalescence. If you are there, please do say hi to him! And tell him to get some sleep. Matt Nixon While we were recording, we received a message telling us our old friend Matt Nixon had just died in hospital. This makes the last five minutes of the episode unusually sombre. If you have attended more than a few British conventions over the past 25 years, you almost certainly knew Matt. “Larger than life” may be an overused phrase, but it’s hard to think of a better description. He was a compelling presence at every gathering — boisterous, gregarious and, sometimes, abrasive. Everyone who knew Matt could tell you a tale of him getting on their nerves or saying something ill-advised, but the chances are that they would then follow it up with a memory of Matt being kind, charming, or, at least, comically mischievous. Like everyone, he was a complicated individual. Matt’s games were the stuff of legend. All three of us played with him whenever we could. He was a creative GM, never short of an idea, and his enthusiasm and love of shocking people made him a natural at running horror. This led to Matt becoming a member of the Kult of Keepers, the Call of Cthulhu GM collective that, indirectly, spawned 7th edition. But, most of all, Matt was a character. Drunken conversations with him were a highpoint of any convention, as well as an endless source of anecdotes. Even when he was at his most provocative, the stories we told about him afterwards were usually accompanied by wry smiles. All three of us shall miss Matt immensely. He has left a hole in the UK gaming world that only he could have filled. You can read Paul's memories of Matt on his Blog here.
  5. https://blasphemoustomes.com/2023/01/03/gothic-horror/ We’re back and we’re skulking around the old ruined abbey. Sure, the place is lousy with ghosts, but they’re not really that important. We’re far more concerned with the weather. If reading Gothic horror has taught us anything, it’s that storms are caused by our own inner turmoil. Or is that the other way around? Maybe we could figure it out if all these bloody ghosts would just shut up. Why won’t the past just stay dead? Gothic Horror This episode is our attempt to understand what exactly Gothic horror is. We’ve often mentioned how Lovecraft’s early work was rooted in the Gothic, but we’ve never really explained what that means. Gothic horror is one of those genres that you know when you see it, but actually defining it can be tricky. Happily, Matt has a degree in English, and part of his studies involved the history of Gothic literature. We imposed upon him to dig out some of his dusty old texts and explain what elements go into Gothic horror and how the genre stands apart from other forms of horror literature. News Illusion Horror Con Seminars Matt and Scott recently attended the Illusion Horror Con, taking part in seminars discussing horror GMing techniques, how to take inspiration from horror media, and the cosmology of the Kult RPG. All of these are now available for your streaming pleasure. Paul’s Substack Paul has started his own substack (blog/newsletter) over at paulfricker.com, talking about the various projects he has on the go. Rivers of London Launch at Dragonmeet Paul attended Dragonmeet last month to promote the new Rivers of London RPG. He took part in a seminar on the topic, alongside Lynne Hardy and Ben Aaronovitch. While this was apparently recorded, it has yet to appear on YouTube. We shall update the show notes should this change. The PDF of Rivers of London is out now, with printed copies due in the spring.
  6. https://blasphemoustomes.com/2022/12/20/making-call-of-cthulhu-weird/ We’re back and we’re getting on a bit. Turning 250 is a sobering milestone. Worse, we seem to be getting a bit peculiar in our dotage. Or maybe it’s just the world around us that’s getting stranger. Either way, this gives us an excuse to ramble on about weird things. So we have. Making Call of Cthulhu Weird Given that this is our 250th episode, we thought we’d tackle a big topic. While Call of Cthulhu is primarily known as a horror RPG, the Mythos is so much more than simple scares. Its mixture of science fiction, fantasy and horror reflects its origins in weird fiction. But what does that actually mean? And, more importantly, how can we make our games weirder? Season’s Greetings! December is a time for celebration around the world, and we are well into the Christmas season here in the UK. But that’s not the only thing we’re celebrating. As we’ve mentioned, this is our 250th episode! Well, 250th standard episode. By the time you include all the specials and backer-only releases, it’s more like 300. Blimey! Scott in Trebuchet Magazine Scott has written another article for Trebuchet Magazine. This is a short piece about his experiences with aphantasia and how it has shaped his imagination. It appears in issue 12, subtitled “Realities”. As ever, the article (and the whole magazine, of course!) is beautifully laid-out and accompanied by evocative art. If you fancy picking up a copy, our good friends at Trebuchet have provided a 20% discount for our listeners. Just enter the code “dorwardagainstmine” when checking out. Getting Creative With Cthulhu Paul appeared on a panel with Mike Mason and Heinrich Moore at the recent Miskatonic Repository Convention. The topic was “Getting Creative With Cthulhu” and you can find a recording of it below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DFNAOkAgzk The Blasphemous Tome issue 10 This is your last chance to get a signed copy of issue 10 of The Blasphemous Tome. While the PDF of this issue will continue to be available for download from Patreon, this is your only opportunity to get a physical copy signed by all three of the Good Friends. Anyone backing us at the $5 level before the end of December 2022 will receive a signed, printed copy, delivered into your hands through eldritch means. Or the post. See either our Patreon page or the post about The Blasphemous Tome on this very website for further details. The Blasphemous Tome is a Call of Cthulhu fanzine licensed by Chaosium, and issue 10 includes a full-length scenario from our very own Matt Sanderson. For latest details on getting all issues of the tome: Blasphemous Tome Fanzines Update for $3+ backers (Dec 2022) or Blasphemous Tome Fanzines Update for $1 backers (Dec 2022) My Little Sister in Print! Paul's latest scenario to hit the Miskatonic Repository, My Little Sister Wants You to Suffer is now available in print: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/418315/My-Little-Sister-A-Call-of-Cthulhu-Scenario?affiliate_id=45741
