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Prices for goods


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Hello, new on the forum 🙂 

I'm currently working on a homebrew world. I'm using the BRP as a base (and just bought the last Runequest 🙂 ) and I've got difficulties with establishing prices for goods.

So that's why I've bought the Runequest rulebook, to have a starting point. But the problem is that I cannot find a way to understand the exchange rate between the two. I know, there is not, but at least to see if there  is a "simple" way to convert the pennies in BRP to Lunar. So that I can use the material in Runequest as a reference for my game. 

Also, may be I miss it, but if it written somewhere in Runequest, what correspond to a day of food in Lunar. That way it will be really easy for me 🙂 since 1 penny= 1 day of food in BRP !

Thanks in advance for your help !

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5 hours ago, Faisho said:

So that's why I've bought the Runequest rulebook, to have a starting point. But the problem is that I cannot find a way to understand the exchange rate between the two. I know, there is not, but at least to see if there  is a "simple" way to convert the pennies in BRP to Lunar. So that I can use the material in Runequest as a reference for my game. 

I've not encountered the "basic" BRP documentation. Is the "penny" the only denomination listed? (Well, let me modify that some -- RQ3 also priced things in generic "penny")

Mentally I've always equated the clack/lunar/wheel as (US) dime/dollar/double-eagle ($20 gold coin) given the 10C:1L, 20L:1W ratio. If you include the lead bolg, it counts a US cent 10B:1C.

5 hours ago, Faisho said:

Also, may be I miss it, but if it written somewhere in Runequest, what correspond to a day of food in Lunar. That way it will be really easy for me 🙂 since 1 penny= 1 day of food in BRP !

Not explicitly, that I know of. Best may be to match up the stuff in  RQ:RiG pages 408+ to equivalents. One problem will be that (page 413) food/drink are based upon pub/tavern/inn (ie; with overhead costs) and not what one might have as "home" food. For example: "Midday Meal", which is probably something even most "middle class" (farmers, et al) can't justify, is a whopping 6C -- meat and wine at a meal might be saved for special occasions by such.

The recent Weapons&Equipment (PDF only) book expands on pricing... It has entries for "Rations, Fighting" (think an MRE) at 2C per day, "Rations, Garrison" (stew, porridge, about a quart or so of ale, and a large bread loaf) at 1C/day. Again, these are mass-produced items (army quartermaster/kitchens style stuff), not ad-hoc individual purchases.

Addendum: Might I suggest using the information in the Conversion Guide (appendix) for RQ3 (since it explicitly mentions "silver pennies" which I'd equate to Lunars) where they mention "updating" RQ3 character wealth (confusing in that is reads "divide ... by 1/3"; I'm sure it means "divide ... by 3").

Edited by Baron Wulfraed
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