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Fantast Grounds Virtual Convention

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The community of FG virtual table top users is running another convention this weekend May 31 to June 2.

Check out the website: fg-con.com

Of course it is free and is a global convention so there are games in all different time zones.

So far one Cthulhu Invictus session scheduled. (Plus a bunch of Pf, Role master,Savage Worlds, etc)

Edited by wbcreighton

I use  fantasygrounds.com

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Okay, scheduled a run of "Kidnapping in al-Halisa" for friday evening 19:00 UTC. I will schedule more events on saturday and sunday. Please suggest dates here or on the fg-con website Fantasy Grounds - Virtual Con | Welcome to the second Fantasy Grounds Virtual Convention

Well I still have Hamachi installed from the last convention attempt. :-)

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Another BRP session by Rosen has been added to the schedule:

A group of Spanish conquistadores are on a quest for the fabled El Dorado. Can they survive the perils of the mesoamerican jungle? And what kind of natural – or not so natural – guardians will be watching over the treasures of the Mayan kings?

Please leave a comment if you wish to reschedule the game for another time window on sunday.

The Quest for El Dorado | Fantasy Grounds - Virtual Con

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I will PM you tonite or on thursday to have a check, but my system has been used to play (with hamachi) till two months ago, with two players in Italy and two in France. I cannot guarantee there will be no issue with the States or Oceania - where there are a lot of BRP fans - but I am confident we will play, this time.

Proud member of the Evil CompetitionTM

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Thanks to Rosen and the other players for the cool session of BRP at the convention. Reminds me of why I have always enjoyed BRP: intuitive and fast resolution of gaming situations. Lots of fun too. Sorry to the commander, who had to dodge my misplaced musket shot, and then died a glorious death saving us from the vampire.

I use  fantasygrounds.com

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