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Sam E.

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Posts posted by Sam E.

  1. Ah, the resistance table! Now that's very interesting. I'd have to figure out what counts as special and critical successes, but that wouldn't be too hard. Hmm, I might have to start working on that ... Thanks!

    EDIT: Hmm, now I'm thinking about something like the Marvel FASERIP Universal Table. Columns for the difference between the active and passive skill, rounded off to 5%s - so the middle column would be 0% (for equal skills), then to the right +1-5%, +6-10%, etc., and to the left -1-5%, -6-10% etc., up to say +100% and -100% respectively. The Rows would be for the dice results. You'd roll, look up the result in the appropriate row, then read over to the appropriate column. The resulting cell would be color coded for fumble, failure, success, special success, and critical success. Now I just need to figure out the math ...

  2. Okay, first of all, please don't interpret anything that follows as a criticism of BRP. I don't want to ruffle anyone's feathers ... Also, please stick to answering my question rather than telling me why I shouldn't ask it - that's one of my least favorite things on the Interwebz ... I'm just interested in trying something out, and would be interested in any suggestions, but I'm not really looking for approval or permission. ;)

    More and more, I'm really like systems where PCs do all the rolling in combat. For example, in ICONS, attacking PCs make a roll vs. an NPC's defense rating, and defending PCs make a roll vs. an NPC's attacking rating. The Ubiquity system can essentially do the same thing, as long as you "take the average" for the NPCs' attack and defense rolls. I like this because it gives the PCs more to do and me, as GM, less to do. :)

    I was wondering about something similar for BRP: I'd like my players to do all the rolling in combat. To that end, I was thinking of stat-ing NPCs in such a way that their defense skills are just negative modifiers to the PCs' attack rolls, and that their attack skills are just negative modifiers to the PC's defensive rolls. There's already some precedent to this in the BGB in the form of the defense skill, so it's not much of a stretch.

    So, if I go this way, I need to think about what values to assign, perhaps in terms of how I would convert NPCs in published adventures. I was thinking 1/5. For example, if an NPC had a 50% Dodge skill, that would translate as a -10% penalty to the PC's attack roll; if the NPC had a 50% attack skill, that would translate to a -10% to the PC's defense roll.

    Thoughts about that? Again, not if you agree or disagree philosophically; just whether the math seems reasonable, IF I decide to give this a try ...

    Thanks in advance!

  3. Great thread.

    Like a lot of you, I did a lot of my gaming “back in the day,” with systems that did not have such traits, except as they were built into races and classes. When I got back into gaming a few years back, I discovered the idea, esp. through Savage Worlds’ “edges” and “hindrances,” and really warmed to the idea, so much so that I was a bit put off by BRP’s lack of them. Having soured a bit on SW, and looking for another generic system, I’ve again looked to BRP, but in a new light. I’ve realized that most of SW’s edges and hindrances can be handled just fine by BRP. SW’s traits basically boil down to the following categories:

    Special powers (e.g., spellcasting, super powers): BRP has all sorts of powers.

    Personality traits (e.g., heroic, cowardly): I’d rather handle these with roleplaying.

    Boosts to skills (e.g., Ace, Thief): Just bump up the relevant skills!

    Social traits (e.g., Wanted, Enemy): Again, roleplaying.

    Combat maneuvers (e.g., Dodge, First Strike): I’d rather not limit characters without such “feats,” and just handle such things with normal combat, allowing all the usual maneuvers, with relevant bonuses and penalties; characters who are especially good at such things are simply character with high enough combat skills to offset the relevant penalties.

    Handicaps, broadly construed (e.g., young, old, lame, blind): I’d rather characters not start with severe handicaps, and minor ones can be roleplayed, as long as players keep them in mind when building the character (e.g., a character with one arm should probably not go crazy with the Strength score … ).

