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Posts posted by coffeemancer

  1. As a new student I dont have much time to post these days. but in a brief moment of respite I went on a "read glorantha lore" bender and it made me want to doodle down some ideas

    Also started on a crossbowman but I lost the feelingrn_image_picker_lib_temp_7c488f78-2a41-4bf4-838a-18e0da068a0e.jpg

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    My next project is thus: I am going to sew a rider honour belt!

    But I need help!
    I am usure as to what these dognles are, how they are used and thus, how I should pattern them. If anyone got any good ideas or knowledge please share.
    Second, I need a bunch of scythian GOLD! so send me gold! Or help me out figuring some smart solutions. So far I am just grabbing every decorative piece of metal I can and I will spray paint them gold, I'll take any ideas y'all can spare here. Specially if you know anything about how I could easily make images or emboss metal plates bought at the hardware store. Or if you know of any cheap metal stuff that looks fitting that I could buy online.


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  3. 4 hours ago, Bill the barbarian said:

    You most definitely have the chops to draw comics. Maybe you lack the skills to write them, but I doubt that (having gamed with you at the height of the pandemic on-line I know you have the imagination and are quite entertaining), but drawing them is well within the realms of possibility. The evidence is right here. You may need to write them in your native language (doubt that, you have a great grasp of English) or perhaps find a writer you can work with if writing is not your thing or forte. Now, do you want to draw comics? You are the only one who can answer that, but hey, until then I feel quite blessed to see your work here.


    I just dont have the temperament for it, I think. never got it done when I tried.

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  4. wasnt there a battle irl where some army caught another army in a seamp and could have rained arrows at them risk free but the general refused such a dishonorable tactic? and once the enemy army came out of the swamp they crushed the honorable army

  5. In a game I ran æ the players, Varmandi all, had to infiltrate the Orlevings. They did this by seeking the aid of the Hiording trickster, who had tried to trick them into taking a stickpicker, whom she had transformed into a beautiful maiden, as wife when they were trying to het the Elmali married. The trickster could transform them, but couldnt mask their spiritual presence.

    To this end they Sought the help of the sadly alcoholic balazaring shaman that had aided the varmandi nobleman son who murdered his brother. The shaman knew many spirits good at hiding things and put a crow spirit to mask their aura.

    Dunno if that gives ya any ideas. Not very helpful if you are looking for nonmagical solutions

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  6. I have had an idea.

    I am going to let Yelmalions use their speciel phalanx magic.... on anyone.

    IE: a group of 4 warriors worshipping other gods can form a phalanx if they are led by a yelmalion.

    This, I think, will make Yelmalio more attractive for the players and mechanically I dont think it will unbalance anything as phalanxes are only useful in certain scenarios/situations

    • Like 1
  7. 8 hours ago, Shiningbrow said:

    Depends on how many RPs you have. 

    But, given the probable expenditures involved,  I'd say that's fairly inefficient.  Thunderbolt is probably giving a much better bang for buck.

    worked pretty good on Kallyr

  8. 4 hours ago, SDLeary said:

    Somewhat. In Ringworld, there was no category bonus. The category values represented the highest a skill could progress (the Root Maximum) before having to declare a Branch skill.

    Melee weapons (Archaic Melee Weapons) fell under Agility, and the Root Maximum for that category was STR + DEX. So Joe (STR 12, DEX 13) could train in Archaic Melee Weapons until he reached 25%. At that point, he would have to declare a specialty in order to keep advancing. The specialties were Swords, Axes, Maces, and so on, so with this example it wouldn't necessarily get too far into the weeds. But you can imagine how cumbersome this approach would be in a fantasy game where we are debating the differences of sword length, blade curvature and the direction thereof, and so on. 🙂


    dang, I kinda really like that idea

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