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Greetings All! As an avid CoC and BRP player, I am glad to be part of the forum. A little bit about me can be found at chairactorgames.com under the designers journal. I invite all of you there to check out some of the great things we are doing with our own horror game (due out by end of summer/early fall). As a recent buyer of BRP 0, I am very impressed with the new format of that game and hope to contribute some things to that as well.

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Woo hoo! Someone else with a sarcastic sense of humor!

Nice to meet you too! With less than a month to the release of the book, your timing couldn't be better.

If you get a sec, check out the utilities under downloads. I've created a CoC quick reference sheet that's fairly useful, in my opinion.

"Men of broader intellect know that there is no sharp distinction betwixt the real and the unreal..."

- H.P. Lovecraft

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