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A place for my various musings on fantasy and wider fiction and worldbuilding in general, and Glorantha in particular.

Entries in this blog

A Quick Prayer for use when Casting Rune Spells

While I work on the Tragedy of Shargash and the Buraroxi Muskox People writeups (titles pending), here is a teensy thing that was inspired by a discussion in the RuneQuest forum a while ago: when you cast Rune spells during play, what does your character do? Do they literally just say "I cast [spell] for [x] number of Points of Worship"? I prefer to think no, so I came up with this generic prayer that a character (or player, for some extra immersion) could recite fairly quickly. May not fit with



Current Ideas for Glorantha Fan-Texts

During my time here on BRP I've come to more deeply enjoy the world of Glorantha, and may have gotten some understanding of some of its "secrets", the style with which the texts are often written, and arguably some of the intent behind them. While it's unlikely that anything I write down is totally in line with the canon, it would be fun to try my hand at making up some hopefully-engaging pieces, most likely some kinds of flash fiction and the like. These are my current ideas, off the top of



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