    So I really don’t see myself missing traits too much …

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  4. If the OP is still interested in an old-school style scifi game, the recently released HULKS AND HORRORS is available from drivethrurpg for free as a PDF. There are also free versions of X-PLORERS and STARS WITHOUT NUMBER. They are more d20ish than d100ish, but you can't beat the price. :)

  5. Okay, I went through your errata PDF and made a simple text list. I didn't include those that were already corrected, and I included a few others I found in the forums or in my own reading. If I've made any errors, or if anyone else has any errata that they've found in the hardcover, let me know and I'll add them.


    Thanks again!


    Pg. 17, 22, 381: There should not be boxes in front of the Status skill or the blank specialty line below it.

    Pg. 17, 22, 381: The First Aid skill starts at 30% or INTx1% (depending on the setting period).

    Pg. 24: Next to “Step Nine,” it should probably say “possessions,” not “profession.”

    Pg. 26: In the Character SIZ Chart, the entry that reads “205-\” should probably read “205-210.”

    Pg. 52: Artillery Specialties should reference pg. 268, “Artillery Weapon Classes.”

    Pg. 55: Drive is a physical skill, not a manipulation skill.

    Pg. 62: Under “Heavy Weapon, Base Chance,” Weapon Classes are on pg. 257 (not 248).

    Pg. 82: The "success" result for Teach says "(minimum 0)" while page 184 says you can actually lose ground (not sure which is correct).

    Pg. 95: The cost per level for Control (in the chart) should probably be 3 (to match the description).

    Pg. 95: “Flame” should probably be named “Fire” (to match the description on pg. 97).

    Pg. 95: The cost per level for Ward should probably be 3 (to match the description on pg. 102).

    Pg. 95: “Wound” should probably be named “Wounding” (to match the description on pg. 102).

    Pg. 98: Strike the first two sentences of the last paragraph of the Invisibility spell.

    Pg. 147: Defense should probably be 5% per level (to match the description on pg. 151).

    Pg. 159: Strike the first two sentences of the last paragraph of the Invisibility power.

    Pg. 172, 384: The Skill Results Table rounds fractions up instead of rounding them normally.

    Pg. 184: See the erratum for page 82 above.

    Pg. 208: Minor Wounds cost less than half (not “half or less than half”) of total hit points.

    Pg. 214: The last sentence of the first paragraph under “Autofire” should be deleted.

    Pg. 215: In the first italicized example under “Big and Little Targets,” replace +30% with +15%.

    Pg. 224: In the text, the fiery boat or house fire damage should probably be 2D6 (as per the table).

    Pg. 255: The skill for Brass Knuckles is Hand, not Brawl (Brawl is still the Base).

    Pg. 265: The skills for artillery should be by artillery weapon class (see pg. 268).

    Pg. 267: In Note 1, it should probably read “1D6 per range increment” (as per “Explosives” on pg. 222).

    Pg. 268: The Shrapnel rules don’t seem to work for modern artillery, which has better damage as is.

    Pg. 296: The metric ton weight for every size 72 and up is wrong; shift them each up one step.

    Pg. 329 ff.: Several “Creatures” have the Artillery skill; each should indicate one or more artillery classes.

    Pg. 360: In the Cyborg powers, it should read “Defense 2” (not 20).

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  6. Hi, nclarke - thanks very much, I appreciate the help. However, I think that's an errata sheet of things that were wrong in the softcover and were corrected for the hardcover - at least, they seem ok in my copy.

    That's the problem I'm running into - I can find softcover errata, but not hardcover. Worse, it seems some softcover errata were corrected for the hardcover, but some were not. I was hoping someone had collated all the errata still left in the hardcover for convenient reference.

  7. [EDIT: See post #7 for my compiled list.]

    Hi - new to BRP, new to the forums, first post, be nice to me. :)

    Is there an errata sheet for the BRP hardcover? I swear I've done a million searches, and can't see to find one. It's probably one of those stupid "it's right in front of your face" sort of things ...

    Thanks in advance!

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