  7. https://blasphemoustomes.com/2022/12/06/mythos-deities-tsathoggua-atlach-nacha-and-abhoth/ This episode is our latest exploration of the deities of the Cthulhu Mythos. We have devoted previous episodes to Dagon, Shub-Niggurath, Yog-Sothoth, Nyarlathotep, Hastur, Azathoth, Nodens, Ubbo-Sathla and Mordiggian, Ithaqua, Cthulhu, Daoloth and Eihort, Gla’aki and Y’golonac. Once again, we are returning to the creations of Clark Ashton Smith, digging deep into the origins and development of three of his deities: Tsathoggua, Atlach-Nacha and Abhoth. All three of these gods made their first appearances in Smith’s tale, “The Seven Geases”, which we discussed way back in episode 90. We thought it was long past time we delved into the entities themselves. The Blasphemous Tome issue 10 The first consignment of issue 10 of The Blasphemous Tome will be shipping to our Patreon backers within days! There is still just enough time to secure a printed copy, however. Anyone backing us at the $5 level before the end of December 2022 will receive a signed, printed copy. See either our Patreon page or the post about The Blasphemous Tome on our website. While the PDF of this issue will be available download from Patreon until the heat death of the universe (give or take), this is your only opportunity to get a printed copy signed by all three of the Good Friends. The Blasphemous Tome is a Call of Cthulhu fanzine licensed by Chaosium and includes a full-length scenario from our own Matt Sanderson. For latest details on getting all issues of the tome: Blasphemous Tome Fanzines Update for $3+ backers (Sept 2022) or Blasphemous Tome Fanzines Update for $1 backers (Sept 2022) Concrete Cow 22.5 Matt and Paul recently attended the Concrete Cow RPG convention in Milton Keynes. They spend a little time discussing the game of Vaesen that Matt ran there. And thank you to all the listeners who said hello on the day! Interview with Juan Diego Escobar Alzate A little while ago, Scott interviewed Juan Diego Escobar Alzate, the writer and director behind the Colombian folk horror film, Luz: The Flower of Evil. This took place on the Good Friends Discord server, and included topics such as the influence of Alejandro Jodorowsky, how an ayahuasca trip reshaped the script at the last minute, and which other Latin American horror filmmakers we should be looking out for. You can find Scott’s full review of Luz on this very site, as part of his 2022 October Horror Movie Challenge. My Little Sister Wants You to Suffer Paul has recently released his Call of Cthulhu scenario “My Little Sister Wants You to Suffer” on the Miskatonic Repository. The cover and internal artwork are by our good friend John Sumrow. Anyone backing us on Patreon before the end of December 2022 will receive a voucher for 30% off their purchase. Christmas ghost story on the Good Friends Discord This Christmas will see another live ghost story reading on the Good Friends Discord server. Once again, this is being organised by our good friend Mike Perceval-Maxwell, the golden voice behind Mr Spike’s Bedtime Stories. Following the success of “A Christmas Carol” in 2020 and “The Canterville Ghost” in 2021, Mike is directing a full-cast performance of Nikolai Gogol’s weird folkloric tale, “The Viy”. Expect witchcraft, the unquiet dead and, if you’re lucky, a special guest appearance from the king of the gnomes himself! As well as Mike, the cast includes Dom Allen, John Casey, Sarah Dovey Rina Haenze, Sue Savage, and our own Scott Dorward. The performance will take place over four nights, at 22:30 GMT on the 15th, 16th, 20th and 23rd of December. Do come along to our Discord server and listen live if you can. If you are unable to do so, however, we plan to record the performances and release them as special episodes on the podcast feed later this month.
  8. https://blasphemoustomes.com/2022/11/22/censor-2021/ Following on from last episode’s discussion of moral panics over horror, we thought we’d look at a film that explores similar ideas. Censor is a 2021 British horror film, written and directed by Prano Bailey-Bond. It is set against the backdrop of the video nasties furore of the 1980s, following film censor Enid as she struggles to differentiate between imaginary horrors and real ones. We use the film as a launching pad to discuss the more general topics of censorship, video nasties, and the not-so-good old days following the crackdown on horror films in the UK. The Blasphemous Tome issue 10 Issue 10 of The Blasphemous Tome will be shipping to our Patreon backers soon! There is still just enough time to secure your copy, however. See either our Patreon page or the page about The Blasphemous Tome on this very website. As well as getting hold of this issue, backing us on Patreon grants immediate access to PDFs of previous issues. We are still in the process of converting a few earlier ones to PDF, but there are currently 7 available for download. Most of these contain full Call of Cthulhu scenarios, written by one of the Good Friends. Paul at Dragonmeet 2022 Paul will be attending Dragonmeet 2022 on Saturday the 3rd of December, promoting the Rivers of London RPG with author Ben Aaronovitch. Stop by the Chaosium stand and say hi! Matt and Scott at Illusion Horror Con Matt and Scott will be (virtually) attending The Illusion Horror Con in December. Scott is running his scenario “Night Bus” for Call of Cthulhu. He is also appearing on two panels: Gamemastering Horror and Horror Inspiration From Other Media. Matt will be running his Kult scenario “Agglutination” and appearing on the Kult Setting panel.
