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Miskatonic Monday #85: Cotton-Eyed Joe and other new musically themed Call of Cthulhu from across the ages


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Here are six new community content releases in the Miskatonic Repository that – despite being set from Regency England to the Summer of Love in Los Angeles – all share a common eldritch theme: music. 

These independently-created Call of Cthulhu releases show off the amazing versitility of the Call of Cthulhu system. Anywhere your imagination takes you, a mythos adventure could ensue!


Cotton-Eyed Joe
James Bunnell, Sabrina Haenze ($8.99, 44 pages)

June, 1956: A team from the Royal Jaune Records label arrives in Bon Marais, Louisiana, in search of the original lyrics to the popular folk song "Cotton-Eyed Joe." The family of local folk legend Rory Welch claims to have those lyrics and have promised to release them...for a sizeable sum, of course. But dark and terrible things lurk in the Louisiana swamps, and you may find yourselves getting more than what you bargained for in this lyrical deal.


A Night at the Opera - a Regency Cthulhu Scenario
Kevin Kreiner ($6.95, 42 page PDF)

A weekend long party featuring an opera never before performed in England, and you are invited. A fine way to start the social season, this event will no doubt be all they talk about in London. Granted, our host is an eccentric man; with curious tastes that some scoundrels would call depraved. His gardens; his art collection, and his library will certainly be worth exploring. Of course, there will be music; and dancing, and the latest fashions.

For use with Call of Cthulhu's Regency Cthulhu setting. 


Fantastic Light Display
Adam Wright ($2.99, 27 page PDF)

One-shot for 2-4 players set during a 1920s music festival at Miskatonic University. Investigators will need to discover the cause of a mysterious death at the festival. Is it cosmic, human, or something else entirely? 

This adventure was conceived, written, and designed during the Storytelling Collective's "Write Your First Adventure" Workshop for Fall 2023.


The show must go on
Sandra Catharin ($2.49, 15 page PDF)

Take a bow... The Stadsschouwburg in Amsterdam is a beautiful theater at the heart of the city. A place where the show always must go on, despite some strange incidents in the last couple of weeks. The investigators are employees of the theater. They have been dealing with the aftermath of the incidents and have been ordered to come to the manager’s office. Will they be able to save the show or are they taking their final bow?

Set in Amsterdam in the 1930s, but the scenario can easily be transported to another theatre in another time.


The Pirate and the Bride
Jazmin Ospa, Meghan Kuschner ($4.95, 17 page PDF)

1812, Nassau, Bahamas. The Investigators are celebrating the wedding of the Governor's daughter to a Naval Officer. At the lavish party, Tricky Jack and his Troubadours entertain the guests. A trick is then played on the bride...or is it really a trick?

An In Strange Seas scenario for Call of Cthulhu's Regency Cthulhu setting.


Helter Skelter - A California Cthulhu Mystery
Andy "The Old Goat" Headley, Mike Sell ($9.95, 66 page PDF)

Narrator (in a deep, gravelly voice): This is the city of Los Angeles, the City of Angels, a sprawling metropolis perched on the edge of the American dream. But in the summer of 1966, the summer of love, the city was about to face a nightmare like no other—a nightmare from beyond the stars.

The scenario starts at the glamorous New Year party of Rory Federigo, CEO of Monolith Records, who is launching his newest band at his swanky Hollywood Hills mansion. But Rory has no idea what is getting ready to crash his party.

Edited by MOB
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