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Halloween Adventure & Cover Art Contest


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CoC/BRP/Artwork Deadline September 30th, 2008

Chaosium.com: News - Halloween Adv & Art Contest

Didn't get to finish my BRP Adventure for the adventure contest so just maybe...:thumb:

It reads...

The Fourth Annual Chaosium Halloween Adventure & Contest has begun!

We're happy to announce that we're now taking submissions for our fourth Halloween Horrors monograph. Send us a short Halloween adventure for Call of Cthulhu or BRP and you could be one of our winners. As in years past, the winning entries will appear in an upcoming monograph. Now that we can sell PDFs, the odds of seeing this material in time for Halloween 2008 is pretty darn good.

Winners will receive two copies of the monograph, a t-shirt of our choosing, and a copy of the upcoming Voodoo Virus zombie novel by William Jones.

Not a writer but an artist instead? No problem. This year we're also opening up entries to those of you who are graphically inclined. Send us a Black & White or Greyscale image we can use on the cover or as an interior image. If we choose your entry you'll win the same prizes listed above. Since we're always looking for new artists here, you just might end up working with us on a future book or two. You never can tell.

You have two months!

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I'm interested in doing it, but I'm curious as to how they want it done.

Has anyone on the forum won the last couple of Halloween Horror monographs? And if they did, were they meant to be one-shots or suitable of slotting into campaigns? I ask, because a BRP scenario is far more non-linear when it comes to setting than BRP...

~ Britannia Waives The Rules ~

Kingdom of the Blind: Call of Cthulhu roleplaying in 1920s Britain...

Its Time Come Round: Setting and campaign/arc for H.P. Lovecraft's End Times (release: on hiatus)

Slaves of Freedom: Roleplaying in a world of Revolutions, alchemical magicks, fantasy monsters and powdered-wigs (release: TBA)

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