  9. https://blasphemoustomes.com/2022/11/08/is-horror-dangerous/ This episode, we’re trying to work out why so many people are afraid of horror. No, hang on, let’s clarify that. Horror is supposed to scare you, but does that mean you should be afraid of it as a genre? Is there something dangerous about horror? Can it cause psychological or even physical harm? Does it lead to moral corruption or erode the fabric of society? And won’t someone please think of the children?! Our discussion takes in such thorny topics as moral panics, censorship, religion, politics, suicide, PTSD, animal cruelty and Mary Whitehouse. You have been warned. News The Blasphemous Tome issue 10 Issue 10 of The Blasphemous Tome is about to enter layout! This means we’re on course to ship the first copies to our Patreon backers at the start of December. See either our Patreon page or the page about The Blasphemous Tome on this very website. With this being another year-end issue, we see the return of a number of regular features. In The Ludomancers, we each share our favourite gaming experiences of 2022. Episodes of Insanity sees us discussing the episodes that most stood out to us this year. And, once again, Matt offers a recipe and a short history lesson in Cocktail Corner. The centrepiece, of course, is a brand new modern-day Call of Cthulhu scenario inspired by Matt’s hair-raising near-death experience early this year. A Weekend With Good Friends With the latest Weekend With Good Friends having just wrapped up, we take a few minutes to thank everyone who made it happen. Thanks especially to Chris, Martin, Bence and Jack for their sterling work in organising everything on the logistical and technical fronts, and thank you to Rina, Dave, Sue and Max for keeping things running smoothly throughout the convention itself. And thank you, of course, to everyone who attended and who ran games! It was a delightful weekend. Root on How We Roll How We Roll has just started a new mini-campaign of the Root RPG. Joe and Scott join GM Adrian Tchaikovsky, running a scenario of his own devising, with guest players Paul Cornell and Lizbeth Myles (of Big Finish). This was spectacular fun, with cute but larcenous woodland critters caught in the middle of a war. It turned into all the best kinds of chaos! Paul on Frankenstein RPG Podcast Paul made another guest appearance on the Frankenstein RPG podcast. Season 2 sees the panel stitching together the best possible science fiction RPG from pieces of other games. This episode tears strips of GM advice and scenarios from its screaming victims.
  10. https://blasphemoustomes.com/2022/10/25/dealing-with-downtime/ This episode, we discuss how we handle downtime in Call of Cthulhu and other RPGs. In any campaign, there will always be those quiet moments between the main adventures when time moves differently. Maybe the heroes are on a long voyage or convalescing to restore their bodies and minds. They might simply be getting on with everyday life while awaiting the next call to action. So how do you handle this downtime? Is it purely a mechanical phase for recovery and advancement? Does it present some unique roleplaying opportunities? Or is it best simply handwaved away? Scott on So, I’m Writing a Novel Scott recently joined Oliver Brackenbury on his most recent podcast venture, So I’m Writing a Novel. In particular, Oliver is writing a sword and sorcery novel, and has been discussing the genre with a wide range of people. The discussion with Scott, released as episode 54, focuses on the shared roots of sword and sorcery and the Cthulhu Mythos. As we mention, Oliver has also started a related magazine, called New Edge Sword & Sorcery. There is a preview issue available now for subscribers to the magazine’s mailing list. Regular listeners might remember that Scott appeared on Oliver’s other podcast, Unknown Worlds of the Merril Collection, earlier in the year to discuss how the Cthulhu Mythos has developed beyond Lovecraft. A Weekend With Good Friends Player sign-ups for A Weekend With Good Friends are currently open, although you’ll need to act fast. This is the online RPG convention organised by our lovely listeners and hosted on our Discord server. We have a web page with important details and links, which we will update as things progress. The important dates are: 21st October–27th October – Player signups 28th October – Allocations are announced 4th–6th November – A Weekend With Good Friends The Blasphemous Tome issue 10 Issue 10 of The Blasphemous Tome is taking shape! There is just time for submissions before the cut-off at the end of October 2022. If you have any articles of up to 500 words or artwork you think would fit, we would love to see them. Just drop us a line at submissions@blasphemoustomes.com. In the news segment, Matt talks a little more about the state of delirium that inspired his scenario for this latest issue. October Horror Movie Challenge Scott is coming to the end of his 2022 October Horror Movie Challenge. He is currently posting a horror film review every day on this very blog. These are all films he has not seen before and, largely, ones available on streaming services. If you want to check out his selections, or even play along at home, you can find full details here. Improvised Games on ASN Over the past couple of years, Scott has run special Halloween games of Call of Cthulhu for our good friends at Ain’t Slayed Nobody — namely, “The Green Pumpkin” and “Totally Not a Cult Gathering”. These games were entirely improvised, based on suggestions from listeners. This year, we gathered again for a new improv Halloween game, titled “Dead Man’s Tooth”. Part 1 should turn up on the ASN feed in the not-too-distant future.
