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Could anyone have a look and comment at my Master of Magic rule set please?! :)

Lloyd Dupont

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Hey all!

Back after a long hiatus!

While a friend is currently running a BRP campaign (yeeha, I successfully sold the D100 systems to my friends apparently 😄 ), I am preparing, in parallel, a campaign in a Master of Magic inspired universe and a short scifi thriller spy adventure in the world of Master of Orion.
Here some link about those old games:
(though, the fandom link is about the recent Master of Orion reboot, not the 1990 version)

All of that to say, I am sharing part of my upcoming RPG work, and it is completely untested!
Remark, it is mostly designed for Mythras. For BRP I would have probably inflated AP, Damage and do a few skills and perks differently.

So in this message I made a ruleset for MoM, which mean an "original" list of perks (about 30), spells (about 250) and magic item creation rules. The costing is a bit different magic compared to other BRP system, with its mostly fixed casting cost and a sort of caster level. Spells are also divided between 6 domains of magic (arcane, chaos, death, life, nature, sorcery) and the perk system make it difficult to learn too many domains for a single caster, as well as calculating the "caster level".

Have a look at the ruleset, let me know your general feedback.

If you want to split hair and argue about minutia, I am particularly unsure that the various buff that the life domain bring is well designed, and the few AP (Armor Point), STR, CON bonus that one can find in a few spells are well thought out. And maybe check if the various bolt attack do a just right amount of damage.

Bonus question, is this document ready for the download section you think?

Remark, I just noticed that the print to .pdf lose the navigation. You better use the word document if you can!


Mythras - Master of Magic.docx Mythras - Master of Magic.pdf

Edited by Lloyd Dupont
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I reviewed the spells that needed be reviewed and modified some of them. And also added a few new spells and modified magic item creation a bit further, included added recipes. Should be quite reasonable now, I hope! 😄


Mythras - Master of Magic.docx Mythras - Master of Magic.pdf

Edited by Lloyd Dupont
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