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Unnatural Selections #89: what the critics say about the RuneQuest titles that are 33% off in our Warehouse Clearance Sale


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Warehouse Clearance 2024 RuneQuest Glorantha

The 'Unnatural Selections' series is our regular round up of notable Chaosium reviews worth a look.

These four RuneQuest-Glorantha titles are all 33% off in our 2024 Warehouse Clearance Sale. And the price includes the PDF!

Here's what reviewers and fans have to say about them:

Meints Index to Glorantha – $49.99 $32.99

  • "Rick Meints' MIGs have always been awesome. The newest one not only has the benefit of 20+ years of additional research, but Rick is also now in charge of Chaosium, so there's some secret lore in there as well." — Shannon Appelcline, Designers & Dragons.
  • “A gorgeous looking production, and a fantastic tribute not just to the indefatigable efforts of Rick Meints but to all the creativity of the cast of thousands who appear in it.” — Brian Duguid, Jonstown Compendium Creator.
  • "A Definitive Index for the Collector and the Fan! An excellent summary and history of RuneQuest products and their development through 2015. The depth and breadth of RuneQuest is ably chronicled in this book. It is designed for collectors, but even the casual fan will find something of value in its pages. Highly recommended!" — Scott Schafer (customer review).

RuneQuest Weapons & Equipment – $34.99 $23.09

  • "I have a bone to pick with the brand-new RuneQuest Weapons & Equipment guide. Its title... Weapons & Equipment sounds like a laundry list for player character adventurers. This book is so much more. This book is RuneQuest: The Material Culture of Dragon Pass... For all of her wonders, her strangeness, Glorantha is an incredibly defined and real setting. Weapons & Equipment underscores this, and I suspect will change the way you think and feel about the game." — Andrew Logan Montgomery.
  • "This book is superb and offers so much more than you might expect in an equipment guide. Highly recommended." — M.T. Black.
  • "It's how you do a weapons and equipment guide right — highly recommended." — RPG Imaginings.
  • “Both extremely useful and extremely flavourful, which is a rare and welcome combination.” — Refereeing & Reflection
  • "A must buy." — EuroCultAV.

The Pegasus Plateau & Other Stories – $34.99 $23.09

  • "Showcase(s) the diversity of adventures and stories which can be told in Glorantha and a session or three." — Reviews from R'lyeh.
  • "This is an RQ collection of adventures every bit as cutting edge as anything other system on the market." — Andrew Logan Montgomery.
  • "My group and I just finished the first adventure "The Pegasus Plateau" and we loved it! There are many good adventures in this book and it has also created seeds for many more adventures or things I could add to the current adventures in the book as my group plays through them. The quality and level of detail in this product is on par with the standard Chaosium sets - which is excellent - the book feels great in your hands and the pages are something special as well. The art is fantastic. The adventures will provide many hours of intriguing gameplay and I was extremely satisfied with this product." — Aaron Carpenter (customer review).

The Smoking Ruin – $37.99 $25.07

  • "There is a line on the dust jacket of the Guide to Glorantha that reads; ‘Glorantha is the technicolor cure for bland, pseudo-medieval generic fantasy.’ Normally when you read something like this, you can be forgiven for thinking it is self-aggrandizing, pretentious crap. Not in this case. If you have any doubts, all you need do is look at exhibit A, The Smoking Ruin & Other Stories. Seriously. You can open to any random page and find proof that--yes Toto--you aren't in Thedas, or Middle-earth, or Faerûn any more." — Andrew Logan Montgomery.
  • "Buy, prepare, and play immediately; do not let it linger on your bookshelf... Both setting and system deliver on everything they promised. The backstories go deep into the core of the adventures, the challenges are unique, the flavour is one-of-a-kind, the colours are vibrant, and the smells are breathtaking." — Antonios S. (rpg.net)
  • "The wait has definitely been worth it. The three scenarios it contains are all begging to be played..." — Reviews from R'lyeh.
  • "The Smoking Ruin is fantastic and a prime example of why RuneQuest is such a special roleplaying game" — The Gaming Gang.
  • "A top-drawer scenario book. Production values and editing are impeccable. NPCs are thoughtfully described—there are no simple good guys and bad guys here. And it’s showing us new parts of Glorantha!" — Michael Rooney (customer review).

Check out all the other Call of Cthulhu titles that are 33%-44.4% off in our warehouse clearance here.

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