  11. https://blasphemoustomes.com/2022/10/11/media-catch-up-films-2/ This episode, we’re returning to our media catch-up format to talk about films we’ve watched recently. Two of us decided to head back to the ’90s, although only one of these selections could be called a classic. Paul opted for a more recent release, and do be warned that his segment is especially spoiler-heavy. News Miskatonic Repository Convention The Miskatonic Repository Convention takes place this weekend, from 14-16 October 2022. Paul & Mike Mason will be appearing on a panel about “Getting Creative With Cthulhu” on Friday evening at 9 PM BST. Scott will be running Philip G. Orth’s scenario “Sound of the Sea” on Sunday at 2 PM BST. Concrete Cow 22.5 The next Concrete Cow convention is imminent. This is the semi-annual convention organised by the MK-RPG club. It takes place at the Old Bath House in Wolverton, in the northern reaches of Milton Keynes, on Saturday the 15th of October. Full details can be found on the convention website. October Horror Movie Challenge Scott is now deep into his 2022 October Horror Movie Challenge. He is currently posting a horror film review every day on this very blog. These are all films he has not seen before and, largely, ones available on streaming services. If you want to check out his selection, or even play along at home, you can find full details here. As we recorded this episode in September, it was a little difficult to discuss details. Instead, Scott mentioned two films he’s reviewing for the upcoming issue 10 of The Blasphemous Tome. These films are Moloch (2022) and VFW (2019). Our brief discussion of them also makes mention of Assault on Precinct 13 (1976), The Warriors (1979) and Class of 1984 (1982). The Blasphemous Tome issue 10 No sooner has issue 9 of The Blasphemous Tome gone out the door than we’ve started work on issue 10! If you have any articles of up to 500 words or artwork you think would fit, we would love to see them. Just drop us a line at submissions@blasphemoustomes.com. Along with Matt’s new scenario, this episode will include our regular year-end features. Expect discussions of our favourite episodes of the year, notable games we have played, and Matt’s usual articles about cocktails and limited-edition RPG books. A Weekend With Good Friends GM sign-ups for A Weekend With Good Friends are currently open. This is the online RPG convention organised by our lovely listeners and hosted on our Discord server. We have a web page with important details and links, which we will update as things progress. The important dates are: 30th September-13th October 2022 – GM signups 21st October–27th October – Player signups 28th October – player allocations are announced 4th–6th November – A Weekend With Good Friends Paul’s Summer Conventions Paul managed to attend a number of conventions this summer. He briefly discusses his time at Continuum, Owlbear & Wizard’s Staff and Necronomicon Providence. The latter proved especially exciting, with a livestream of the new Pirate Borg RPG and a game with our good friends at Into the Darkness.
  12. https://blasphemoustomes.com/2022/09/27/30-coins-30-monedas/ This episode, we’re taking a look at Álex de la Iglesia‘s bizarre and wonderful TV programme, 30 Coins (originally released as 30 monedas). As well as being an all-round entertaining piece of television, 30 Coins is also rich inspiration for Call of Cthulhu, Kult, and any number of other games. We offer a quick overview of the programme, a few key highlights, and some thoughts about its gaming applications. October Horror Movie Challenge Scott is once again embarking upon the October Horror Movie Challenge. Throughout October, he will be posting a horror film review every day on this very blog. These will all be films he has not seen before and, largely, ones available on streaming services. If you want to check out his selection or even play along at home, you can find full details here. The Blasphemous Tome issue 10 No sooner has issue 9 of The Blasphemous Tome gone out the door than we’ve started work on issue 10! If you have any articles of up to 500 words or artwork you think would fit, we would love to see them. Just drop us a line at submissions@blasphemoustomes.com. Matt is also working on a brand new Call of Cthulhu scenario, inspired by his experiences of being in a coma earlier this year. The Mythos may be the least sanity-blasting part of this adventure! A Weekend With Good Friends The next Weekend With Good Friends is approaching fast. This is the online RPG convention organised by our lovely listeners and hosted on our Discord server. We have a web page with important details and links, which we will update as things progress. The important dates are: 30th September-13th October 2022 – GM signups 21st October–27th October – Player signups 28th October – player allocation results are announced 4th–6th November – A Weekend With Good Friends
