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Chirurgery rolls for Debilitated characters, Deterioration & Healing

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I'm a bit confused about the description of Chirurgery in Pendragon 6 p.198-199.

I'm not sure whether this is really confusing....or maybe I'm just dumb, please correct me.

- Natural Healing always happens at noon on sunday (p.198), albeit off course its effects may be nullified by Aggravation or Deterioration.

- Aggravation (192-193) is subtracted when the aggravating action happens, and not at sunday.

- Deterioration happens NEXT WEEK (p.199) but BEFORE the natural Healing (p.194), which means that I can maybe suffer Deterioration this sunday even if this Sunday's chirurgery roll was succesfull (as it will stop next week's deterioration). In theory, I can even DIE before the natural healing!

- Chirurgery roll is usually made at noon on sunday (p.198-199).


Now, given the above premises, the Chirurgery roll results on p.199 are a bit confusing to me. 

Critical Roll: "No deterioration occurs, and Natural Healing Rate is immediately added to current Hit Points."

Success: "No Deterioration occurs".

Failure: "Deterioration occurs"

Fumble: "Deterioration occurs, and 1d6 Hit points are lost.


Here are my doubts:

  • Crititical roll: is the addition to current Hit Points independent from normal Natural Healing rate?  So, does it means that this week the Natural Healing will be added TWICE (as in KAP 5)? I'm asking it since the Natural Healing is usually added whatever happens to the Chirurgery Roll.
  • Fumble: Deterioration is 1d6 to be lost next week but what is this further d6? A d6 to be lost NOW?




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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Luca Cherstich said:

Here are my doubts:

  • Crititical roll: is the addition to current Hit Points independent from normal Natural Healing rate?  So, does it means that this week the Natural Healing will be added TWICE (as in KAP 5)? I'm asking it since the Natural Healing is usually added whatever happens to the Chirurgery Roll.
  • Fumble: Deterioration is 1d6 to be lost next week but what is this further d6? A d6 to be lost NOW?

Yes to both.

As to the general point... Here is how I am interpreting the rules.

A knight gets wounded on a Wednesday and becomes Debilitated. He rides to the nearby monastery for help, and suffers Aggravation due to the activity.

The monks use Chirurgery to halt the Deterioration as soon as they can (assuming they succeed; extra crit and fumble results are applied straight away).

On Sunday Noon, the knight suffers any Deterioration (1d6 if the monks failed to stop it), but also recover the Natural Healing. Even if you were to briefly dip below 0 HP, no matter, since by convention, death would only come for you at midnight. So you have time to get the Natural Healing. After that is done, it is time for a new Chirurgery roll (if needed) for the next week...

Edited by Morien
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