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13th Age Glorantha update: Rob's Page Riffle video


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Now that the container ships delivering 13G are starting to arrive in ports, Rob and Jonathan took a short video to show off a few pages of their special air-shipped advance copy.

View the video at the link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/416625372/13th-age-in-glorantha/posts/2237618

[NB - the video cuts off mid-pageflip for one of two reasons: 1) The Puppeteer Troupe didn't want to be upstaged by discussion of the Humakt and the Sword of Life myth brought into the book by Pitch-a-Myth backer and contributing writer Reinier Dobbelmann, a myth that Jonathan turned into a playable heroquest that erupts over and over throughout a Humakti's career; OR 2) Because Rob had been too long-winded...]


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