  13. https://blasphemoustomes.com/2022/09/13/morality-in-the-cthulhu-mythos/ We’re back and we’re in a moral quandary. It’s fair to say that the gods and monsters of the Mythos are beyond human comprehension. The problem is that we are human (or at least that’s our story) but we still need to find ways to write and talk about morality in the Cthulhu Mythos. Is our only option to talk about the ineffable from a human perspective? Or do we get meta and accept that the Mythos is a human invention and any moral opacity is of our own creation? Ultimately, we’ll probably just argue a lot and go off on tangents. That’s served us well enough for the last nine years. Main Topic: Morality in the Cthulhu Mythos We’re continuing last episode’s discussion of morality. This time, we’re looking at the role of morality in the Cthulhu Mythos. Do the entities of the Mythos follow any kind of morality we can comprehend? How do we best use antagonists who exist outside our concepts of good and evil? And do they always have to be antagonists anyway? News Issue 9 of the Blasphemous Tome Released The lastest issue of our licensed Call of Cthulhu fanzine was released last week. The PDF is presently available to everyone who backs us on Patreon, and everyone backing us on the $5 level will receive a signed print copy. More info at: https://www.patreon.com/posts/blasphemous-tome-71245492 For latest details on getting other back issues of the tome: Blasphemous Tome Fanzines Update for $3+ backers (Feb 2022) or Blasphemous Tome Fanzines Update for $1 backers (Jan 2022) Mazes and Monsters 40th Anniversary Plumeria Pictures are releasing a special 40th anniversary edition of the legendary Mazes and Monsters, starring a shockingly young Tom Hanks. Those of you with long memories (or access to Google) may know this weird piece of RPG history, very loosely and inaccurately inspired by the tragic story of Dallas Egbert. The film has become notorious as part of the Satanic panic of the 1980s, but it doesn’t really fit into that camp. It’s something far stranger and quite unique. If you need more of a reason to pick up this release, it comes with a special commentary track recorded by Seth Skorkowsky, Veronica from Cthulhu and Friends, Joe & Eoghan from How We Roll, and our very own Scott Dorward. We spend the film’s runtime marvelling at its strangeness, talking a bit about the history that inspired it, and becoming increasingly confused by all the hats. A Weekend With Good Friends The next Weekend With Good Friends is approaching fast. This is the online RPG convention organised by our lovely listeners and hosted on our Discord server. We have a web page with important details and links, which we will update as things progress. The important dates are: 30th September-13th October 2022 – GM signups 21st October–27th October – Player signups 28th October – player results are announced 4th–6th November – A Weekend With Good Friends
  14. https://blasphemoustomes.com/2022/08/30/morality-in-rpgs/ This episode is our exploration of the role of morality in RPGs. From the weirdness of D&D‘s alignment system to the more challenging approach of games like Dogs in the Vineyard, RPGs have always explored questions of morality. But should games try to enforce moral codes through mechanics? When they do, does it work better to use a carrot or a stick? And what makes the exploration of morality interesting in a game? Other News Issue 9 of the Blasphemous Tome Released The lastest issue of our licensed Call of Cthulhu fanzine was released today. The PDF is presently available to everyone who backs us on Patreon, and everyone backing us on the $5 level will receive a signed print copy. More info at: patreon.com/GoodfriendsofJacksonElias
  15. good-friends-238.mp3 https://blasphemoustomes.com/2022/07/05/loot/ This episode is a broad discussion of the role of finances in RPGs. Whether it’s ensuring your investigator has the funds to go globetrotting or deciding what kinds of treasures to include in your scenarios, we delve into it here. As usual, the main focus is on Call of Cthulhu, but we explore how other RPGs handle loot and finances as well. Scott and Paul on the HP Lovecraft Literary Podcast Our good friends at the HP Lovecraft Literary Podcast recently invited Paul and Scott to do story readings. Paul read extracts from “Lost Memory” by Peter Philips, while Scott delved into Joseph Payne Brennan’s “The Horror at Chilton Castle”. You can find these episodes on their podcast’s Patreon feed if you are a backer. Thank you again to Chris and Chad for inviting us! Paul at UK Games Expo Paul is not long back from this year’s UK Games Expo where he helped out on the Chaosium stand, selling new releases such as Cults of Cthulhu and A Time to Harvest. Thank you to everyone who stopped by to say hi! Write Your Own Adventure The latest Write Your First Adventure course from The Storytelling Collective has just begun. This iteration covers Runequest scenarios as well as Call of Cthulhu. Our backers should check their Patreon feeds for a special discount code. The Blasphemous Tome We are still working on issue 9 and will get it to you asap. For latest details on getting back issues of the tome: Blasphemous Tome Fanzines Update for $3+ backers (Feb 2022) or Blasphemous Tome Fanzines Update for $1 backers (Jan 2022)
  16. https://blasphemoustomes.com/2022/06/07/the-night-house/ This episode is our discussion of the 2020 horror film, The Night House. As ever, we offer a quick overview of the film’s background before picking it apart, looking for gaming inspiration. This is an unusual and creepy film and it offers plenty to spark our imaginations. Issue 9 of The Blasphemous Tome Issue 9 of The Blasphemous Tome is mere weeks away from release. This is the semi-annual fanzine we create for our wonderful Patreon backers. Once again, we have a brand new Call of Cthulhu scenario to offer you. This time, Paul Fricker takes you to 1880s New York City and invites you to “Step Into My Parlour”. Cults of Cthulhu And speaking of publications, Paul offers some first impressions of the new Cults of Cthulhu supplement from Chaosium, now out in print.
