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Caladraland Culture and Cuisine

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What do you imagine Caladraland cuisine is like?

I note some relevant facts: Caladraland is mostly jungle.  Their agriculture is mostly slash and burn, and they do not plow.  It is very productive, due to Caladra and Aurelion's magic.  Their dominant grain seems to be wheat, If I read the small map in the Grain Goddesses section of the Earth Goddesses book correctly.

They are adjacent to Esrolia but much different in lifestyle, religion, and politics.

I am not sure what the RW inspiration for Caladraland is, if any, but it does not seem to match the Amazon jungle ( which is not volcanic) and while the vulcanism and slash and burn agriculture might match ancient  Nicaragua, the dominant grain is definitely not maize.

I do imagine that wine grapes do well there because Vinvale, volcanic soil, and all that.  Jungle often means fruit from the trees.  

I might imagine squash and beans grow well there, because those crops originated without the plow.

There is no indication of olive trees, so if they fry food it is probably done with animal fat.  


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