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Stafford Memorial Games Nov 9-11 2018 and Roll20

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Hopefully folks have seen the Blog post from MOB with suggests running games in memory of Greg Stafford in the week of his memorial service on Nov 10, 2018. If not the blog can be found here

Roll20, the on-line RPG site, noted Greg's death and a few personalities associated with the site commented about the importance of Greg's legacy. This would suggest that they may be sympathetic to efforts to memorialise Greg with games played on their site.

What do folks think about reaching out to Roll20 and asking if they would be interested in enabling users of the site to tag games as memorial games? Perhaps even a splash banner on their home page to note the event. Some of us could also run demo games of CoC and RQG as part of the weekend.
We would need to act quickly as we only have a few days but who knows... 

What do you think?

If it is any  help I have both Stealing the Eye and Broken Tower for RQG set up as Roll20 games and would be more that happy to share these with anyone who wants to run the games themselves

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