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Out of Gas?


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Hopefully some enlightened BRP forum worthy will be able to answer this one. What happened to the new Cthulhu By Gaslight project which Choasium said was to be released in late summer? I must confess I was rather gagging for this one (More so than Dreamlands which has hit the shelves). Any info about the contents would be handy. I was really hoping for a realistic, gritty down and dirty 'true to Victorian life' setting. Not focussing on the well to do but rather on the backbone of slaving workers who made the modern world possible. Factory minions rising up against mythos minions, that kind of thing. The dark underbelly of the British Empire seems like a sensationally good setting (About the only one I can think of that actually sounds, to me, more horrifically suited to Lovecraft's tales than the original). I remember liking the original edition but thinking it felt a bit 'pulp' and fictional in style. Anyone in the know?

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...Anyone in the know?
Badger McInnes is I believe doing the layout (he did the layout for the new full distribution version of the BRP Magic book as well). From the sound of it the most recent delay has been sourcing art, but to be honest, I don't fret over Chaosium releases until I see them in the catalogue with a release date...



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