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Gatsby and the Great Race - Gary Con XI!!

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Hi all!  FYI, our midwest Cult are running Gatsby and the Great Race, the epic, mind-twisting scenario by Paul Fricker at Gary Con XI on March 9th from 2-8 PM, a return performance coming off of some awesome reviews from our run last year! If you haven't played it, there are a few seats left out of the 5 tables we will be running - we'd love to run it for you!!!

Additionally one of our Keepers had to back out, so we do have an opening for a 7th Ed Keeper to help us rock this event!  If you are an experienced Keeper that want to run an AMAZING scenario and really wow your players, we'd love to run with you at Gary Con XI!  It's a very challenging scenario coordinating with multiple tables, but it is >so< worth it to see the looks on people's faces when it all comes together!!  

If you are interested please send me a personal message so we can get you into our meetings and prepped up for March 9th!!  We'd love to run it with you - it will be a game you will never forget! :) Thanks, all!

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