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Welcome to the Dhole's House...


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The Dhole's House is a free 'online toolkit' for both Keepers and players of Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition, developed by long-time fan Lee Carnell.

Members can create investigators that are fully compatible with Call of Cthulhu 7th edition and print off a PDF character sheet, all in a matter of minutes. All Investigators are saved and can be updated via the 'Character Control Panel' as the campaign unfolds.

Site members can also contribute to a Character Library, allowing anyone to download PDF character sheets for Call of Cthulhu investigators for use as PCs or NPCs. The Library is searchable by occupation and gender.

The Keeper section of the Library includes a handout generator for quick creation of in-game artefacts including three different types of telegram, visiting/business cards, newspaper clippings and calendars.

Go to https://www.dholeshouse.org to try out the investigator generator and toolkit.

Screen Shot 2016-10-26 at 1.38.24 pm.png

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  • 4 months later...

An awesome new addition to The Dhole's House Call of Cthulhu online resource!—

Stuck for an plot for a scenario? Seeds Of Doom will quickly present you with a Main Location, Main and sub-plot (complication), an Artefact, the Antagonist and Antagonist's motivation/goal. All randomly selected from the database. If you're not happy with the generated seed you can quickly create a new one.



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