  17. https://blasphemoustomes.com/2022/05/24/the-dream-quest-of-unknown-kadath-part-5/ This is the conclusion of our multi-episode exploration of Lovecraft’s novel, The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath. In our earlier episodes (part 1, part 2, part 3 and part 4), we looked at the story’s origins and followed Randolph Carter’s increasingly odd adventures in search of his dream city. Now, we’re journeying into Kadath itself, accompanying Carter to, we hope, the fruitful conclusion of his quest. As ever, we pick the story apart, looking for Call of Cthulhu inspiration. In particular, we spend some time wondering how mountains can tiptoe so daintily. Maybe that extra head helps with coordination. Issue 9 of The Blasphemous Tome We are now a month away from the release of issue 9 of The Blasphemous Tome. This is the semi-annual fanzine we create for our wonderful Patreon backers. And what is Patreon, we hear you ask? Well, we don’t actually hear you. We’re wearing noise-cancelling headphones and they tend to block out obvious rhetorical devices. But still, Patreon is a crowdfunding platform that allows people to sponsor creative endeavours, such as the Good Friends. The generosity of our backers allows us to put a lot more time into the podcast than we could otherwise, from research to scripting to audio production, and we hope the results are worth it. It seems the least we can do to reward such generosity with a couple of fanzines a year, as well as uncut versions of the podcast, the occasional exclusive audio release, and a few other goodies. Paul’s unboxing video of the HPLHS prop set Our good friends at the HP Lovecraft Historical Society have been creating wonders again. They have produced a box set of props and handouts to tie into the recent Chaosium release of remastered classic Call of Cthulhu publications from the ’80s. Paul has been lucky enough to lay hands on one of these sets and offers a brief overview of the contents. Paul on Frankenstein’s RPG Podcast Paul has also made a return visit to the Frankenstein’s RPG podcast. In the second series, the team are assembling the perfect science fiction RPG from the dismembered remains of other games. This episode delves into the blood and guts of initiative and combat.
  18. https://blasphemoustomes.com/2022/05/10/the-dream-quest-of-unknown-kadath-part-4/ Matt Returns! The big news this episode is that Matt is well enough to record with us again! His experiences with necrotising fasciitis over the past few months have been nothing short of terrifying. Matt shares some of the less gruesome details, along with insights about what it’s like to be in a coma. All surprisingly relevant to our main topic. This is the fourth part of our multi-episode exploration of Lovecraft’s novel, The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath. In our first three episodes (part 1, part 2 and part 3), we looked at the story’s origins and followed Randolph Carter’s increasingly odd adventures as he searches for his dream city. Now, we’re heading into the most action-packed part of his romp through dreamland. As ever, we pick the story apart, looking for Call of Cthulhu inspiration. In particular, we spend some time trying to work out why Leng gets such a bad rap. Sure, it seems cold and grey, but by that measure Aberdeen should have a similarly evil reputation.
  19. https://blasphemoustomes.com/2022/04/25/creating-stories-at-the-table-with-gaz-bowerbank/ Creating Stories at the Table This episode is a lively discussion of what it means to create stories at the gaming table. Just talking about RPGs in terms of stories is likely to start an argument, and this episode is no exception. What do people mean when they talk about stories in the context of an RPG? Is an RPG scenario constructed anything like a story? And whose responsibility is it to create a story at the table anyway? We’ve paused our discussion of The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath for a few episodes as Matt has been seriously ill. During his absence, we have called upon some of our good friends in the podcasting world to stand in as guest hosts. This time, we are joined by Gaz Bowerbank, co-host of the What Would the Smart Party Do? podcast. Gaz’s co-host, Baz Stevens, joined us a few episodes ago for our “Everything is Horror” discussion, so we thought it was time to complete the set. Gaz on Twitter What Would the Smart Party Do? “Puppy Love” for Tales From the Loop “Unbearable” for Vaesen “Midnight Hunt” for Vaesen Links Things we mention in this episode include: Genre Emulation episode Appendix N Critical Role World of Darkness Live performance with How We Roll at PodUK 2019 How We Roll Hot War Nathan Ballingrud interview Legend of the Burning Sands Legend of the Five Rings Delta Green Apocalypse World “The Murder Shack” Kult: Divinity Lost Red Moon Roleplaying Vampire: the Masquerade Chicago by Night Vaesen Hill Street Blues Blades in the Dark William S Burroughs Cut-up technique The One Ring The Wire King Arthur Pendragon Over the Edge Update on Matt As we mentioned, Matt has been seriously ill recently. He is well on the road to recovery, however, and we hope to have him back with us next episode. The Blasphemous Tome issue 9 We are busy finishing the text of issue 9 of The Blasphemous Tome. This issue’s Call of Cthulhu scenario comes from our own Paul Fricker. “Step Into My Parlour” is a sinister tale of street gangs and weird drugs, set in 1880s New York City. Everyone backing us on Patreon at the time of release in late June will receive a PDF or print copy. Scott on You Awaken in a Strange Place Scott recently appeared with Dave and Eoghan from How We Roll on You Awaken in a Strange Place, a new RPG podcast from Light and Tragic. This was an improvised game that ended up following the misadventures of a team of megafauna wranglers and a strange alien world.
  20. https://blasphemoustomes.com/2022/04/12/mythos-deities-cthulhu/ This episode is the latest in our ongoing exploration of the deities of the Cthulhu Mythos. Previous entries include Dagon, Shub-Niggurath, Yog-Sothoth, Nyarlathotep, Hastur, Azathoth, Nodens, Ubbo-Sathla and Mordiggian, Ithaqua, and Daoloth and Eihort. We have discussed Cthulhu as a pop-culture icon and Lovecraft’s original story, “The Call of Cthulhu”, in earlier episodes. Still, it is long past time we had one of our usual deep dives into the origins and development of the dead dreamer himself. So here we are. We’ve paused our discussion of The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath for a few episodes. Matt has been seriously ill, requiring a lengthy stay in hospital. We don’t know how long he’s going to be out of action but we wanted to save the resolution for his return. Until then, we’ve called upon some of our good friends in the podcasting world to stand in as guest hosts. This time, we are joined by Chris Lackey, co-host of the HP Lovecraft Literary Podcast and author of the new Chaosium publication, Cults of Cthulhu. Chris on Twitter The HP Lovecraft Literary Podcast Rachel Watches Star Trek Update on Matt As we mentioned, Matt has been seriously ill recently. He is well on the road to recovery, however, and may be up to rejoining us soon. More details as they become available. The Blasphemous Tome issue 9 Issue 9 of The Blasphemous Tome is coming together nicely, much like Cthulhu after some callous sailor rammed a ship through him. We are currently going through the many wonderful contributions we have received and finishing up our own text. The Tome will go out to our Patreon backers at the end of June 2022. Alien on How We Roll Our good friend Jon Hook has been running the Alien RPG for How We Roll, and Scott is one of the players. We are currently riding the “Chariot of the Gods” and it’s all looking a bit grim. Oh well. Our bosses at Weyland-Yutani surely have our best interests at heart.
