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Short Song of Enjossi or the “Salmon-Men”


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Engizi of the White

You lov’d your Engiziren

When the Dragonkill killed all

You borrow’d Odayla’s skin

We hid in the shape of bears

You sustain’d us with your salmon


O Heler of the rain

You saw Colymar folk come

For their human form, we craved

For their hands and feet, we ached

For a Dragon’s power, we sought

You gave half a human shape

And hid the salmon from our stream


Enjossi of the White

You Colymar and yet bear

Questing to restore our folk

You prov’d Dragon, Heler was

And neither had we to fear

You swam back from far Ocean

Died at Spawn and eggs awoke

You sustain us with your salmon



  • This song was sung by a representative of the Enjossi Clan at the second coronation of Queen Leika in 1625.
  • The Long Song of Enjossi is also known to the Enjossi people who live on the north shore of Kjartan's Lake and along the White River. It is said that it tells the full history of the Enjossi, including the secret of their fireproof cedarwood.
Edited by Bahntah
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