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[KickStarter] [Realm Works] Campaign Tools - Now With 100% MORE Gnome Stew!


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Realm Works - Streamlined RPG Campaign Tools

Project by Lone Wolf Development (makers of Hero Lab!)

Now with all THREE of the Gnome Stew books incorporated (depending on backer level)!!

Streamline RPG preparation, spend more time focusing on the game, and increase the engagement of your players with Realm Works!

From The Kickstarter Page

"How many times have you struggled to keep your tabletop RPG campaigns completely organized? Have you ever lost track of what your players have and haven't learned? Is “real-life” limiting the time you have to prepare for games? Do you waste precious time during games searching for details from previous sessions, some of which occurred months or even years ago? These challenges, and others, are what we set out to solve with Realm Works.

Realm Works takes campaign management for tabletop RPGs to the next level, making it faster and easier to prepare for games, and greatly enhancing the actual game experience. You can use Realm Works with any RPGs you play — it’s “game system neutral” and can be used no matter what type of campaign you run. GMs can create, manage, and share their world using a single tool, rather than trying to cobble things together with multiple, disconnected applications. Realm Works was built by GMs and players for GMs and players."

Stats & Info

Launched: Jan 22, 2013

Funding ends: Feb 24, 2013

859 Backers

$72,920 pledged of $100,000 goal

10 days to go...

I think this is going to be a SUPERB tool! I am really excited about the sharing on the cloud and the Gnome Stew books now included is going to make this thing sing.

Trentin C Bergeron

Bard, Creative, & RPG Enthusiast

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