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[Fire and Sword] Revised fumble table


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Changed fumble table to address the issue of making sure chances of critical hitting self does not rise with character skill. Fumble table now is:

Roll Result

1-2 Off Balance Cannot attack next round

3-5 Off Balance – Can neither attack nor parry next round

6 Lose weapon – weapon cannot retrieved for rest of fight

7 Vision obstructed – Attacks and parries -10 till one round out of combat can be spent to remove obstruction

8 Hit self – roll D20 and if you roll a 1 damage is maximum and ignores armor; if not do normal weapon damage; to self. If this happens while parrying, drop parrying weapon or shield.

9 Hit ally, as hit self except nearest friend is hit. If no friend within reach, hit self.

10 Expose yourself – all enemy attacks increase one level, thus enemy misses become hits, hits become specials, specials critical successes, and critical successes cinematic.

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