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Book of the Estate

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I'm currently building a Google Spreadsheet to handle all the tables for the Book of the Estate, and have noticed a few issues with some of the material. It's either me missing something, or possibly errors. Is there any official errata for this product? I checked DriveThruRPG and I do have the latest version.

For example: on p30 we have Table 3.2 Household Bonus Pay, and the text paragraph associated with that table states "an esquire who is also the Majordomo gets his normal £ 1 plus the bonus of £ ½". However, the table itself has no bonus pay listed for the Majordomo. I've also checked the ledger examples an in none of the examples does the Majordomo receive bonus pay, only their base squire pay of £1.

Given the Butler and Cook get bonus pay of £0.75, it does appear to be the case that some sort of bonus pay ought to be in order as the Majordomo. My gut tells me this should be at least £0.5, if not £1. I'm happy to customise it for my own campaign, but if I've missed something here it would be good to know.

Edited by zzMannyzz
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"For commoners, this is their entire annual pay."

You need to cross-ref with Table 3.1: "Butler (commoner)", so £0.75 is the total the butler gets (at £50 estate). The esquire Majordomo starts with £1 (p. 39).

The caption text is in error, reflecting the earlier version of the book; it was wrong there too, by the way, as these bonus amounts were mostly ignored in the detailed accounting. The majordomo comment was missed in the new version edit. If you want, on the £100 estate, you could reduce the Chaplain's pay bonus +£0.5, and put the other +£0.5 on the Majordomo (so £1.5 in total for that esquire position). This way the Majordomo has still higher upkeep than the Butler (who at £1 probably should be an esquire, too).

Also the Steward at £50 estate ought to be an esquire with £1 upkeep. Oh well.

Edited by Morien
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Table 3.1 really does help, thanks for pointing that out.

I agree, I shall drop some other pay down slightly (the Chaplain's looking nervous!) and add in a bonus for the somewhat-neglected Majordomo.

Are we likely to get a 6E version of this book in the future?

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