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NPC pictures?

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Looking to run Time of Harvest at Continuum next weekend.  Is there by any chance some pictures (particularly of the NPC students) anywhere that people are using? When I have lots of NPC's I like to either use a big picture or stick a smaller picture on an index card and let the players write on it to remeber their interactions.





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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all! I'm a bit late to this party, but what the heck. :P   I realized the craziness of the tons of NPCs for Ep 1 (we just started our first session a few weeks ago), and made some of my own NPC cards myself to help keep everybody in line. I'm still a little bird trying to fly with ATtH, so only Ep 1 for right now. :)

Includes all named characters to get friendly with the town, I believe. (Including the first expedition kids to keep everybody familiar. :) )

Hopefully it will be useful!



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