  21. https://blasphemoustomes.com/2022/03/29/breaking-the-law/ This episode is our discussion of the thorny topic of what happens when investigators get on the wrong side of the law. Almost every Call of Cthulhu campaign requires the investigators to commit burglary, fraud, assault, murder and arson. So much arson… But does this always have to be the case? How should the Keeper deal with blatant criminal behaviour? Is it ever fun for the investigators to face the consequences of their actions? And why is the library on fire again? We’ve paused our discussion of The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath for a few episodes. Matt has been seriously ill, requiring a lengthy stay in hospital. We don’t know how long he’s going to be out of action but we wanted to save the resolution for his return. Until then, we’ve called upon some of our good friends in the podcasting world to stand in as guest hosts. This time, we’re joined by Lynne Hardy, associate editor for Call of Cthulhu and line editor for the Rivers of London RPG. Lynne has shared a stage with the Good Friends at a number of live events, as well as our episodes about the development of the new edition of Masks of Nyarlathotep. Lynne on Twitter UK Games Expo 2017 Necronomicon 2017: Pulp vs Pure panel Necronomicon 2017: Call of Cthulhu campaigns Masks of Nyarlathotep part 1 Masks of Nyarlathotep part 2 Call of Cthulhu 40th anniversary panel at Dragonmeet 2021 Rivers of London RPG panel at Dragonmeet 2021 Update on Matt As we mentioned, Matt has been seriously ill recently. He is now home from hospital but he still has a long road to recovery ahead. We’re not sure how long it will be before he is feeling up to recording but we shall keep his seat warm for him. New Releases From Chaosium Lynne shares news of the Call of Cthulhu Keeper Tips book, fresh from Chaosium. Submissions for The Blasphemous Tome While it barely seems any time since the last issue of The Blasphemous Tome flapped its way around the world like a cardboard shantak, we have already started work on the next one. This is the twice-yearly fanzine we produce for our Patreon backers. Issue 9 will feature a brand new Call of Cthulhu scenario from our very own Paul Fricker. Watch this space for updates. As ever, we welcome submissions from our listeners. These may be text articles of up to 500 words or pieces of black-and-white artwork. If you have any items you would like to submit, please send them to submissions@blasphemoustomes.com by the 6th of April 2022.
  22. https://blasphemoustomes.com/2022/03/01/mind-control-in-rpgs/ This episode is our discussion of the presentation of mind control in RPGs. Genre fiction is full of unnatural magic, weird drugs, and sinister devices that twist the human mind according to the wielder’s desires. Villains may plant compulsions in the heads of protagonists, twist their perceptions, or alter their memories. And, of course, this is reflected heavily in gaming. But how do we make it work? Does it have to remove player agency? And what happens when these tools and techniques fall into the hands of player characters? We’ve paused our discussion of The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath for a few episodes. Matt has been seriously ill, requiring a lengthy stay in hospital. We don’t know how long he’s going to be out of action but we wanted to save the resolution for his return. Until then, we’ve called upon some of our good friends in the podcasting world to stand in as guest hosts. This time, we’re joined by Keeper Murph of the Miskatonic University Podcast. There can’t be too many listeners who don’t know our good friends at the MU. If you’ve somehow resisted falling under their spell so far, do check them out. They have been our biggest influence and supporters over the years. In the decade their podcast has been running, they have won two ENnie Awards, and with good reason. The Miskatonic University Podcast MU Podcast on Twitter MU Podcast Discord Murph’s secret bunker You can hear Murph’s previous appearances with the Good Friends here: Cthulhu Through the Ages Necronomicon 2017 seminar with the Miskatonic University Podcast Necronomicon 2019 seminar with the Miskatonic University Podcast News Update on Matt As we’ve mentioned, Matt has been seriously ill recently. At the time of release, however, he is well on the road to recovery and will be home from hospital soon. We’re not sure how long it will be before he is feeling up to recording again, however, but we shall keep his seat warm for him. A Weekend With Good Friends The latest incarnation of A Weekend With Good Friends has wrapped up. This is the increasingly regular online gaming convention organised by our lovely listeners, taking place on our Discord server. We spend some time thanking everyone who made it happen, from the organisers to the convention staff to the players and GMs who filled the weekend with amazing games. And we’ll repeat those thanks here! Thank you especially to Bence, Chris and Martin, who put in a phenomenal amount of work to bring the whole thing together.
