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Cadaver (Episode 204 The Good Friends ofJackson Elias)

Paul Fricker

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We’re back and we’re heading out for a night on the town, or at least what’s left of the town. Apparently, this new dinner theatre is to die for. Their menu is light on vegetarian options and the play is pretty incoherent, but you take what you can get in times like these. Unfortunately, one of the other guests keeps ranting about how meat is murder. People like her just eat us up inside. Still, we’re going to ignore her doomsaying and paint the town red!


Main Topic: Cadaver

This episode is our look at the 2020 horror/science fiction film, Cadaver, currently available on Netflix. It’s the first feature from Norwegian writer/director Jarand Herdal. This grim post-apocalyptic tale of theatrics and cannibalism divided us at least as much as any film we’ve seen before. Be prepared for some spirited debate.


Things we mention in this episode include:


A Cold Fire Within on Into the Darkness

Matt has been getting to play games for a change! Into the Darkness is going through Christopher Smith-Adair’s wonderful Pulp Cthulhu campaign A Cold Fire Within. There have been weird hijinks aplenty and Matt shares some highlights.


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