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Obtaining the Magic World Rulebook


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Hello all fellow MW enthusiasts,

I'm volunteering for a local charity to introduce their young people to roleplaying games and related activities (character backstories, world building, map making, character art and the added benefits of RPGs - cooperation, socialising, maths and english skills, among others).

The charity's website can be found here:

Please take some time to look over their website and see the sort of young people they are helping and that, by extension, I am working with.

Now, the current iteration of D&D is, in my experience, too complicated and too expensive to get into. I am a big Chaosium fan and I've GM-ed an introductory adventure using Chaosium's Magic World system. The adventure went down a storm and the young people are keen to carry on.

The main problem is that I have only one copy of the Magic World rules and at least one player has expressed an interest in buying a copy so she can be the dungeon master.

I do understand that the Magic World PDF is available but, imho, that's not the same as the physical rule book. I know that Magic World is no longer in print, which brings me to the point of this email.

Is there any possibility that you, players, contacts 'in the trade' or Chaosium staffers themselves can source a couple of copies of Magic World to help in this project? Perhaps there are copies in your store room that you have forgotten about? Or maybe you know someone who has a copy or two that they'd be willing to part with?

I'm really keen on pressing ahead with this work and any help you can provide would be gratefully received.

Many thanks in advance,

Colin Brett

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