  23. https://blasphemoustomes.com/2022/02/15/everything-is-horror/ We’ve paused our discussion of The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath for a few episodes. Matt is seriously ill and currently in hospital. We don’t know how long he’s going to be out of action but we wanted to save the resolution for his return. Until then, we’ve called upon some of our good friends in the podcasting world to stand in as guest hosts. This time, we’re joined by Baz Stevens of the wonderful What Would the Smart Party Do? Along his with co-host Gaz, Baz has been a cornerstone of the British RPG podcasting scene for some years, offering insight into a wide range of systems and genres. While Baz tells us he is not a horror fan, he suggested that we talk about how the horror genre seeps into other forms of gaming. And who are we to say no? You can find Baz’s projects here: King of Dungeons What Would the Smart Party Do? Runequest Year Zero You can also hear Baz on our live seminars with the Smart Party. Dragonmeet 2015 Dragonmeet 2018 Links Things we mention in this episode include: The Appeal of Horror D&D Chislehurst Caves MÖRK BORG Lamentations of the Flame Princess Best Left Buried Torchbearer Warhammer Fantasy Roleplaying Survival horror Jason and the Argonauts (1963) Warhammer 40,000 novels Jaws (1975) Silence of the Lambs (1991) Boot Hill Gangbusters Tour of Darkness Savage Worlds Deadlands World War Cthulhu: Cold War Pan’s Labyrinth (2005) Apocalypse Now (1979) The Dreamlands Weird fiction Golden Sky Stories Ryuutama Nobilis Unknown Armies Kult Ten Candles Dead of Night Chill Dread Wraith: the Oblivion World of Darkness Hellraiser (1987) Shaun of the Dead (2004) Alien (1979) Event Horizon (1997) Ravenloft Traveller The Expanse The Exorcist (1973) The Shining (1980) Psycho (1960) Halloween (1978) The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974) The Haunting (1963) Night of the Living Dead (1968) The Thing (1982) Poltergeist (1982) Wolf Creek (2005) Aphantasia News Update on Matt As we’ve mentioned, Matt is gravely ill. He has had to undergo a number of operations to control a nasty infection and has spent the past week in a coma. Happily, at the time of posting, he has regained consciousness and is showing signs of recovery. We’re not sure how long it will be before he is feeling up to recording again but we shall keep his seat warm for him. A Weekend With Good Friends At the time of release, we are mere days away from A Weekend With Good Friends. This is the online convention organised by the wonderful listeners of the podcast, taking place on our Discord server. The con is scheduled to run from the 18th to the 20th of February 2022. GM and player signups have now closed. Don’t worry if you missed the deadline, however. There will be pickup games running throughout the convention. Please check the #awwgf-info channel on our Discord server for details of how to offer or join pickup games.
  24. https://blasphemoustomes.com/2022/02/01/the-dream-quest-of-unknown-kadath-part-3/ The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath part 3 This is the third of our multi-episode exploration of Lovecraft’s first novel, The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath. In our first two episodes (part 1 and part 2), we looked at the story’s origins and followed Randolph Carter’s increasingly odd adventures. Now, we’re deep into the story and things aren’t getting any less weird. As ever, we pick the story apart, looking for Call of Cthulhu inspiration. There’s also some debate about the metaphysics of dreamland. And we spend far too long arguing about how dark a journey to the moon might be. News A Weekend With Good Friends A Weekend With Good Friends is approaching fast. This is the online convention organised by the wonderful listeners of the podcast, taking place on our Discord server. The con is scheduled to run from the 18th to the 20th of February 2022. GM signups have now closed and we have around 130 games on offer, spanning 50 game systems. Don’t worry if you missed the deadline — you will be able to offer pickup games throughout the convention. Player signups open on the 4th of February. Check the main convention page for a link to the signup form once they do.
  25. Part 2 of our exploration of Lovecraft's Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath is now out. https://blasphemoustomes.com/2022/01/18/the-dream-quest-of-unknown-kadath-part-2/ This is the second part of our multi-episode exploration of Lovecraft’s first novel, The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath. In our first episode, we looked at the book’s origins and development, as well as the start of the story itself. Now, we’re deep into the narrative and and things are getting strange With Randolph Carter now sailing the dark side of the moon, we’re moving into some of the more fantastical parts of the novel. As ever, we mine all this moon rock for gaming inspiration, as well as discussing how the story has shaped so much of Call of Cthulhu. News A Weekend With Good Friends The next Weekend With Good Friends is approaching fast. This is the online convention organised by the wonderful listeners of the podcast. The con is scheduled to run from the 18th to the 20th of February 2022. While the focus is on Call of Cthulhu, we’ve already had game offerings covering a wide range of systems. Last time, we had over 120 games and hundreds of players, so expect plenty of variety and excitement. If you are interested in running a game, you have until the 27th of January to submit it. Don’t worry if you miss the deadline, however — there will be plenty of pickup games running throughout the convention. The Blasphemous Tome issue 8 Matt’s recent bout of COVID knocked back our production schedule by a few weeks, but The Blasphemous Tome is now winging its way across the globe! Thank you for your patience in what has been a rough time. Dockside Dogs Revised Paul has revised “Dockside Dogs”, his modern-day gangster scenario, updating it for Call of Cthulhu 7th edition. You can find it on the Miskatonic Repository.
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